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LUMI Software Stacks

What this talk is about

In this part of the training, we cover:

  • Software stacks on LUMI, where we discuss the organisation of the software stacks that we offer and some of the policies surrounding it
  • Advanced Lmod use to make the best out of the software stacks
  • Creating your customised environment with EasyBuild, the tool that we use to install most software.
  • Some remarks about using containers on LUMI.

The software stacks on LUMI

Design considerations

Design consideration

  • LUMI is a very leading edge and also an inhomogeneous machine. Leading edge often implies teething problems and inhomogeneous doesn't make life easier either.

    1. It uses a novel interconnect which is an extension of Ethernet rather than being based on InfiniBand, and that interconnect has a different software stack of your typical Mellanox InfiniBand cluster.
    2. It also uses a relatively new GPU architecture, AMD CDNA2, with an immature software ecosystem. The GPU nodes are really GPU-first, with the interconnect cards connected directly to the GPU packages and only one CPU socket, and another feature which is relatively new: the option to use a partly coherent fully unified memory space between the CPU and GPUs, though of course very NUMA. This is a feature that has previously only been seen in some clusters with NVIDIA P100 and V100 GPUs and IBM Power 8 and 9 CPUs used for some USA pre-exascale systems, and of course in Apple Silicon M-series but then without the NUMA character (except maybe for the Ultra version that consists of two dies).
    3. LUMI is also inhomogeneous because some nodes have zen2 processors while the two main compute partitions have zen3-based CPUs, and the compute GPU nodes have AMD GPUs while the visualisation nodes have NVIDIA GPUs.

    Given the novel interconnect and GPU we do expect that both system and application software will be immature at first and evolve quickly, hence we needed a setup that enables us to remain very agile, which leads to different compromises compared to a software stack for a more conventional and mature system as an x86 cluster with NVIDIA GPUs and Mellanox InfiniBand.

  • Users also come to LUMI from 11 different channels, not counting subchannels as some countries have multiple organisations managing allocations, and those channels all have different expectations about what LUMI should be and what kind of users should be served. For our major stakeholder, the EuroHPC JU, LUMI is a pre-exascale system meant to prepare users and applications to make use of future even large systems, while some of the LUMI consortium countries see LUMI more as an extension of their tier-1 or even tier-2 machines.

  • The central support team of LUMI is also relatively small compared to the nature of LUMI with its many different partitions and storage services and the expected number of projects and users. Support from users coming in via the national channels will rely a lot on efforts from local organisations also. So we must set up a system so that they can support their users without breaking things on LUMI, and to work with restricted rights. And in fact, LUMI User Support team members also have very limited additional rights on the machine compared to regular users or support people from the local organisations. LUST is currently 9 FTE. Compare this to 41 people in the Jülich Supercomputer Centre for software installation and support only... (I give this number because it was mentioned in a a talk in the EasyBuild user meeting in 2022.)

  • The Cray Programming Environment is also a key part of LUMI and the environment for which we get support from HPE Cray. It is however different from more traditional environments such as a typical Intel oneAPI installation of a typical installation build around the GNU Compiler Collection and Open MPI or MPICH. The programming environment is installed with the operating system rather than through the user application software stack hence not managed through the tools used for the application software stack, and it also works differently with its universal compiler wrappers that are typically configured through modules.

  • We also see an increasing need for customised setups. Everybody wants a central stack as long as their software is in there but not much more as otherwise it is hard to find, and as long as software is configured in the way they are used to. And everybody would like LUMI to look as much as possible as their home system. But this is of course impossible. Moreover, there are more and more conflicts between software packages and modules are only a partial solution to this problem. The success of containers, conda and Python virtual environments is certainly to some extent explained by the need for more customised setups and the need for multiple setups as it has become nearly impossible to combine everything in a single setup due to conflicts between packages and the dependencies they need.

The LUMI solution

The LUMI solution

We tried to take all these considerations into account and came up with a solution that may look a little unconventional to many users.

In principle there should be a high degree of compatibility between releases of the HPE Cray Programming Environment but we decided not to take the risk and build our software for a specific release of the programming environment, which is also a better fit with the typical tools used to manage a scientific software stack such as EasyBuild and Spack as they also prefer precise versions for all dependencies and compilers etc. We also made the stack very easy to extend. So we have many base libraries and some packages already pre-installed but also provide an easy and very transparent way to install additional packages in your project space in exactly the same way as we do for the central stack, with the same performance but the benefit that the installation can be customised more easily to the needs of your project. Not everybody needs the same configuration of GROMACS or LAMMPS or other big packages, and in fact a one-configuration-that-works-for-everybody may even be completely impossible due to conflicting options that cannot be used together.

For the module system we could chose between two systems supported by HPE Cray. They support Environment Modules with module files based on the TCL scripting language, but only the old version that is no longer really developed and not the newer versions 4 and 5 developed in France, and Lmod, a module system based on the LUA scripting language that also support many TCL module files through a translation layer. We chose to go with Lmod as LUA is an easier and more modern language to work with and as Lmod is much more powerful than Environment Modules 3, certainly for searching modules.

To manage the software installations we could chose between EasyBuild, which is mostly developed in Europe and hence a good match with a EuroHPC project as EuroHPC wants to develop a European HPC technology stack from hardware to application software, and Spack, a package developed in the USA national labs. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses. We chose to go with EasyBuild as our primary tool for which we also do some development. However, as we shall see, our EasyBuild installation is not your typical EasyBuild installation that you may be accustomed with from clusters at your home institution. It uses toolchains specifically for the HPE Cray programming environment so recipes need to be adapted. We do offer an growing library of Cray-specific installation recipes though. The whole setup of EasyBuild is done such that you can build on top of the central software stack and such that your modules appear in your module view without having to add directories by hand to environment variables etc. You only need to point to the place where you want to install software for your project as we cannot automatically determine a suitable place.

We do offer some help to set up Spack also but it is mostly offered "as is" and we will not do bug-fixing or development in Spack package files. Spack is very attractive for users who want to set up a personal environment with fully customised versions of the software rather than the rather fixed versions provided by EasyBuild for every version of the software stack. It is possible to specify versions for the main packages that you need and then let Spack figure out a minimal compatible set of dependencies to install those packages.

Software policies

Software policies

As any site, we also have a number of policies about software installation, and we're still further developing them as we gain experience in what we can do with the amount of people we have and what we cannot do.

LUMI uses a bring-your-on-license model except for a selection of tools that are useful to a larger community.

  • This is partly caused by the distributed user management as we do not even have the necessary information to determine if a particular user can use a particular license, so we must shift that responsibility to people who have that information, which is often the PI of your project.
  • You also have to take into account that up to 20% of LUMI is reserved for industry use which makes negotiations with software vendors rather difficult as they will want to push us onto the industrial rather than academic pricing as they have no guarantee that we will obey to the academic license restrictions.
  • And lastly, we don't have an infinite budget. There was a questionnaire sent out to some groups even before the support team was assembled and that contained a number of packages that by themselves would likely consume our whole software budget for a single package if I look at the size of the company that produces the package and the potential size of their industrial market. So we'd have to make choices and with any choice for a very specialised package you favour a few groups. And there is also a political problem as without doubt the EuroHPC JU would prefer that we invest in packages that are developed by European companies or at least have large development teams in Europe.

The LUMI User Support Team tries to help with installations of recent software but porting or bug correction in software is not our task. As a user, you have to realise that not all Linux or even supercomputer software will work on LUMI. This holds even more for software that comes only as a binary. The biggest problems are the GPU and anything that uses distributed memory and requires high performance from the interconnect. For example,

  • software that use NVIDIA proprietary programming models and libraries needs to be ported.
  • Binaries that do only contain NVIDIA code paths, even if the programming model is supported on AMD GPUs, will not run on LUMI.
  • The LUMI interconnect requires libfabric using a specific provider for the NIC used on LUMI, the so-called Cassini provider, so any software compiled with an MPI library that requires UCX, or any other distributed memory model built on top of UCX, will not work on LUMI, or at least not work efficiently as there might be a fallback path to TCP communications.
  • Even intra-node interprocess communication can already cause problems as there are three different kernel extensions that provide more efficient interprocess messaging than the standard Linux mechanism. Many clusters use knem for that but on LUMI xpmem is used. So software that is not build to support xpmem will also fall back to the default mechanism or fail.
  • Also, the MPI implementation needs to collaborate with certain modules in our Slurm installation to start correctly and experience has shown that this can also be a source of trouble as the fallback mechanisms that are often used do not work on LUMI.
  • Containers solve none of these problems. There can be more subtle compatibility problems also. As has been discussed earlier in the course, LUMI runs SUSE Linux and not Ubuntu which is popular on workstations or a Red Hat-derived Linux popular on many clusters. Subtle differences between Linux versions can cause compatibility problems that in some cases can be solved with containers. But containers won't help you if they are build for different kernel extensions and hardware interfaces.
  • The compute nodes also lack some Linux daemons that may be present on smaller clusters. HPE Cray use an optimised Linux version called COS or Cray Operating System on the compute nodes. It is optimised to reduce OS jitter and hence to enhance scalability of applications as that is after all the primary goal of a pre-exascale machine. But that implies that certain Linux daemons that your software may expect to find are not present on the compute nodes. D-Bus comes to mind.

Also, the LUMI user support team is too small to do all software installations which is why we currently state in our policy that a LUMI user should be capable of installing their software themselves or have another support channel. We cannot install every single piece of often badly documented research-quality code that was never meant to be used by people who don't understand the code.

Another soft compatibility problem that I did not yet mention is that software that accesses tens of thousands of small files and abuses the file system as a database rather than using structured data formats designed to organise data on supercomputers is not welcome on LUMI. For that reason we also require to containerize conda and Python installations. We do offer a container-based wrapper that offers a way to install conda packages or to install Python packages with pip on top of the Python provided by the cray-python module. On LUMI the tool is called lumi-container-wrapper but it may by some from CSC also be known as Tykky. As an alternative we also offer cotainr, a tool developed by the Danish LUMI-partner DeIC that helps with building some types of containers that can be built in user space and can be used to containerise a conda-installation.

Organisation of the software in software stacks

Organisation: Software stacks

On LUMI we have several software stacks.

CrayEnv is the minimal software stack for users who only need the Cray Programming Environment but want a more recent set of build tools etc than the OS provides. We also take care of a few issues that we will discuss on the next slide that are present right after login on LUMI.

Next we have the stacks called "LUMI". Each one corresponds to a particular release of the HPE Cray Programming Environment. It is the stack in which we install software using that programming environment and mostly EasyBuild. The Cray Programming Environment modules are still used, but they are accessed through a replacement for the PrgEnv modules that is managed by EasyBuild. We have tuned versions for the 3 types of hardware in the regular LUMI system: zen2 CPUs in the login nodes and large memory nodes, zen3 for the LUMI-C compute nodes and zen3 + MI250X for the LUMI-G partition. We were also planning to have a fourth version for the visualisation nodes with zen2 CPUs combined with NVIDIA GPUs, but that may never materialise and we may manage those differently.

We also have an extensible software stack based on Spack which has been pre-configured to use the compilers from the Cray PE. This stack is offered as-is for users who know how to use Spack, but we don't offer much support nor do we do any bugfixing in Spack.

In the far future we will also look at a stack based on the common EasyBuild toolchains as-is, but we do expect problems with MPI that will make this difficult to implement, and the common toolchains also do not yet support the AMD GPU ecosystem, so we make no promises whatsoever about a time frame for this development.

3 ways to access the Cray Programming environment on LUMI.

Bare environment and CrayEnv

Accessing the Cray PE: BAre and CrayEnv

Right after login you have a very bare environment available with the Cray Programming Environment with the PrgEnv-cray module loaded. It gives you basically what you can expect on a typical Cray system. There aren't many tools available, basically mostly only the tools in the base OS image and some tools that we are sure will not impact software installed in one of the software stacks. The set of target modules loaded is the one for the login nodes and not tuned to any particular node type. As a user you're fully responsible for managing the target modules, reloading them when needed or loading the appropriate set for the hardware you're using or want to cross-compile for.

The second way to access the Cray Programming Environment is through the CrayEnv software stack. This stack offers an "enriched" version of the Cray environment. It takes care of the target modules: Loading or reloading CrayEnv will reload an optimal set of target modules for the node you're on. It also provides some additional tools like newer build tools than provided with the OS. They are offered here and not in the bare environment to be sure that those tools don't create conflicts with software in other stacks. But otherwise the Cray Programming Environment works exactly as you'd expect from this course.

LUMI stack

Accessing the Cray PE: LUMI stack

The third way to access the Cray Programming Environment is through the LUMI software stacks, where each stack is based on a particular release of the HPE Cray Programming Environment. We advise against mixing with modules that came with other versions of the Cray PE, but they remain accessible although they are hidden from the default view for regular users. It is also better to not use the PrgEnv modules, but the equivalent LUMI EasyBuild toolchains instead as indicated by the following table:

HPE Cray PE LUMI toolchain What?
PrgEnv-cray cpeCray Cray Compiling Environment
PrgEnv-gnu cpeGNU GNU C/C++ and Fortran
PrgEnv-aocc cpeAOCC AMD CPU compilers (login nodes and LUMI-C only)
PrgEnv-amd cpeAMD AMD ROCm GPU compilers (LUMI-G only)

The cpeCray etc modules also load the MPI libraries and Cray LibSci just as the PrgEnv modules do. And we sometimes use this to work around problems in Cray-provided modules that we cannot change.

This is also the environment in which we install most software, and from the name of the modules you can see which compilers we used.

LUMI stack module organisation

The LUMI software stack

To manage the heterogeneity in the hardware, the LUMI software stack uses two levels of modules

First there are the LUMI/22.08, LUMI/22.12 and LUMI/23.03 modules. Each of the LUMI modules loads a particular version of the LUMI stack.

The second level consists of partition modules. There is partition/L for the login and large memory nodes, partition/C for the regular compute nodes and partition/G for the AMD GPU nodes. There may be a separate partition for the visualisation nodes in the future but that is not clear yet.

There is also a hidden partition/common module in which software is installed that is available everywhere, but we advise you to be careful to install software in there in your own installs as it is risky to rely on software in one of the regular partitions, and impossible in our EasyBuild setup.

The LUMI module will automatically load the best partition module for the current hardware whenever it is loaded or reloaded. So if you want to cross-compile, you can do so by loading a different partition module after loading the LUMI module, but you'll have to reload every time you reload the LUMI module.

Hence you should also be very careful in your job scripts. On LUMI the environment from the login nodes is used when your job starts, so unless you switched to the suitable partition for the compute nodes, your job will start with the software stack for the login nodes. If in your job script you reload the LUMI module it will instead switch to the software stack that corresponds to the type of compute node you're using and more optimised binaries can be available. If for some reason you'd like to use the same software on LUMI-C and on the login or large memory nodes and don't want two copies of locally installed software, you'll have to make sure that after reloading the LUMI module in your job script you explicitly load the partition/L module.

Lmod on LUMI

Exploring modules with Lmod

Exploring modules with Lmod

Contrary to some other module systems, or even some other Lmod installations, not all modules are immediately available for loading. So don't be disappointed by the few modules you will see with module available right after login. Lmod has a so-called hierarchical setup that tries to protect you from being confronted with all modules at the same time, even those that may conflict with each other, and we use that to some extent on LUMI. Lmod distinguishes between installed modules and available modules. Installed modules are all modules on the system that can be loaded one way or another, sometimes through loading other modules first. Available modules are all those modules that can be loaded at a given point in time without first loading other modules.

The HPE Cray Programming Environment also uses a hierarchy though it is not fully implemented in the way the Lmod developer intended so that some features do not function as they should.

  • For example, the cray-mpich module can only be loaded if both a network target module and a compiler module are loaded (and that is already the example that is implemented differently from what the Lmod developer had in mind).
  • Another example is the performance monitoring tools. Many of those tools only become available after loading the perftools-base module.
  • Another example is the cray-fftw module which requires a processor target module to be loaded first.

Lmod has several tools to search for modules.

  • The module avail command is one that is also present in the various Environment Modules implementations and is the command to search in the available modules.
  • But Lmod also has other commands, module spider and module keyword, to search in the list of installed modules.

Module spider command

Demo moment 1 (when infrastructure for a demo is available)

module spider

(The content of this slide is really meant to be shown in practice on a command line.)

There are three ways to use module spider, discovering software in more and more detail.

  1. module spider by itself will show a list of all installed software with a short description. Software is bundled by name of the module, and it shows the description taken from the default version. module spider will also look for "extensions" defined in a module and show those also and mark them with an "E". Extensions are a useful Lmod feature to make clear that a module offers features that one would not expect from its name. E.g., in a Python module the extensions could be a list of major Python packages installed in the module which would allow you to find NumPy if it were hidden in a module with a different name. This is also a very useful feature to make tools that are bundled in one module to reduce the module clutter findable.

  2. module spider with the name of a package will show all versions of that package installed on the system. This is also case-insensitive. Let's try for instance module spider gnuplot. This will show 17 versions of GNUplot. There are 12 installations of GNUplot 5.4.3 (of which 3 with Spack, their name has a different structure) and five of 5.4.6. The remainder of the name shows us with what compilers gnuplot was compiled. The reason to have versions for two or three compilers is that no two compiler modules can be loaded simultaneously, and this offers a solution to use multiple tools without having to rebuild your environment for every tool, and hence also to combine tools.

    Now try module spider CMake. We see that there are four versions,3.22.2, 3.23.2, 3.24.0 and 3.25.2, that are shown in blue with an "E" behind the name. That is because these are not provided by a module called CMake on LUMI, but by another module that in this case contains a collection of popular build tools and that we will discover shortly.

    There are also a couple of regular modules called cmake that come from software installed differently.

  3. The third use of module spider is with the full name of a module. Try for instance module spider gnuplot/5.4.6-cpeGNU-22.12. This will now show full help information for the specific module, including what should be done to make the module available. For this GNUplot module we see that there are three ways to load the module: By loading LUMI/22.12 combined with partition/C, by loading LUMI/22.12 combined with partition/G or by loading LUMI/22.12 combined with partition/L. So use only a single line, but chose it in function of the other modules that you will also need. In this case it means that that version of GNUplot is available in the LUMI/22.12 stack which we could already have guessed from its name, with binaries for the login and large memory nodes and the LUMI-C compute partition. This does however not always work with the Cray Programming Environment modules.

    We can also use module spider with the name and version of an extension. So try module spider CMake/3.25.2. This will now show us that this tool is in the buildtools/22.12 module (among others) and give us 4 different options to load that module as it is provided in the CrayEnv and the LUMI/22.12 software stacks and for all partitions (basically because we don't do processor-specific optimisations for these tools).

Demo module spider

Try the following commands:

module spider
module spider gnuplot
module spider cmake
module spider gnuplot/5.4.6-cpeGNU-22.12
module spider CMake/3.25.2

module spider demo slide 1

module spider demo slide 2

module spider demo slide 3

module spider demo slide 4

module spider demo slide 5

module spider demo slide 6

module spider demo slide 7

module spider demo slide 8

module spider demo slide 9

module spider demo slide 10

Module keyword command

module keyword command

Lmod has a second way of searching for modules: module keyword, but unfortunately it does not yet work very well on LUMI as the version of Lmod is rather old and still has some bugs in the processing of the command.

The module keyword command searches in some of the information included in module files for the given keyword, and shows in which modules the keyword was found.

We do an effort to put enough information in the modules to make this a suitable additional way to discover software that is installed on the system.

Demo module keyword

Try the following command:

module keyword https

module keyword demo slide 1

The bug in the Lmod 8.3 version on LUMI is that all extensions are shown in the output while they are irrelevant.

module keyword demo slide 2

On the second screen though we see cURL which is a tool to download files over, among others, https.

module keyword demo slide 3

module keyword demo slide 4

And the fourth screen wget which is also a tool to download files from the internet over an https connection.

module keyword demo slide 4

Sticky modules and module purge

Sticky modules and module purge

On some systems you will be taught to avoid module purge as many HPC systems do their default user configuration also through modules. This advice is often given on Cray systems as it is a common practice to preload a suitable set of target modules and a programming environment. On LUMI both are used. A default programming environment and set of target modules suitable for the login nodes is preloaded when you log in to the system, and next the init-lumi module is loaded which in turn makes the LUMI software stacks available that we will discuss in the next session.

Lmod however has a trick that helps to avoid removing necessary modules and it is called sticky modules. When issuing the module purge command these modules are automatically reloaded. It is very important to realise that those modules will not just be kept "as is" but are in fact unloaded and loaded again as we shall see later that this may have consequences. It is still possible to force unload all these modules using module --force purge or selectively unload those using module --force unload.

The sticky property is something that is defined in the module file and not used by the module files ot the HPE Cray Programming Environment, but we shall see that there is a partial workaround for this in some of the LUMI software stacks. The init-lumi module mentioned above though is a sticky module, as are the modules that activate a software stack so that you don't have to start from scratch if you have already chosen a software stack but want to clean up your environment.


Try the following command:

module av

module av slide 1

Note the very descriptive titles in the above screenshot.

The letter "D" next to a name denotes that this is the default version, the letter "L" denotes that the module is loaded, but we'll come back to that later also.

module av slide 2

Note the two categories for the PE modules. The target modules get their own block. The screen below also shows (D:5.0.2:5.2.0) next to the rocm module. The D means that this version of the module, 5.2.3, is currently the default on the system. The two version numbers next to this module show that the module can also be loaded as rocm/5.0.2 and rocm/5.2.0. These are two modules that were removed from the system during the last update of the system, but version 5.2.3 can be loaded as a replacement of these modules so that software that used the removed modules may still work without recompiling.

module av slide 3

In the next screen we see the modules for the software stack that we have just discussed.

module av slide 4

And the screen below shows the extensions of modules (like the CMake tool we've tried to locate before)

module av slide 4

module av slide 4

At the end of the output we also get some information about the meaning of the letters used in the display.

Try the following commands and carefully observe the output:

module load LUMI/22.08 buildtools
module list
module purge
module list
module --force unload ModuleLabel/label
module list

The sticky property has to be declared in the module file so we cannot add it to for instance the Cray Programming Environment target modules, but we can and do use it in some modules that we control ourselves. We use it on LUMI for the software stacks themselves and for the modules that set the display style of the modules.

  • In the CrayEnv environment, module purge will clear the target modules also but as CrayEnv is not just left untouched but reloaded instead, the load of CrayEnv will load a suitable set of target modules for the node you're on again. But any customisations that you did for cross-compiling will be lost.
  • Similarly in the LUMI stacks, as the LUMI module itself is reloaded, it will also reload a partition module. However, that partition module might not be the one that you had loaded but it will be the one that the LUMI module deems the best for the node you're on, and you may see some confusing messages that look like an error message but are not.

Changing how the module list is displayed

Changing how the module list is displayed

You may have noticed already that by default you don't see the directories in which the module files reside as is the case on many other clusters. Instead we try to show labels that tell you what that group of modules actually is. And sometimes this also combines modules from multiple directories that have the same purpose. For instance, in the default view we collapse all modules from the Cray Programming Environment in two categories, the target modules and other programming environment modules. But you can customise this by loading one of the ModuleLabel modules. One version, the label version, is the default view. But we also have PEhierarchy which still provides descriptive texts but unfolds the whole hierarchy in the Cray Programming Environment. And the third style is called system which shows you again the module directories.


Try the following commands:

module list
module avail
module load ModuleLabel/PEhiererachy
module avail
module load ModuleLabel/system
module avail
module load ModuleLabel/label

We're also very much aware that the default colour view is not good for everybody. So far we are not aware of an easy way to provide various colour schemes as one that is OK for people who like a black background on their monitor might not be OK for people who prefer a white background. But it is possible to turn colour off alltogether by loading the ModuleColour/off module, and you can always turn it on again with ModuleColour/on.


Try the following commands:

module avail
module load ModuleColour/off
module avail
module list
module load ModuleColour/on

We also hide some modules from regular users because we think they are not useful at all for regular users or not useful in the context you're in at the moment. For instance, when working in the LUMI/22.12 stack we prefer that users use the Cray programming environment modules that come with release 22.12 of that environment, and cannot guarantee compatibility of other modules with already installed software, so we hide the other ones from view. You can still load them if you know they exist but you cannot see them with module available. It is possible though to still show most if not all of them by loading ModulePowerUser/LUMI. Use this at your own risk however, we will not help you to make things work or to use any module that was designed for us to maintain the system.


Try the following commands:

module load LUMI/22.12
module avail
module load ModulePowerUser
module avail

Note that we see a lot more Cray PE modules with ModulePowerUser!

EasyBuild to extend the LUMI software stack

Installing software on HPC systems

Installing software on HPC systems

Software on HPC systems is rarely installed from RPMs (a popular format to package Linux software distributed as binaries) or any other similar format for various reasons. Generic RPMs are rarely optimised for the specific CPU of the system as they have to work on a range of systems and including optimised code paths in a single executable for multiple architectures is hard to even impossible. Secondly generic RPMs might not even work with the specific LUMI environment. They may not fully support the SlingShot interconnect and hence run at reduced speed, or they may need particular kernel modules or daemons that are not present on the system or they may not work well with the resource manager on the system. This is expected to happen especially with packages that require specific MPI versions or implementations. Moreover, LUMI is a multi-user system so there is usually no "one version fits all". And LUMI needs a small system image as nodes are diskless which means that RPMs need to be relocatable so that they can be installed elsewhere.

Spack and EasyBuild are the two most popular HPC-specific software build and installation frameworks. These two systems usually install packages from sources so that the software can be adapted to the underlying hardware and operating system. They do offer a mean to communicate and execute installation instructions easily so that in practice once a package is well supported by these tools a regular user can install them also. Both packages make software available via modules so that you can customise your environment and select appropriate versions for your work. And they do take care of dependency handling in a way that is compatible with modules.

Extending the LUMI stack with EasyBuild

Extending the LUMI stack with EasyBuild

On LUMI EasyBuild is the primary software installation tool. EasyBuild was selected as there is already a lot of experience with EasyBuild in several LUMI consortium countries and as it is also a tool developed in Europe which makes it a nice fit with EuroHPC's goal of creating a fully European HPC ecosystem.

EasyBuild is fully integrated in the LUMI software stack. Loading the LUMI module will not only make centrally installed packages available, but also packages installed in your personal or project stack. Installing packages in that space is done by loading the EasyBuild-user module that will load a suitable version of EasyBuild and configure it for installation in a way that is compatible with the LUMI stack. EasyBuild will then use existing modules for dependencies if those are already on the system or in your personal or project stack.

Note however that the build-in easyconfig files that come with EasyBuild do not work on LUMI at the moment.

  • For the GNU toolchain there would be problems with MPI. EasyBuild uses Open MPI and that needs to be configured differently to work well on LUMI, and there are also still issues with getting it to collaborate with the resource manager as it is installed on LUMI.
  • The Intel-based toolchains have their problems also. At the moment, the Intel compilers with the AMD CPUs are a problematic cocktail. There have recently been performance and correctness problems with the MKL math library and also failures with some versions of Intel MPI, and you need to be careful selecting compiler options and not use -xHost or the classic Intel compilers will simply optimize for a two decades old CPU. The situation is better with the new LLVM-based compilers though, and it looks like very recent versions of MKL are less AMD-hostile. Problems have also been reported with Intel MPI running on LUMI.

Instead we make our own EasyBuild build recipes that we also make available in the LUMI-EasyBuild-contrib GitHub repository. The EasyBuild configuration done by the EasyBuild-user module will find a copy of that repository on the system or in your own install directory. The latter is useful if you always want the very latest, before we deploy it on the system.

We also have the LUMI Software Library which documents all software for which we have EasyBuild recipes available. This includes both the pre-installed software and the software for which we provide recipes in the LUMI-EasyBuild-contrib GitHub repository, and even instructions for some software that is not suitable for installation through EasyBuild or Spack, e.g., because it likes to write in its own directories while running.

EasyBuild recipes - easyconfigs

EasyBuild recipes - easyconfigs

EasyBuild uses a build recipe for each individual package, or better said, each individual module as it is possible to install more than one software package in the same module. That installation description relies on either a generic or a specific installation process provided by an easyblock. The build recipes are called easyconfig files or simply easyconfigs and are Python files with the extension .eb.

The typical steps in an installation process are:

  1. Downloading sources and patches. For licensed software you may have to provide the sources as often they cannot be downloaded automatically.
  2. A typical configure - build - test - install process, where the test process is optional and depends on the package providing useable pre-installation tests.
  3. An extension mechanism can be used to install perl/python/R extension packages
  4. Then EasyBuild will do some simple checks (some default ones or checks defined in the recipe)
  5. And finally it will generate the module file using lots of information specified in the EasyBuild recipe.

Most or all of these steps can be influenced by parameters in the easyconfig.

The toolchain concept

The toolchain concept

EasyBuild uses the toolchain concept. A toolchain consists of compilers, an MPI implementation and some basic mathematics libraries. The latter two are optional in a toolchain. All these components have a level of exchangeability as there are language standards, as MPI is standardised, and the math libraries that are typically included are those that provide a standard API for which several implementations exist. All these components also have in common that it is risky to combine pieces of code compiled with different sets of such libraries and compilers because there can be conflicts in names in the libraries.

On LUMI we don't use the standard EasyBuild toolchains but our own toolchains specifically for Cray and these are precisely the cpeCray, cpeGNU, cpeAOCC and cpeAMD modules already mentioned before.

HPE Cray PE LUMI toolchain What?
PrgEnv-cray cpeCray Cray Compiling Environment
PrgEnv-gnu cpeGNU GNU C/C++ and Fortran
PrgEnv-aocc cpeAOCC AMD CPU compilers (login nodes and LUMI-C only)
PrgEnv-amd cpeAMD AMD ROCm GPU compilers (LUMI-G only)

The toolchain concept 2

There is also a special toolchain called the SYSTEM toolchain that uses the compiler provided by the operating system. This toolchain does not fully function in the same way as the other toolchains when it comes to handling dependencies of a package and is therefore a bit harder to use. The EasyBuild designers had in mind that this compiler would only be used to bootstrap an EasyBuild-managed software stack, but we do use it for a bit more on LUMI as it offers us a relatively easy way to compile some packages also for the CrayEnv stack and do this in a way that they interact as little as possible with other software.

It is not possible to load packages from different cpe toolchains at the same time. This is an EasyBuild restriction, because mixing libraries compiled with different compilers does not always work. This could happen, e.g., if a package compiled with the Cray Compiling Environment and one compiled with the GNU compiler collection would both use a particular library, as these would have the same name and hence the last loaded one would be used by both executables (we don't use rpath or runpath linking in EasyBuild for those familiar with that technique).

However, as we did not implement a hierarchy in the Lmod implementation of our software stack at the toolchain level, the module system will not protect you from these mistakes. When we set up the software stack, most people in the support team considered it too misleading and difficult to ask users to first select the toolchain they want to use and then see the software for that toolchain.

It is however possible to combine packages compiled with one CPE-based toolchain with packages compiled with the system toolchain, but you should avoid mixing those when linking as that may cause problems. The reason that it works when running software is because static linking is used as much as possible in the SYSTEM toolchain so that these packages are as independent as possible.

And with some tricks it might also be possible to combine packages from the LUMI software stack with packages compiled with Spack, but one should make sure that no Spack packages are available when building as mixing libraries could cause problems. Spack uses rpath linking which is why this may work.

EasyConfig names and module names

easyconfig names and module names

There is a convention for the naming of an EasyConfig as shown on the slide. This is not mandatory, but EasyBuild will fail to automatically locate easyconfigs for dependencies of a package that are not yet installed if the easyconfigs don't follow the naming convention. Each part of the name also corresponds to a parameter in the easyconfig file.

Consider, e.g., the easyconfig file GROMACS-2021.4-cpeCray-22.08-PLUMED-2.8.0-CPU.eb.

  1. The first part of the name, GROMACS, is the name of the package, specified by the name parameter in the easyconfig, and is after installation also the name of the module.
  2. The second part, 2021.4, is the version of GROMACS and specified by the version parameter in the easyconfig.
  3. The next part, cpeCray-22.08 is the name and version of the toolchain, specified by the toolchain parameter in the easyconfig. The version of the toolchain must always correspond to the version of the LUMI stack. So this is an easyconfig for installation in LUMI/22.08.

    This part is not present for the SYSTEM toolchain

  4. The final part, -PLUMED-2.8.0-CPU, is the version suffix and used to provide additional information and distinguish different builds with different options of the same package. It is specified in the versionsuffix parameter of the easyconfig.

    This part is optional.

The version, toolchain + toolchain version and versionsuffix together also combine to the version of the module that will be generated during the installation process. Hence this easyconfig file will generate the module GROMACS/2021.4-cpeCray-22.08-PLUMED-2.8.0-CPE.

Installing software

Step 1: Where to install

Step 1: Where to install

Let's now discuss how you can extend the central LUMI software stack with packages that you need for your project.

The default location for the EasyBuild user modules and software is in $HOME/EasyBuild. This is not the ideal place though as then the software is not available for other users in your project, and as the size of your home directory is also limited and cannot be expanded. The home file system on LUMI is simply not meant to install software. However, as LUMI users can have multiple projects there is no easy way to figure out automatically where else to install software.

The best place to install software is in your project directory so that it also becomes available for the whole project. After all, a project is meant to be a collaboration between all participants on a scientific problem. You'll need to point LUMI to the right location though and that has to be done by setting the environment variable EBU_USER_PREFIX to point to the location where you want to have your custom installation. Also don't forget to export that variable as otherwise the module system and EasyBuild will not find it when they need it. So a good choice would be something like export EBU_USER_PREFIX=/project/project_465000000/EasyBuild. You have to do this before loading the LUMI module as it is then already used to ensure that user modules are included in the module search path. You can do this in your .profile or .bashrc. This variable is not only used by EasyBuild-user to know where to install software, but also by the LUMI - or actually the partition - module to find software so all users in your project who want to use the software should set that variable.

Step 2: Configure the environment

Step 2: Configure the environment

The next step is to configure your environment. First load the proper version of the LUMI stack for which you want to install software, and you may want to change to the proper partition also if you are cross-compiling.

Once you have selected the software stack and partition, all you need to do to activate EasyBuild to install additional software is to load the LUMI module, load a partition module if you want a different one from the default, and then load the EasyBuild-user module. In fact, if you switch to a different partition or LUMI module after loading EasyBuild-user EasyBuild will still be correctly reconfigured for the new stack and new partition.

Cross-compilation which is installing software for a different partition than the one you're working on does not always work since there is so much software around with installation scripts that don't follow good practices, but when it works it is easy to do on LUMI by simply loading a different partition module than the one that is auto-loaded by the LUMI module.

Note that the EasyBuild-user module is only needed for the installation process. For using the software that is installed that way it is sufficient to ensure that EBU_USER_PREFIX has the proper value before loading the LUMI module.

Step 2: Configure the environment - Demo

Step 3: Install the software.

Demo moment 2

Step 3: Install the software

Let's look at GROMACS as an example. I will not try to do this completely live though as the installation takes 15 or 20 minutes.

First we need to figure out for which versions of GROMACS we already have support. The easy way is to check the LUMI Software Library which lists all software that we manage via EasyBuild and make available either pre-installed on the system or as an EasyBuild recipe for user installation. A command-line alternative is to use eb -S or eb --search for that. So in our example this is

eb --search GROMACS

Now let's take the variant GROMACS-2021.4-cpeCray-22.08-PLUMED-2.8.0-CPU.eb. This is GROMACS 2021.4 with the PLUMED 2.8.0 plugin, build with the Cray compilers from LUMI/22.08, and a build meant for CPU-only systems. The -CPU extension is not always added for CPU-only system, but in case of GROMACS there already is a GPU version for AMD GPUs in active development so even before LUMI-G was active we chose to ensure that we could distinguish between GPU and CPU-only versions. To install it, we first run

eb –r GROMACS-2021.4-cpeCray-22.08-PLUMED-2.8.0-CPU.eb –D
The -D flag tells EasyBuild to just perform a check for the dependencies that are needed when installing this package, while the -r argument is needed to tell EasyBuild to also look for dependencies in a preset search path. The installation of dependencies is not automatic since there are scenarios where this is not desired and it cannot be turned off as easily as it can be turned on.

Looking at the output we see that EasyBuild will also need to install PLUMED for us. But it will do so automatically when we run

eb –r GROMACS-2021.4-cpeCray-22.08-PLUMED-2.8.0-CPU.eb

This takes too long to wait for, but once it finished the software should be available and you should be able to see the module in the output of

module avail

Demo of the EasyBuild installation of GROMACS

eb --search

eb -S

eb -D

eb -D

eb -r

eb -r

eb -r

eb -r

eb -r

eb -r

End of demo moment 2

Step 3: Install the software - Note

Step 3: Install the software - Note

Installing software this way is 100% equivalent to an installation in the central software tree. The application is compiled in exactly the same way as we would do and served from the same file systems. But it helps keep the output of module avail reasonably short and focused on your projects, and it puts you in control of installing updates. For instance, we may find out that something in a module does not work for some users and that it needs to be re-installed. Do this in the central stack and either you have to chose a different name or risk breaking running jobs as the software would become unavailable during the re-installation and also jobs may get confused if they all of a sudden find different binaries. However, have this in your own stack extension and you can update whenever it suits your project best or even not update at all if you figure out that the problem we discovered has no influence on your work.

Lmod does keep a user cache of modules. EasyBuild will try to erase that cache after a software installation to ensure that the newly installed module(s) show up immediately. We have seen some very rare cases where clearing the cache did not help likely because some internal data structures in Lmod where corrupt. The easiest way to solve this is to simply log out and log in again and rebuild your environment.

In case you see strange behaviour using modules you can also try to manually remove the Lmod user cache which is in $HOME/.lmod.d/.cache. You can do this with

rm -rf $HOME/.lmod.d/.cache

More advanced work

More advanced work

You can also install some EasyBuild recipes that you got from support. For this it is best to create a subdirectory where you put those files, then go into that directory and run something like

eb my_recipe.eb -r . 
The dot after the -r is very important here as it does tell EasyBuild to also look for dependencies in the current directory, the directory where you have put the recipes you got from support, but also in its subdirectories so for speed reasons you should not do this just in your home directory but in a subdirectory that only contains those files.

In some cases you will have to download sources by hand as packages don't allow to download software unless you sign in to their web site first. This is the case for a lot of licensed software, for instance, for VASP. We'd likely be in violation of the license if we would put the download somewhere where EasyBuild can find it, and it is also a way for us to ensure that you have a license for VASP. For instance,

eb --search VASP
will tell you for which versions of VASP we already have build instructions, but you will still have to download the file that the EasyBuild recipe expects. Put it somewhere in a directory, and then from that directory run EasyBuild, for instance for VASP 6.3.0 with the GNU compilers:
eb VASP-6.3.0-cpeGNU-22.08.eb –r . 

More advanced work (2): Repositories

More advanced work (2)

It is also possible to have your own clone of the LUMI-EasyBuild-contrib GitHub repository in your $EBU_USER_PREFIX subdirectory if you want the latest and greatest before it is in the centrally maintained clone of the repository. All you need to do is

git clone
and then of course keep the repository up to date.

And it is even possible to maintain your own GitHub repository. The only restrictions are that it should also be in $EBU_USER_PREFIX and that the subdirectory should be called UserRepo, but that doesn't stop you from using a different name for the repository on GitHub. After cloning your GitHub version you can always change the name of the directory. The structure should also be compatible with the structure that EasyBuild uses, so easyconfig files go in $EBU_USER_PREFIX/UserRepo/easybuild/easyconfigs.

More advanced work (3): Reproducibility

More advanced work (3)

EasyBuild also takes care of a high level of reproducibility of installations.

It will keep a copy of all the downloaded sources in the $EBU_USER_PREFIX/sources subdirectory (unless the sources are already available elsewhere where EasyBuild can find them, e.g., in the system EasyBuild sources directory), and use that source file again rather than downloading it again. Of course in some cases those "sources" could be downloaded tar files with binaries instead as EasyBuild can install downloaded binaries or relocatable RPMs. And if you know the structure of those directories, this is also a place where you could manually put the downloaded installation files for licensed software.

Moreover, EasyBuild also keeps copies of all installed easyconfig files in two locations.

  1. There is a copy in $EBU_USER_PREFIX/ebrepo_files. And in fact, EasyBuild will use this version first if you try to re-install and did not delete this version first. This is a policy we set on LUMI which has both its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it ensures that the information that EasyBuild has about the installed application is compatible with what is in the module files. But the disadvantage of course is that if you install an EasyConfig file without being in the subdirectory that contains that file, it is easily overlooked that it is installing based on the EasyConfig in the ebrepo_files subdirectory and not based on the version of the recipe that you likely changed and is in your user repository or one of the other repositories that EasyBuild uses.
  2. The second copy is with the installed software in $EBU_USER_PREFIX/SW in a subdirectory called easybuild. This subdirectory is meant to have all information about how EasyBuild installed the application, also some other files that play a role in the installation process, and hence to help in reproducing an installation or checking what's in an existing installation. It is also the directory where you will find the extensive log file with all commands executed during the installation and their output.

EasyBuild tips & tricks

EasyBuild additional tips&tricks

Updating the version of a package often requires only trivial changes in the easyconfig file. However, we do tend to use checksums for the sources so that we can detect if the available sources have changed. This may point to files being tampered with, or other changes that might need us to be a bit more careful when installing software and check a bit more again. Should the checksum sit in the way, you can always disable it by using --ignore-checksums with the eb command.

Updating an existing recipe to a new toolchain might be a bit more involving as you also have to make build recipes for all dependencies. When we update a toolchain on the system, we often bump the versions of all installed libraries to one of the latest versions to have most bug fixes and security patches in the software stack, so you need to check for those versions also to avoid installing yet another unneeded version of a library.

We provide documentation on the available software that is either pre-installed or can be user-installed with EasyBuild in the LUMI Software Library. For most packages this documentation does also contain information about the license. The user documentation for some packages gives more information about how to use the package on LUMI, or sometimes also about things that do not work. The documentation also shows all EasyBuild recipes, and for many packages there is also some technical documentation that is more geared towards users who want to build or modify recipes. It sometimes also tells why we did things in a particular way.

EasyBuild training for advanced users and developers

EasyBuild training

I also want to give some pointers to more information in case you want to learn a lot more about, e.g., developing support for your code in EasyBuild, or for support people who want to adapt our EasyConfigs for users requesting a specific configuration of a package.

Pointers to all information about EasyBuild can be found on the EasyBuild web site This page also includes links to training materials, both written and as recordings on YouTube, and the EasyBuild documentation.

Generic EasyBuild training materials are available on The site also contains a LUST-specific tutorial oriented towards Cray systems.

There is also a later course developed by LUST for developers of EasyConfigs for LUMI that can be found on

Containers on LUMI

Containers on LUMI

Let's now switch to using containers on LUMI. This section is about using containers on the login nodes and compute nodes. Some of you may have heard that there were plans to also have an OpenShift Kubernetes container cloud platform for running microservices but at this point it is not clear if and when this will materialize due to a lack of personpower to get this running and then to support this.

In this section, we will

  • discuss what to expect from containers on LUMI: what can they do and what can't they do,

  • discuss how to get a container on LUMI,

  • discuss how to run a container on LUMI,

  • and discuss some enhancements we made to the LUMI environment that are based on containers or help you use containers.

Remember though that the compute nodes of LUMI are an HPC infrastructure and not a container cloud!

What do containers not provide

What do containers not provide

What is being discussed in this subsection may be a bit surprising. Containers are often marketed as a way to provide reproducible science and as an easy way to transfer software from one machine to another machine. However, containers are neither of those and this becomes very clear when using containers build on your typical Mellanox/NVIDIA InfiniBand based clusters with Intel processors and NVIDIA GPUs on LUMI.

First, computational results are almost never 100% reproducible because of the very nature of how computers work. You can only expect reproducibility of sequential codes between equal hardware. As soon as you change the CPU type, some floating point computations may produce slightly different results, and as soon as you go parallel this may even be the case between two runs on exactly the same hardware and software.

But full portability is a much greater myth. Containers are really only guaranteed to be portable between similar systems. They may be a little bit more portable than just a binary as you may be able to deal with missing or different libraries in the container, but that is where it stops. Containers are usually built for a particular CPU architecture and GPU architecture, two elements where everybody can easily see that if you change this, the container will not run. But there is in fact more: containers talk to other hardware too, and on an HPC system the first piece of hardware that comes to mind is the interconnect. And they use the kernel of the host and the kernel modules and drivers provided by that kernel. Those can be a problem. A container that is not build to support the SlingShot interconnect, may fall back to TCP sockets in MPI, completely killing scalability. Containers that expect the knem kernel extension for good intra-node MPI performance may not run as efficiently as LUMI uses xpmem instead.

Even if a container is portable to LUMI, it may not yet be performance portable. E.g., without proper support for the interconnect it may still run but in a much slower mode. But one should also realise that speed gains in the x86 family over the years come to a large extent from adding new instructions to the CPU set, and that two processors with the same instructions set extensions may still benefit from different optimisations by the compilers. Not using the proper instruction set extensions can have a lot of influence. At my local site we've seen GROMACS doubling its speed by choosing proper options, and the difference can even be bigger.

Many HPC sites try to build software as much as possible from sources to exploit the available hardware as much as possible. You may not care much about 10% or 20% performance difference on your PC, but 20% on a 160 million EURO investment represents 32 million EURO and a lot of science can be done for that money...

But what can they then do on LUMI?

But what can they then do on LUMI?

  • A very important reason to use containers on LUMI is reducing the pressure on the file system by software that accesses many thousands of small files (Python and R users, you know who we are talking about). That software kills the metadata servers of almost any parallel file system when used at scale.

    As a container on LUMI is a single file, the metadata servers of the parallel file system have far less work to do, and all the file caching mechanisms can also work much better.

  • Software installations that would otherwise be impossible. E.g., some software may not even be suited for installation in a multi-user HPC system as it uses fixed paths that are not compatible with installation in module-controlled software stacks. HPC systems want a lightweight /usr etc. structure as that part of the system software is often stored in a RAM disk, and to reduce boot times. Moreover, different users may need different versions of a software library so it cannot be installed in its default location in the system library. However, some software is ill-behaved and cannot be relocated to a different directory, and in these cases containers help you to build a private installation that does not interfere with other software on the system.

  • As an example, Conda installations are not appreciated on the main Lustre file system.

    On one hand, Conda installations tend to generate lots of small files (and then even more due to a linking strategy that does not work on Lustre). So they need to be containerised just for storage manageability.

    They also re-install lots of libraries that may already be on the system in a different version. The isolation offered by a container environment may be a good idea to ensure that all software picks up the right versions.

  • Another example where containers have proven to be useful on LUMI is to experiment with newer versions of ROCm than we can offer on the system.

    This often comes with limitations though, as (a) that ROCm version is still limited by the drivers on the system and (b) we've seen incompatibilities between newer ROCm versions and the Cray MPICH libraries.

Remember though that whenever you use containers, you are the system administrator and not LUST. We can impossibly support all different software that users want to run in containers, and all possible Linux distributions they may want to run in those containers. We provide some advice on how to build a proper container, but if you chose to neglect it it is up to you to solve the problems that occur.

Managing containers

Managing containers

On LUMI, we currently support only one container runtime.

Docker is not available, and will never be on the regular compute nodes as it requires elevated privileges to run the container which cannot be given safely to regular users of the system.

Singularity is currently the only supported container runtime and is available on the login nodes and the compute nodes. It is a system command that is installed with the OS, so no module has to be loaded to enable it. We can also offer only a single version of singularity or its close cousin AppTainer as singularity/AppTainer simply don't really like running multiple versions next to one another, and currently the version that we offer is determined by what is offered by the OS.

To work with containers on LUMI you will either need to pull the container from a container registry, e.g., DockerHub, or bring in the container by copying the singularity .sif file.

Singularity does offer a command to pull in a Docker container and to convert it to singularity format. E.g., to pull a container for the Julia language from DockerHub, you'd use

singularity pull docker://julia

Singularity uses a single flat sif file for storing containers. The singularity pull command does the conversion from Docker format to the singularity format.

Singularity caches files during pull operations and that may leave a mess of files in the .singularity cache directory. This can lead to exhaustion of your disk quota for your home directory. So you may want to use the environment variable SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR to put the cache in, e.g,, your scratch space (but even then you want to clean up after the pull operation so save on your storage billing units).

Demo singularity pull

Let's try the singularity pull docker://julia command:

Demo singularity pull slide 1

We do get a lot of warnings but usually this is perfectly normal and usually they can be safely ignored.

Demo singularity pull slide 2

The process ends with the creation of the file jula_latest.sif.

Note however that the process has left a considerable number of files in ~/.singularity also:

Demo singularity pull slide 3

Managing containers (2)

There is currently limited support for building containers on LUMI and I do not expect that to change quickly. Container build strategies that require elevated privileges, and even those that require fakeroot or user namespaces, cannot be supported for security reasons (with user namespaces in particular a huge security concern as the Linux implementation is riddled with security issues). Enabling features that are known to have had several serious security vulnerabilities in the recent past, or that themselves are unsecure by design and could allow users to do more on the system than a regular user should be able to do, will never be supported.

So you should pull containers from a container repository, or build the container on your own workstation and then transfer it to LUMI.

There is some support for building on top of an existing singularity container. We are also working on a number of base images to build upon, where the base images are tested with the OS kernel on LUMI.

Interacting with containers

Interacting with containers

There are basically three ways to interact with containers.

If you have the sif file already on the system you can enter the container with an interactive shell:

singularity shell container.sif
Demo singularity shell

Demo singularity shell

In this screenshot we checked the contents of the /opt directory before and after the singularity shell julia_latest.sif command. This shows that we are clearly in a different environment. Checking the /etc/os-release file only confirms this as LUMI runs SUSE Linux on the login nodes, not a version of Debian.

The second way is to execute a command in the container with singularity exec. E.g., assuming the container has the uname executable installed in it,

singularity exec container.sif uname -a
Demo singularity exec

Demo singularity exec

In this screenshot we execute the uname -a command before and with the singularity exec julia_latest.sif command. There are some slight differences in the output though the same kernel version is reported as the container uses the host kernel. Executing

singularity exec julia_latest.sif cat /etc/os-release

confirms though that the commands are executed in the container.

The third option is often called running a container, which is done with singularity run:

singularity run container.sif

It does require the container to have a special script that tells singularity what running a container means. You can check if it is present and what it does with singularity inspect:

singularity inspect --runscript container.sif
Demo singularity run

Demo singularity run

In this screenshot we start the julia interface in the container using singularity run. The second command shows that the container indeed includes a script to tell singularity what singularity run should do.

You want your container to be able to interact with the files in your account on the system. Singularity will automatically mount $HOME, /tmp, /proc, /sys and dev in the container, but this is not enough as your home directory on LUMI is small and only meant to be used for storing program settings, etc., and not as your main work directory. (And it is also not billed and therefore no extension is allowed.) Most of the time you want to be able to access files in your project directories in /project, /scratch or /flash, or maybe even in /appl. To do this you need to tell singularity to also mount these directories in the container, either using the --bind src1:dest1,src2:dest2 flag or via the SINGULARITY_BIND or SINGULARITY_BINDPATH environment variables.

Running containers on LUMI

/running containers on LUMI

Just as for other jobs, you need to use Slurm to run containers on the compute nodes.

For MPI containers one should use srun to run the singularity exec command, e.g,,

srun singularity exec --bind ${BIND_ARGS} \
${CONTAINER_PATH} mp_mpi_binary ${APP_PARAMS}

(and replace the environment variables above with the proper bind arguments for --bind, container file and parameters for the command that you want to run in the container).

On LUMI, the software that you run in the container should be compatible with Cray MPICH, i.e., use the MPICH ABI (currently Cray MPICH is based on MPICH 3.4). It is then possible to tell the container to use Cray MPICH (from outside the container) rather than the MPICH variant installed in the container, so that it can offer optimal performance on the LUMI SlingShot 11 interconnect.

Open MPI containers are currently not well supported on LUMI and we do not recommend using them. We only have a partial solution for the CPU nodes that is not tested in all scenarios, and on the GPU nodes Open MPI is very problematic at the moment. This is due to some design issues in the design of Open MPI, and also to some piece of software that recent versions of Open MPI require but that HPE only started supporting recently on Cray EX systems and that we haven't been able to fully test. Open MPI has a slight preference for the UCX communication library over the OFI libraries, and currently full GPU support requires UCX. Moreover, binaries using Open MPI often use the so-called rpath linking process so that it becomes a lot harder to inject an Open MPI library that is installed elsewhere. The good news though is that the Open MPI developers of course also want Open MPI to work on biggest systems in the USA, and all three currently operating or planned exascale systems use the SlingShot 11 interconnect so work is going on for better support for OFI and for full GPU support on systems that rely on OFI and do not support UCX.

Enhancements to the environment

Environment enhancements

To make life easier, LUST with the support of CSC did implement some modules that are either based on containers or help you run software with containers.

The singularity-bindings/system module which can be installed via EasyBuild helps to set SINGULARITY_BIND and SINGULARITY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH to use Cray MPICH. Figuring out those settings is tricky, and sometimes changes to the module are needed for a specific situation because of dependency conflicts between Cray MPICH and other software in the container, which is why we don't provide it in the standard software stacks but instead make it available as an EasyBuild recipe that you can adapt to your situation and install.

As it needs to be installed through EasyBuild, it is really meant to be used in the context of a LUMI software stack (so not in CrayEnv). To find the EasyConfig files, load the EasyBuild-user module and run

eb --search singularity-bindings

You can also check the page for the singularity-bindings in the LUMI Software Library.

You may need to change the EasyConfig for your specific purpose though. E.g., the singularity command line option --rocm to import the ROCm installation from the system doesn't fully work (and in fact, as we have alternative ROCm versions on the system cannot work in all cases) but that can also be fixed by extending the singularity-bindings module (or by just manually setting the proper environment variables).

The second tool is a container that we provide with some bash functions to start a VNC server as temporary way to be able to use some GUI programs on LUMI until the final setup which will be based on Open OnDemand is ready. It can be used in CrayEnv or in the LUMI stacks through the lumi-vnc module. The container also contains a poor men's window manager (and yes, we know that there are sometimes some problems with fonts). It is possible to connect to the VNC server either through a regular VNC client on your PC or a web browser, but in both cases you'll have to create an ssh tunnel to access the server. Try

module help lumi-vnc

for more information on how to use lumi-vnc.

Environment enhancements (2)

The third tool is a container wrapper tool that users from Finland may also know as Tykky. It is a tool to wrap Python and conda installations in a container and then create wrapper scripts for the commands in the bin subdirectory so that for most practical use cases the commands can be used without directly using singularity commands. On LUMI, it is provided by the lumi-container-wrapper module which is available in the CrayEnv environment and in the LUMI software stacks. It is also documented in the LUMI documentation.

The basic idea is that you run the tool to either do a conda installation or an installation of Python packages from a file that defines the environment in either standard conda format (a Yaml file) or in the requirements.txt format used by pip.

The container wrapper will then perform the installation in a work directory, create some wrapper commands in the bin subdirectory of the directory where you tell the container wrapper tool to do the installation, and it will use SquashFS to create as single file that contains the conda or Python installation.

We do strongly recommend to use the container wrapper tool for larger conda and Python installation. We will not raise your file quota if it is to house such installation in your /project directory.

Demo lumi-container-wrapper

Create a subdirectory to experiment. In that subdirectory, create a file named env.yml with the content:

  - conda-forge
  - python=3.8.8
  - scipy
  - nglview

and create an empty subdirectory conda-cont-1.

Now you can follow the commands on the slides below:

demo lumi-container-wrapper slide 1

On the slide above we prepared the environment.

Now lets run the command

conda-containerize new --prefix ./conda-cont-1 env.yml

and look at the output that scrolls over the screen. The screenshots don't show the full output as some parts of the screen get overwritten during the process:

demo lumi-container-wrapper slide 2

The tool will first build the conda installation in a tempororary work directory and also uses a base container for that purpose.

demo lumi-container-wrapper slide 3

The conda installation itself though is stored in a SquashFS file that is then used by the container.

demo lumi-container-wrapper slide 4

demo lumi-container-wrapper slide 65

In the slide above we see the installation contains both a singularity container and a SquashFS file. They work together to get a working conda installation.

The bin directory seems to contain the commands, but these are in fact scripts that run those commands in the container with the SquashFS file system mounted in it.

demo lumi-container-wrapper slide 6

So as you can see above, we can simply use the python3 command without realising what goes on behind the screen...

The wrapper module also offers a pip-based command to build upon the Cray Python modules already present on the system

The final tool is cotainr, a tool developed by DeIC, the Danish partner in the LUMI consortium. It is another tool to pack a Conda installation into a container, but it does so in a more container-like way (so no wrapper scripts). Just as lumi-container-wrapper, it runs entirely in user space and doesn't need any special rights. (For the container specialists: It is based on the container sandbox idea to build containers in user space.)

Conclusion: Container limitations on LUMI-C

Container limitations on LUMI

To conclude the information on using singularity containers on LUMI, we want to repeat the limitations:

  • Containers use the host's operating system kernel which is likely different and may have different drivers and kernel extensions than your regular system. This may cause the container to fail or run with poor performance. Also, containers do not abstract the hardware unlike some virtual machine solutions.

  • The LUMI hardware is almost certainly different from that of the systems on which you may have used the container before and that may also cause problems.

    In particular a generic container may not offer sufficiently good support for the SlingShot 11 interconnect on LUMI which requires OFI (libfabric) with the right network provider (the so-called Cassini provider) for optimal performance. The software in the container may fall back to TCP sockets resulting in poor performance and scalability for communication-heavy programs.

    For containers with an MPI implementation that follows the MPICH ABI the solution is often to tell it to use the Cray MPICH libraries from the system instead.

    Likewise, for containers for distributed AI, one may need to inject an appropriate RCCL plugin to fully use the SlingShot 11 interconnect.

  • The support for building containers on LUMI is currently very limited due to security concerns. Any build process that requires elevated privileges, fakeroot or user namespaces will not work.