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The dev-g and eap partitions

Policy change of dev-g

The dev-g partition was always meant for the development of GPU software, and in particular, to get a quick turnaround time if you need to run software under the control of a debugger or for short profiling runs. We have observed that the queue has been abused for production or near-production runs instead to bypass longer waiting times on the regular queue. This complicates the work of developers. Also, a maximum of 16 nodes per job has not always been enough for some debugging runs.

Therefore the following policy changes will be implemented:

  • The maximum size for a job increases from 16 to 32 nodes.
  • The maximum runtime (walltime) for a job is decreased from 6 to 3 hours.
  • The maximum number of jobs is unmodified. Users can have only one running job in this partition.

User action: Some job scripts may require changes and you may have to move to a different partition if you were not using dev-g in the intended way.

The eap partition

The EAP (Early Access Platform) partition was a leftover of the early days of LUMI when a GPU development system with MI100 nodes was attached to the system. As a transition measure a new eap partition was created on LUMI-G with the full MI250X hardware, and just as the original eap partition, it allowed development of GPU software without GPU billing units. However, we've recently seen abuse of this partition for regular runs, and developers have now had ample time to request development projects at EuroHPC or, for groups in LUMI consortium countries, their local resource allocators.

The eap partition was removed during the update and will not return. All users who want to experiment on the GPU nodes now need projects with GPU billing units.

User action: Request GPU billing units from your resource allocator. Depending on your use profile, use dev-g, small-g or standard-g instead.