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Exercises 2: Running jobs with Slurm

Exercises on the Slurm allocation modes

  1. Run single task on the CPU partition with srun using multiple cpu cores. Inspect default task allocation with taskset command (taskset -cp $$ will show you cpu numbers allocated to a current process).

    Click to see the solution.
    srun --partition=small --nodes=1 --tasks=1 --cpus-per-task=16 --time=5 --partition=small --account=<project_id> bash -c 'taskset -cp $$' 

    Note you need to replace <project_id> with actual project account ID in a form of project_ plus 9 digits number.

    The command runs single process (bash shell with a native Linux taskset tool showing process's CPU affinity) on a compute node. You can use man taskset command to see how the tool works.

  2. Try Slurm allocations with hybrid_check tool program from the LUMI Software Stack. The program is preinstalled on the system.

    Use the simple job script to run parallel program with multiple tasks (MPI ranks) and threads (OpenMP). Test task/threads affinity with sbatch submission on the CPU partition.

    #!/bin/bash -l
    #SBATCH --partition=small           # Partition (queue) name
    #SBATCH --nodes=1                   # Total number of nodes
    #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8         # 8 MPI ranks per node
    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16          # 16 threads per task
    #SBATCH --time=5                    # Run time (minutes)
    #SBATCH --account=<project_id>      # Project for billing
    module load LUMI/22.12
    module load lumi-CPEtools
    srun hybrid_check -n -r

    Be careful with copy/paste of script body while it may brake some specific characters.

    Click to see the solution.

    Save script contents into file (you can use nano console text editor for instance), remember to use valid project account name.

    Submit job script using sbatch command.


    The job output is saved in the slurm-<job_id>.out file. You can view it's contents with either less or more shell commands.

    Actual task/threads affinity may depend on the specific OpenMP runtime but you should see "block" thread affinity as a default behaviour.

  3. Improve threads affinity with OpenMP runtime variables. Alter your script and add MPI runtime variable to see another cpu mask summary.

    Click to see the solution.

    Export SRUN_CPUS_PER_TASK environment variable to follow convention from recent Slurm's versions in your script. Add this line before the hybrid_check call:

    export SRUN_CPUS_PER_TASK=16 

    Add OpenMP environment variables definition to your script:

    export OMP_PROC_BIND=close
    export OMP_PLACES=cores

    You can also add MPI runtime variable to see another cpu mask summary:


    Note hybrid_check and MPICH cpu mask may not be consistent. It is found to be confusing.

  4. Build hello_jobstep program tool using interactive shell on a GPU node. You can pull the source code for the program from git repository It uses Makefile for building. Try to run the program interactively.

    Click to see the solution.

    Clone the code using git command:

    git clone

    It will create hello_jobstep directory consisting source code and Makefile.

    Allocate resources for a single task with a single GPU with salloc:

    salloc --partition=small-g --nodes=1 --tasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --gpus-per-node=1 --time=10 --account=<project_id>

    Note that, after allocation being granted, you receive new shell but still on the compute node. You need to use srun to execute on the allocated node.

    Start interactive session on a GPU node:

    srun --pty bash -i

    Note now you are on the compute node. --pty option for srun is required to interact with the remote shell.

    Enter the hello_jobstep directory and issue make command. It will fail without additional options and modules.

    module load rocm

    Note compiler (and entire programming environment) is the one you have set (or not) in the origin shell on the login node.

    Nevertheless rocm module is required to build code for GPU.

    make LMOD_SYSTEM_NAME="frontier"

    You need to add LMOD_SYSTEM_NAME="frontier" variable for make while the code originates from the Frontier system.

    You can exercise to fix Makefile and enable it for LUMI :)

    Eventually you can just execute ./hello_jobstep binary program to see how it behaves:


    Note executing the program with srun in the srun interactive session will result in a hang. You need to work with --overlap option for srun to mitigate it.

    Still remember to terminate your interactive session with exit command.


Slurm custom binding on GPU nodes

  1. Allocate one GPU node with one task per GPU and bind tasks to each CCD (8-core group sharing L3 cache) leaving first (#0) and last (#7) cores unused. Run a program with 6 threads per task and inspect actual task/threads affinity.

    Click to see the solution.

    Begin with the example from the slides with 7 cores per task:

    #!/bin/bash -l
    #SBATCH --partition=standard-g  # Partition (queue) name
    #SBATCH --nodes=1               # Total number of nodes
    #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8     # 8 MPI ranks per node
    #SBATCH --gpus-per-node=8       # Allocate one gpu per MPI rank
    #SBATCH --time=5                # Run time (minutes)
    #SBATCH --account=<project_id>  # Project for billing
    #SBATCH --hint=nomultithread
    cat << EOF > select_gpu
    exec \$*
    chmod +x ./select_gpu
    export OMP_NUM_THREADS=7
    export OMP_PROC_BIND=close
    export OMP_PLACES=cores
    srun --cpu-bind=${CPU_BIND} ./select_gpu ./hello_jobstep/hello_jobstep

    If you save the script in the then simply submit it with sbatch. Inspect the job output.

    Now you would need to alter masks to disable 7th core of each of the group (CCD). Base mask is then 01111110 which is 0x7e in hexadecimal notation.

    Try to apply new bitmask, change the corresponding variable to spawn 6 threads per task and check how new binding works.