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Over the years, we have come up with some terminology specific to EasyBuild to refer to particular components, which we use alongside established terminology relevant to the context of building and installing software.

It is important to be familiar with these terms, so we'll briefly cover them one by one.


A compiler toolchain (or just toolchain for short) is a set of compilers, which are used to build software from source, together with a set of additional libraries that provide further core functionality.

We refer to the different parts of a toolchain as toolchain components.

The compiler component typically consists of C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the context of HPC, but additional compilers (for example, a CUDA compiler for GPGPU software) can also be included.

Additional toolchain components are usually special-purpose libraries:

  • an MPI library to support distributed computations (for example, Open MPI or vendor-specific MPI implementations like Intel MPI in a toolchain based on the Intel compilers);

  • libraries providing efficient linear algebra routines (BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK);

    These libraries are included because they tend to provide a common API, so mixing them in a single executable would cause name conflicts when linking.

  • a library supporting computing Fast Fourier Transformations (for example, FFTW);

These libraries are included because they are some of the most popular libraries in scientific software, but also because they provide an API that is available through different implementations. Mixing implementations in a single build is a recipe for problems as the various implementations might define the same symbols.

A toolchain that includes all of these libraries is referred to as a full toolchain, while a subtoolchain is a toolchain that is missing one or more of these libraries. A compiler-only toolchain only consists of compilers (no additional libraries).

The toolchain concept also maps nicely on the Programming Environment concept in the Cray Programming Environment. Each PrgEnv-* module in fact provides a full toolchain in a typical Cray PE installation, except for the FFTW library. Note that systems could configure the contents of a PrgEnv-* module differently as the MPI library and scientific library are optional. In the Cray PE, the MPI library is provided by the cray-mpic module, the BLAS, LAPACK and ScaLAPACK libraries by the cray-libsci module (for CPU-only nodes) and the FFTW library through the cray-fftw module.

Many EasBuild toolchains are organised in a hierarchy. Each toolchain can use components compiled with itself or with one of the subtoolchains. The Cray toolchains however are not currently organised in a hierarchy.

System toolchain

The system toolchain is a special case which corresponds to using the compilers and libraries provided by the operating system, rather than using toolchain components that were installed using EasyBuild.

It used sparingly, mostly to install software where no actual compilation is done or to build a set of toolchain compilers and its dependencies, since the versions of the system compilers and libraries are beyond the control of EasyBuild, which could affect the reproducibility of the installation.

On LUMI however it is used a bit more and it takes some of the functions of the GCCcore toolchain in other EasyBuild toolchain hierarchies.

Common toolchains

The foss and intel toolchains are also known as the common toolchains, because they are widely adopted by the EasyBuild community.

The foss toolchain consists of all open source components (hence the name: "FOSS" stands for Free & Open Source Software): GCC, Open MPI, OpenBLAS, ScaLAPACK and FFTW. In recent versions (since 2021a), FlexiBLAS is used as the BLAS library, with OpenBLAS and LAPACK as the backend.

The intel toolchain consists of the Intel C, C++ and Fortran compilers (on top of a GCC version controlled through EasyBuild) alongside the Intel MPI and Intel MKL libraries.

Roughly every 6 months, a new version of these common toolchains is agreed upon in the EasyBuild community, after extensive testing.

The common toolchains are also organised in a toolchain hierarchy:

graph TD;
A[SYSTEM] --> B[GCCcore];
B --> C[GCC];
B --> D[iccifort];
C --> E[gompi: Adds OpenMPI];
D --> F[iimpi: Adds Intel MPI];
D --> G[imkl: Adds Intel MKL];
E --> H[foss: Adds OpenBLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, FFTW];
F --> I[intel];
G --> I;

More information on these toolchains is available in the EasyBuild documentation.

EasyBuild framework

EasyBuild is written in Python and organised in three layers, represented by the three blocks in the logo: the EasyBuild framework, easyblocks and Easyconfig files.

The EasyBuild framework consists of a set of Python modules organised in packages (easybuild.framework, easybuild.toolchains,, etc.) that collectively form the core of EasyBuild, and is developed in the easybuild-framework repository on GitHub.

It implements the common functionality that you need when building software from source, providing functions for unpacking source files, applying patch files, collecting the output produced by shell commands that are being run and checking their exit code, generating environment module files, etc.

The EasyBuild framework does not implement any specific installation procedure, it only provides the necessary functionality to facilitate this.


An easyblock is a Python module that implements a specific software installation procedure, and can be viewed as a plugin to the EasyBuild framework. Easyblocks can be either generic or software-specific.

A generic easyblock implements an installation procedure that can be used for multiple different software packages. Commonly used examples include the ConfigureMake easyblock which implements the ubiquitous configure-make-make install procedure, and the PythonPackage easyblock that can be used to install a Python package.

In Spack this functionality is provided in the core of the package.

A software-specific easyblock implements an installation procedure that is specific to a particular software packages. Infamous examples include the easyblocks we have for GCC, OpenFOAM, TensorFlow, WRF, ...

The installation procedure performed by an easyblock can be controlled by defining easyconfig parameters in an easyconfig file.

In Spack, this functionality is provided by the files for the various packages. However, EasyBuild does not need a software-specific easyblock for every package as for many packages the combination of a generic easyblock with the much simpler description in the easyconfig file is sufficient. The software-specific easyblocks can be a bit troublesome on Cray PE systems. Some easyblocks contain code that is specific for certain compilers or toolchains and do not support all compilers or all toolchains.

A collection of (generic and software-specific) easyblocks is developed by the EasyBuild community in the easybuild-easyblocks repository on GitHub.

Easyconfig parameters

An easyconfig parameter specifies a particular aspect of a software installation that should be performed by EasyBuild.

Some easyconfig parameters are mandatory. The following parameters must be defined in every easyconfig file:

  • name and version, which specify the name and version of the software to install;
  • homepage and description, which provide key metadata for the software;
  • toolchain, which specifies the compiler toolchain to use to install the software (see toolchains tab);

Other easyconfig parameters are optional: they can be used to provide required information, or to control specific aspects of the installation procedure performed by the easyblock.

Some commonly used optional easyconfig parameters include:

  • easyblock, which specifies which (generic) easyblock should be used for the installation;
  • sources and source_urls, which specify the list of source files and where to download them;
  • dependencies and builddependencies, which specify the list of (build) dependencies;
  • configopts, buildopts, and installopts, which specify options for the configuration/build/install commands, respectively;

If no value is specified for an optional easyconfig parameter, the corresponding default value will be used.

There are two groups of easyconfig parameters. General easyconfig parameters can be defined for any software package, and (usually) control a specific aspect of the installation. Custom easyconfig parameters are only supported by certain easyblocks, and only make sense for particular (types of) software.

Easyconfig files

Easyconfig files (or easyconfigs for short), are simple text files written in Python syntax that specify what EasyBuild should install. Each easyconfig file defines the set of easyconfig parameters that collectively form a complete specification for a particular software installation.

The filename of an easyconfig file usually ends with the .eb extension. In some contexts the filename is expected to be determined by the value of a handful of key easyconfig parameters: name, version, toolchain and versionsuffix. The general format for the filename of an easyconfig file is: <name>-<version><toolchain>-<versionsuffix>.eb, where the toolchain part is omitted when a system toolchain is used, and the <versionsuffix> can be empty.

The filename of easyconfig files is particularly relevant when EasyBuild is searching for easyconfig files to resolve dependencies, since it does this purely based on filenames: interpreting the contents of every (potential) easyconfig file it encounters would be too expensive.

In the easybuild-easyconfigs repository on GitHub, the EasyBuild community maintains a large (and growing) collection of easyconfig files, for a wide range of (scientific) software.

EasyBuild does not have an equivalent of the concretiser of Spack. EasyBuild always starts from a complete, precise configuration of a package to install, determined by the easyconfig parameters and possibly a custom easyblock. Both approaches have their pros and cons. The concretiser in Spack combined with the configuration of a software package via command line parameters makes it easy to quickly generate a number of different configurations of a package to test performance or to check which combinations work well. But one also has to be careful to not cause an explosion of modules and software installations, and take care of using the appropriate features to ensure that one can generate the same configurations again. The precise configurations of EayBuild can sometimes slow down things as they may need a lot of file editing, but when it comes to building a reproducible software stack and sharing precise building instructions, this approach may be preferred.

Easystack files

Easystack files are a new concept in EasyBuild, providing a way to define a software stack that should be installed by EasyBuild.

They are written in YAML syntax, and include a list of software specifications which correspond to a list of easyconfig files, with support for providing specific EasyBuild configuration options for particular software packages, and including or excluding specific software packages based on labels.

The support for using easystack files is currently marked as experimental, which means it is subject to change in future EasyBuild releases, and may be prone to errors.


Extensions is the collective term we use for additional software packages that can be installed on top of another software package. Common examples are Python packages, R libraries, and Perl modules.

As you can tell the common terminology here is a bit messy, so we came up with a unifying term...

Extensions can be installed in different ways:

  • stand-alone, as a separate installation on top of one or more other installations;
  • as a part of a bundle of extensions that collectively form a separate installation;
  • or as an actual extension to a specific installation to yield a "batteries included" type of installation (for examples by adding a bunch of Python packages from PyPI into a Python installation);


A dependency is a common term in the context of software. It refers to a software package that is either strictly required by other software, or that can be leveraged to enhance other software (for example to support specific features).

There are three main types of dependencies for computer software:

  • a build dependency is only required when building/installing a software package; once the software package is installed, it is no longer needed to use that software (examples: CMake, pkg-config);
  • a link-time dependency is somewhere in between a build and runtime dependency: it is only needed when linking a software package; it can become either a build or runtime dependency, depending on exactly how the software is installed (example: OpenBLAS);
  • a run-time dependency (often referred to simply as dependency) is a software package that is required to use (or run) another software package (example: Python);

EasyBuild currently doesn't treat link-time dependencies differently from run-time dependencies and hence has no specific easyconfig parameter for them.

Bringing it all together

The EasyBuild framework leverages easyblocks to automatically build and install (scientific) software, potentially including additional extensions, using a particular compiler toolchain, as specified in easyconfig files which each define a set of easyconfig parameters.

EasyBuild ensures that the specified (build) dependencies are in place, and automatically generates a set of (environment) modules that facilitate access to the installed software.

An easystack file can be used to specify a collection of software to install with EasyBuild.

[next: Installation]

Last update: April 21, 2022