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LUMI software stacks (technical)

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The user-facing documentation on how to use the LUMI software stacks is available in the LUMI documentation. On this page we focus more on the technical implementation behind it.

An overview of LUMI

LUMI has different node types providing compute resources:

  • LUMI has 16 login nodes, though many of those are reserved for special purposes and not available to all users. These login nodes have a zen2 CPU. These nodes have a SlingShot 10 interconnect.
  • There are 1536 regular CPU compute nodes in a partition denoted as LUMI-C. These compute nodes have a zen3 CPU and run a reduced version of SUSE Linux optimised by Cray to reduce OS jitter. These nodes will in the future be equipped with a SlingShot 11 interconnect card.
  • There are 2560 GPU compute nodes in a partition denoted as LUMI-G. These nodes have a single zen3-based CPU with optimised I/O die linked to 4 AMD MI250X GPUs. Each node has 4 SlingShot 11 interconnect cards, one attached to each GPU.
  • The interactive data analytics and visualisation partition is really two different partitions from the software point-of-view:
    • 8 nodes are CPU-only but differ considerably from the regular compute nodes, not only in the amount of memory. These nodes are equipped with zen2 CPUs and in that sense comparable to the login nodes. They also have local SSDs and are equipped with SlingShot 10 interconnect cards (2 each???)
    • 8 nodes have zen2 CPUs and 8 NVIDIA A40 GPUs each, and have 2 SlingShot 10 interconnect cards each.
  • The early access platform (EAP) has 14 nodes equipped with a single 64-core zen2 CPU and 4 AMD MI100 GPUS. Each node has a single SlingShot 10 interconnect and also local SSDs.

SlingShot 10 and SlingShot 11 are different software-wise. SlingShot 10 uses a Mellanox CX5 NIC that support both OFI and UCX, and hence can also use the UCX version of Cray MPICH. SlingShot 11 uses a NIC code-named Cassini and supports only OFI with an OFI provider specific for the Cassini NIC. However, given that the nodes that are equipped with SlingShot 10 cards are not meant to be used for big MPI jobs, we build our software stack solely on top of libfabric and Cray MPICH.

CrayEnv and LUMI modules

On LUMI, two types of software stacks are currently offered:

  • CrayEnv (module name) offers the Cray PE and enables one to use it completely in the way intended by HPE-Cray. The environment also offers a limited selection of additional tools, often in updated versions compared to what SUSE Linux, the basis of the Cray Linux environment, offers. Those tools are installed and managed via EasyBuild. However, EasyBuild is not available in that partition.

    It also rectifies a problem caused by the fact that there is only one configuration file for the Cray PE on LUMI, so that starting a login shell will not produce an optimal set of target modules for all node types. The CrayEnv module recognizes on which node type it is running and (re-)loading it will trigger a reload of the recommended set of target modules for that node.

  • LUMI is an extensible software stack that is mostly managed through [EasyBuild][easybuild]. Each version of the LUMI software stack is based on the version of the Cray Programming Environment with the same version number.

    A deliberate choice was made to only offer a limited number of software packages in the globally installed stack as the setup of redundancy on LUMI makes it difficult to update the stack in a way that is guaranteed to not affect running jobs and as a large central stack is also hard to manage, especially as we expect frequent updates to the OS and compiler infrastructure in the first years of operation. However, the EasyBuild setup is such that users can easily install additional software in their home or project directory using EasyBuild build recipes that we provide or they develop, and that software will fully integrate in the central stack (even the corresponding modules will be made available automatically).

    Each LUMI module will also automatically activate a set of application modules tuned to the architecture on which the module load is executed. To that purpose, the LUMI module will automatically load the partition module that is the best fit for the node. After loading a version of the LUMI module, users can always load a different version of the partition module.

Note that the partition modules are only used by the LUMI module. In the CrayEnv environment, users should overwrite the configuration by loading their set of target modules after loading the CrayEnv module.

The partition module

The LUMI module currently supports five partition modules, but that number may be reduced in the future:

Partition CPU target Accelerator
partition/L craype-x86-rome craype-accel-host
partition/C craype-x86-milan craype-accel-host
partition/G craype-x86-trento craype-accel-amd-gfx90a
partition/D craype-x86-rome craype-accel-nvidia80
partition/EAP craype-x86-rome craype-accel-amd-gfx908

All partition modules also load `craype-network-ofi``.

pattition/D may be dropped in the future as it seems we have no working CUDA setup and can only use the GPU nodes in the LUMI-D partition for visualisation and not with CUDA.

Furthermore if it would turn out that there is no advantage in optimizing for Milan specifically, or that there are no problems at all in running Milan binaries on Rome generation CPUs, partition/L and partition/C might also be united in a single partition.

[next: Terminology]

Last update: May 10, 2022