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The Lmod module system

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Module is a massively overloaded term in (scientific) software and IT in general (kernel modules, Python modules, and so on). In the context of EasyBuild, the term 'module' usually refers to an environment module (file).

Environment modules is a well established concept on HPC systems: it is a way to specify changes that should be made to one or more environment variables in a shell-agnostic way. A module file is usually written in either Tcl or Lua syntax, and specifies which environment variables should be updated, and how (append, prepend, (re)define, undefine, etc.) upon loading the environment module. Unloading the environment module will restore the shell environment to its previous state.

Environment module files are processed via a modules tool, of which there are several conceptually similar yet slightly different implementations. The oldest module tool still in use today is Environment Modules 3.2, implemented in C and supporting module files written in Tcl. After a gap in development, Xavier Delaruelle of CEA developed Environment Modules 4 and 5 which is fully implemented on Tcl. An alternative module tool is Lmod, developed by Robert McLay at TACC and implemented in LUA. This tool supports natively LUA module files but also offers a high degree of compatibility with Tcl-based module files developed for Environment Modules fia a translation layer and some API translation.

The Cray PE offers a choice between the old-style Environment Modules 3.2 and Lmod, but no packages or official support for Environment Modules 4 or 5. At the user level, Environment Modules 3.2 and Lmod have many commands in common, but with different options. Lmod also has some powerful features that are lacking in Environment Modules 3.2.

The Cray PE on LUMI

On LUMI, Lmod was selected as the module tool. One area where there are significant differences between Environment Modules 3.2 (and also the newer versions) and Lmod is in the commands for discovering modules on the system. If you are not familiar with Lmod and its commands for users, it is worthwhile to read the LUMI documentation page on Lmod. Some of those commands are also discussed on this page.

Lmod hierarchy

User view

Lmod supports a module hierarchy. In a hierarchy, there is a distinction between the installed modules and the available modules. Available modules are those that can be loaded directly without first loading any other module, while the installed modules is the complete set of modules that one could load one way or another. A typical use case is a hierarchy to deal with different compilers on a system and different MPI implementations. After all, it is a common practice to only link libraries and application code compiled with the same compiler to avoid compatibility problems between compilers (and to be able to use advanced features such as link time optimization). This is even more important for MPI, as Open MPI and MPCIH-derived MPI implementations have incompatible Application Binary Interfaces. This would lead to a hierarchy with 3 levels:

  1. The Core level containing the modules for the compilers themselves, e.g., one or more versions of the GNU compiler suite and one or more versions of LLVM-based compilers.

    Loading a compiler module would then make the next level available:

  2. The Compiler level, containing modules for libraries and packages that only rely on the compilers but do not use MPI, as well as the MPI modules, e.g., a version of Open MPI and a version of MPICH.

    Loading one of the MPI modules would then make the next level available:

  3. The MPI level, containing libraries and applications that depend on the compiler used and the MPI implementation.

A simple Lmod hierarchy with a single compiler

Here is a simple example of such a 3-level module hierarchy (that almost could have been generated by EasyBuild):

In this example the Core level only includes a single module GCC/9.3.0, while the Compiler level includes two modules: OpenMPI/4.0.3 and MPICH/3.3.2. In the MPI level, three modules are available: one for FFTW, one for ScaLAPACK, and one for HDF5.

Initially only the modules on the top level of a module hierarchy are available for loading. If you run "module avail", the command that is used to view all modules that are available for loading, with this example module hierarchy, you will only see the GCC/9.3.0 module.

Some modules in the top level of the hierarchy act as a "gateway" to modules in the next level below. To make additional modules available for loading one of these gateway modules has to be loaded. In our example, loading the GCC/9.3.0 module results in two additional modules coming into view from the Compiler level, as indicated by the arrows: the modules for OpenMPI and MPICH. These correspond to installations of OpenMPI and MPICH that were built using GCC/9.3.0.

Similarly, the OpenMPI/4.0.3 module serves as a gateway to the three modules in the MPI level. Only by loading the OpenMPI module will these additional three modules become available for loading. They correspond to software installations built using the GCC/9.3.0 compiler with OpenMPI/4.0.3.

Now assume that we have two compilers in the hierarchy, Compiler_A and Compiler_B. Their modules would reside at the Core level. Both compilers provide the same MPI implementation, MPI_C. So there would be two modules for MPI_C in two different subdirectories at the Compiler level. And further assume that we have an application, Appl_E, compiled with both Compiler_A and Compiler_B and using MPI_C. For that application there would also be two module files at the MPI level, one in a subdirectory corresponding ao Compiler_A and MPI_C and one in a subdirectory corresponding to Compiler_B and MPI_C.

graph TD;
A[Compiler_A] --> AC[MPI_C];
A --> AD[MPI_D]
B[Compiler_B] --> BC[MPI_C];
AC --> ACE[Appl_E];
AD --> ADE[Appl_E]
BC --> BCE[Appl_E];

To be able to load the module for Appl_E, a user should first load Compiler_A, then load MPI_C and only then is it possible to load the module for Appl_E:

module load Compiler_A MPI_C Appl_E

What is interesting is what happens if the user now loads Compiler_B:

module load Compiler_B

In a properly designed and implemented hierarchy, Lmod will unload Compiler_A which will also trigger the unloading/deactivation of MPI_C and Appl_E. It will then load the module for Compiler_B and proceed with looking if it can find another module for MPI_C. That will then be loaded which now makes a different module for Appl_E available, which Lmod will proceed to load. If it cannot find an exact match for the version, Lmod will even try to locate a different version. Hence the situation after loading Compiler_B is that now modules are loaded for Compiler_B, MPI_C for Compiler_B and Appl_E for Compiler_A with MPI_C. All this requires very little effort from the module file programmer and very little logic in the module files. E.g., rather then implementing a single module file for Appl_E that would require logic to see which compiler and MPI implementation is loaded and depending on those adapt the path to the binaries, several very simple modules need to be written with very little logic, and one could add an Appl_E module for a different compiler or MPI implementation without touching any of the already existing module files for that application.

Similarly, if after

module load Compiler_A MPI_C Appl_E

one does

module load MPI_D

then MPI_C gets unloaded, Lmod notices that it also has to unload/deactivate Appl_E, then will load MPI_D for Compiler_A and finally will notice that there is an equivalent Appl_E module available again, and Lmod will load that one also. However, now loading Compiler_B will cause a warning that MPI_D and Appl_E have been deactivated as there is no module name MPI_D in any version for Compiler_B.

Building blocks

Some mechanisms in Lmod make implementing a hierarchy fairly easy (though there are a lot of hidden pitfalls)

  • The MODULEPATH environment variable determines which modules are available. MODULEPATH is different from any other path-style variable in Lmod in that any change will immediately trigger a re-evaluation of which modules are available and trigger deactivating modules that are no longer available when a directory is removed from the MODULEPATH or looking for alternatives for deactivated modules when a directory is added to the MODULEPATH.

  • The "one name rule": Lmod cannot have two modules loaded with the same name (but a different version). By default, when loading a module with the name of an already loaded module, Lmod will automatically swap the old one with the new one, i.e., unload the already loaded module and load the new one.

  • The family concept: It is possible to declare a module to be part of a family using a command in the module file. No two modules of the same family can be loaded at the same time, and Lmod will again by default auto-swap the already loaded one with the one being loaded. The procedure is different though as Lmod now first has to read the new module file to discover the family, and this may lead to more side effects. But that discussion is outside the scope of this tutorial.

    The family concept was for a long time a unique feature of Lmod, but it has been added now also to Environment Modules version 5.1.

Implementation details

The above example could be implemented using 8 module files: One for each compiler, three for the MPI modules (two for MPI_C and one for MPI_D) and three for the application modules.

├── Core
│   ├── Compiler_A
│   │   └── version_A.lua
│   └── Compiler_B
│       └── version_B.lua
├── Compiler
│   ├── Compiler_A
│   │   └── version_A
│   │       ├── MPI_C
│   │       │   └── version_C.lua
│   │       └── MPI_D
│   │           └── version_D.lua
│   └── Compiler_B
│       └── version_B
│           └── MPI_C
│               └── version_C.lua
└── MPI
    ├── Compiler_A
    │   └── version_A
    │       ├── MPI_C
    │       │   └── version_C
    │       │       └── Appl_E
    │       │           └── version_E.lua
    │       └── MPI_D
    │           └── version_D
    │               └── Appl_E
    │                   └── version_E.lua
    └── Compiler_B
        └── version_B
            └── MPI_C
                └── version_C
                    └── Appl_E
                        └── version_E.lua

Besides the module functions needed to create the environment needed to run the compiler, the module file for Compiler_A would need only two lines to implement the hierarchy:

prepend_path('MODULEPATH', 'moduleroot/Compiler/Compiler_A/version_A')

There are now two different version_C.lua files. One contains the necessary calls to module functions to initialise the environment to use the version compiled with Compiler_A/version_A while the other contains the necessary functions to do that for Compiler_B/version_B. Again, two more lines are needed to implement the hierarchy. E.g., for moduleroot/Compiler/Compiler_A/version_A/MPI_C/version_C.lua:

prepend_path('MODULEPATH', 'moduleroot/MPI/Compiler_A/version_A/MPI_C/version_C')

Finally two versions of the version_E.lua file are needed, one to prepare the environment for using the package with Compiler_A anmd MPI_C and one for using the package with Compiler_B and MPI_C. However, these are just regular modules and no additions are needed to work for the hierarchy.

Both EasyBuild and Spack support Lmod hierarchies and with these tools it is also fairly automatic to create different versions of the module files for each compiler and MPI library used to build the application. When hand-writing modules it may be more interesting to have a generic module which would work for all those cases and that is also possible with Lmod. Lmod does have a range of introspection functions that a module can use to figure out its name, version and place in the module tree. All that would be needed is that the various instances of the module file are at the correct location in the module tree and link to the generic file which can be outside the module tree. In fact, this feature is used on LUMI to implement the modules that load a particular version of the hardware for a particular section of LUMI.

Finding modules

In a hierarchical setup, not all modules are available at login. This implies that a user cannot use module avail to discover which software is available on the system. To this end Lmod has powerful search commands. It is important to understand how these commands work to ensure that the proper information is included in the module files to improve discoverability of software.

Documentation in the LUMI documentation

Extensive information on search commands with examples of how to use them on LUMI can be found in the LUMI documentation, in the computing section, "Module environment page", "Finding modules" section.

module spider command

The available modules at any point in time are often only a subset of all installed modules on a system. However, Lmod provides the module spider command to search for a module with a given name among all installed modules and to tell you how this module can be loaded (i.e., which other modules need to be loaded to make the module available).

The module spider command has three levels, producing different outputs:

  1. module spider without further arguments will produce a list of all installed software and show some basic information about those packages. Some packages may have an (E) behind their name and will appear in blue (in the default colour scheme) which means that they are part of a different package. These are called extensions of packages or modules. This is explained a little further in this page.

    Note that module spider will also search in packages that are hidden from being displayed. These packages can be loaded and used. However administrators may have decided to hide them either because they are not useful to regular users or because they think that they will rarely or never be directly loaded by a user and want to avoid overloading the module display.

  2. module spider <name of package> will search for the specific package. This can be the name of a module, but it will also search some other information that can be included in the modules. The search is also case-insensitive. E.g., on LUMI

    module spider GNUplot
    will show something along the lines of
          Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven graphing utility
    so even though the capitalisation of the name was wrong, it can tell us that there are two versions of gnuplot. The cpeGNU-21.08 and cpeCray-21.08 tell that the difference is the compiler that was used to install gnuplot, being the GNU compiler (PrgEnv-gnu) and the Cray compiler (PrgEnv-cray) respectively.

    In some cases, if there is no ambiguity, module spider will actually already produce help about the package, which is the next level.

  3. module spider <module name>/<version> will show more help information about the package, including information on which other modules need to be loaded to be able to load the package. E.g.,

    module spider git/2.35.1
    will return something along the lines of
      git: git/2.35.1
         Git is a free and open source distributed version control
       You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below
       before the "git/2.35.1" module is available to load.
         LUMI/21.12  partition/C
         LUMI/21.12  partition/D
         LUMI/21.12  partition/G
         LUMI/21.12  partition/L
    (abbreviated output). Note that it also tells you which other modules need to be loaded. You need to choose the line which is appropriate for you and load all modules on that line, not the whole list of in this case 9 modules.

Known issue

The Cray PE uses Lmod in an unconventional manner with the hierarchy not build fully in the way Lmod expects. As a consequence Lmod is not always able to generate the correct list of modules that need to be loaded to make a package available, and the list of ways to make a module available may also be incomplete.

The problem is somewhat aggrevated on LUMI because the Cray PE hierarchy sits next to the hierarchy of the software stack as the Cray PE is installed separately and hence cannot be integrated in the way the Lmod developer had in mind.

Module extensions

Certain packages, e.g., Python, Perl or R, get a lot of their functionality through other packages that are installed together with them and extend the functionity, e.g., NumPy and SciPy for Python. Installing all those packages as separate modules to make it easy to see if they are installed or not on a system would lead to an overload of modules on the system.

Similarly, admins of a software stack may chose to bundle several libraries or tools that are often used together in a single module (and single installation directory), e.g., to reduce module clutter but also to reduce the length of the search paths for binaries, libraries or manual pages to speed up loading of applications.

Lmod offers a way to make those individual packages installed in a module discoverable by declaring them as extensions of the module. The module spider command will search for those too.

  1. module spider without further arguments: The output may contain lines similar to

    The following is a list of the modules and extensions currently available:
      Autoconf: Autoconf/2.71 (E)
      CMake: CMake/3.21.2 (E), CMake/3.22.2 (E)
    which tells that Autoconf and CMake are not available as modules themselves but as extensions of another module, and it also tells the versions that are available, though that list may not be complete (and is not always complete for modules either as it is limited to one line of output).

  2. module spider <name of package> will search for extensions also. E.g.,

    module spider CMake
    on LUMI will return something along the lines of
            CMake/3.21.2 (E)
            CMake/3.22.2 (E)
    (output abbreviated). This tells that there is no CMake module on the system but that two versions of CMake are provided in another module.

  3. module spider <extension name>/<version> will show more information on the extension, including which module provides the extension and which other modules have to be loaded to make that module available. E.g., on LUMI,

    module spider CMake/3.22.2
    will output something along the lines of
     CMake: CMake/3.22.2 (E)
       This extension is provided by the following modules. To access the 
       extension you must load one of the following modules. Note that any 
       module names in parentheses show the module location in the software 
          buildtools/21.12 (LUMI/21.12 partition/L)
          buildtools/21.12 (LUMI/21.12 partition/G)
          buildtools/21.12 (LUMI/21.12 partition/D)
          buildtools/21.12 (LUMI/21.12 partition/C)
          buildtools/21.12 (CrayEnv)
    (output abbreviated and slightly reformatted for readability). This tells that CMake/3.22.2 is provided by the bvuildtools/21.12 module and that there are 5 different ways to make that package available.

Restrictions with older Lmod versions

At the time of development of this tutorial, Cray is still using the pretty old 8.3.1 version of Lmod. Even though extensions were supported since Lmod version 8.2.5, Lmod 8.3.1 has several problems:

  • It is not possible to hide extensions in the output of module avail, a feature that only became available in version 8.5. This may be annoying to many users as the extension list of packages such as Python, R and Perl can be very long (the default EasyBuild installation of R contains on the order of 600 packages).

    For that reason on LUMI extensions are only used for some modules.

  • module avail also shows extensions for modules that are not available which makes no sense. This bug was only corrected in Lmod 8.6.13 and 8.6.14.

module keyword

Another search command that is sometimes useful is module keyword. It really just searches for the given word in the short descriptions that are included in most module files and in the name of the module. The output is not always complete since not all modules may have a complete enough short description.

Consider we are looking for a library or package that supports MP3 audio encoding.

module keyword mp3
will return something along the lines of

The following modules match your search criteria: "mp3"

  LAME: LAME/3.100-cpeCray-21.08, LAME/3.100-cpeGNU-21.08
    LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III (mp3) encoder
though the output will depend on the version of Lmod. This may not be the most useful example on a supercomputer, but the library is in fact needed to be able to install some other packages even though the sound function is not immediately useful.

Know issue: Irrelevant output

At the moment of the development of this tutorial, this command actually returns a lot more output, referring to completely irrelevant extensions. This is a bug in the HPE-Cray-provided version of Lmod (8.3.1 at the time of development of this tutorial) that was only solved in more recent versions.

module avail

The module avail command is used to show only available modules, i.e., modules that can be loaded directly without first loading other modules. It can be used in two ways:

  1. Without a further argument it will show an often lengthy list of all available modules. Some modules will be marked with (D) which means that they are the default module that would be loaded should you load the module using only its name.

  2. With the name of a module (or a part of the name) it will show all modules that match that (part of) a name. E.g.,

    module avail gnuplot
    will show something along the lines of
    ------ EasyBuild managed software for software stack LUMI/21.08 on LUMI-L ------
       gnuplot/5.4.2-cpeCray-21.08    gnuplot/5.4.2-cpeGNU-21.08 (D)
       D:  Default Module
        (output abbreviated).
    module avail gnu
    will show you an often lengthy list that contains all packages with gnu (case insensitive) in their name or version.

Getting help

One way to get help on a particular module has already been discussed on this page: module spider <name>/<version> will produce help about the package as soon as it can unambiguously determine the package. It is the only command that can produce help for all installed packages. The next two commands can only produce help about available packages.

A second command is module whatis with the name or name and version of a module. It will show the brief description of the module that is included in most modules on the system. If the full version of the module is not given, it will display the information for the default version of that module.

The third command is module help. Without any further argument it will display some brief help about the module command. However, when used as module help <name> or module help <name>/<version> it will produce help for either the default version of the package (if the version is not specified) or the indicated version.

Implementation details

Lmod works by executing the module file. However, the actions of all Lmod-defined functions will depend upon the mode in which Lmod is executing the module function, and the module file can also detect in which mode it is executing. Modes include "load", "unload" but also "spider". E.g., when the mode is "load", the setenv function will set an environment variable to the indicated value while in "unload" mode that environment variable will be unset, and in "spider" mode the environment variable is left untouched.

The working of prepend_path, a function that modifies PATH-style variables, depends a bit on how Lmod is configured (as it is possible to work with reference counts), but in its most basic mode, prepend_path will add a given directory to a given PATH-style environment variable (or move it to the front of the PATH-style variable if the directory is already in there), while in "unload" mode that specific directory will be removed from the PATH (but no error will be generated should the directory that is used as the argument not be part of the path in that PATH-style variable). When the mode is "spider", the function has special behaviour if it is used to change the MODULEPATH. It will then note the change and add that directory to the list of directories that has to be searched for module files.

This makes module spider a very expensive command as it may have to traverse a lot of directories and has to execute all module files in there. Therefore Lmod will build a so-called spider cache which can be pre-built in the system for certain directories and otherwise will be build in the user's home directory (in the .lmod.d/.cache subdirectory). Our experience is that this cache tends to be rather fragile, in particular on Cray systems (and that has been confirmed in discussions with people with access to some other Cray systems) so from time to time Lmod fails to note changes to the modules, at least when using commands such as module spider. The actual loading and unloading of the module is not based on cached information.

Lmod has several functions that can be used in module files to provide the information that Lmod needs for the search-related and help commands.

The help function defines the long help text used by module help and by module spider as soon as there is no ambiguity anymore about which module is being searched for.

The whatis function is used to provide short information about a module. That information is then used by module whatis and module keyword , but also for brief information shown by module spider when multiple modules or versions of modules are found by the command. A module file can contain multiple whatis commands and the Lmod manuel suggests to use those lines as a kind of database record. See, e.g., the Lmod manual page with module file examples. One such example is

whatis("Name:        valgrind")
whatis("Version:     3.7.0")
whatis("Category:    tools")
whatis("Description: memory usage tester")
It is not all that important to include all those lines in a module file, but some of those lines get a special treatment from Lmod. The line starting with Description is used by module spider to provide some brief information about the module if it is not totally resolved. This comes with a limitation though: It is not shown for each version of the module, so ideally all "GROMACS" modules should contain the same description line and use other lines to provide further information about what distinguished a particular version. Likewise the Category: line is used by the spider_decoration hook that can be used to add decoration to the spider level 1 output. All in all the whatis function is often overlooked in Lmod-based module functionx but it is a very useful function to include in the proper way in module files. The EasyBuild support for the whatis lines is also far from ideal. It will autogenerate certain lines from information specified in the EasyBuild recipes, but it also allows to specify whatis lines yourself via a parameter in the EasyBuild recipes. However, as soon as you specify the parameter, it will no longer auto-generate the other lines.

A third function that provides information to the search commands is extensions. It can be used to list up the extensions supported by the module. The argument list may seem strange as it takes only a single argument, a string of comma-separated extension/version elements, but that is because the number of arguments to a function is limited in Lua and that limit can actually be met easily by modules for Python, Perl or R packages.

Some warnings about writing modulefiles

This section is very technical and only useful if you want to manually implement modules that depend on each other one way or another.

Lmod cannot guarantee that the order of unloading the modules will be the inverse of the order in which they were loaded. Moreover, unloading a module is not done by reverting stored actions done when loading the module, but by executing the modulefile again in a mode that reverts certain actions. This can lead to subtle problems when modulefiles communicate with each other through environment variables or by detecting which other modules are loaded. These problems are usually solved by using a proper hierarchy and basing actions of modulefiles on their position in the hierarchy.

One case where passing information between modules through environment variables will go wrong is when that environment variable is subsequently used to compute a directory name that is then added to a PATH-like variable. Assume we have two versions of a MyPython module, e.g., MyPython/2.7.18 and MyPython/3.6.10. That module then sets an environment variable PYTHON_API_VERSION to either 2.7 or 3.6. Next we have a module MyPythonPackage that makes a number of Python packages available for both Python modules. However, as some Python packages have to be installed separately for each Python version, it does so by adding a directory to the environment variable PYTHONPATH that contains the version which it gets by using the Lua function os.getenv to request the value of PYTHON_API_VERSION.

One problem becomes clear in the following scenario:

module load MyPython/2.7.18
module load MyPythonPackage/1.0
module load MyPython/3.6.10
The module load MyPythonPackage will find the environment variable PYTHON_PACKAGE_API with the value 2.7 as set by module load MyPython/2.7.18 and hence add the directory for the packages for version 2.7 to PYTHONPATH. The module load MyPython/3.6.10 command will trigger two operations because of the "one name rule": First it will automatically unload MyPython/2.7.18 (which will unset PYTHON_API_VERSIUON) and next it will load MyPython/3.6.10 which will set PYTHON_API_VERSION to 3.6. However, MyPythonPackage is not reloaded so the PYTHONPATH variable will now point to the wrong directory. One would be tempted to think that the easy fix for the user would be to reload MyPythonPackage/1.0:
module load MyPythonPackage/1.0
Because of the "one name rule" this will again trigger an unload followed by a load of the module. The problem is in the unload. One would expect that first unloading MyPythonPackage would remove the 2.7 directory from the PYTHONPATH but it will not. Lmod does not remember that last time it loaded MyPythonPackage it added the 2.7 directory to PythonPath. Instead it will execute the commands in the modulefile and reverse certain commands. Since PYTHON_API_VERSION has now the value 3.6, it will try to remove the directory for version 3.6 which is not in the PYTHONPATH. The subsequent load will then add the 3.6 directory to PYTHONPATH so the environment variable now contains both directories.

In this simple case, a module purge after the first two module load commands would still work as Lmod is able to figure out the right order to unload modules, but in more complicated examples this may also go wrong. However, a module purge command after the load of MyPython/3.6.10 would also fail to clean up the environment as it would still fail to remove the 2.7 directory from PYTHONPATH.

Running the example

To test this example for yourself, create a directory and add that directory to the MODULEPATH using module use. In that directory, create the following subdirectories and files: 1. MyPython/2.7.18.lua with content:

LmodMessage( 'In ' ..  myModuleFullName() .. ' in mode '  .. mode() )
setenv( 'PYTHON_API_VERSION', '2.7' )
2. MyPython/3.6.10.lua with content:
LmodMessage( 'In ' ..  myModuleFullName() .. ' in mode '  .. mode() )
setenv( 'PYTHON_API_VERSION', '3.6' )
3. MyPythonPackage/1.0.lua with content:
LmodMessage( 'In ' ..  myModuleFullName() .. ' in mode '  .. mode() )
LmodMessage( 'PYTHON_API_VERSION = ' .. ( os.getenv( 'PYTHON_API_VERSION' ) or '') )
prepend_path( 'PYTHONPATH', 'someroot/python' .. 
  ( os.getenv( 'PYTHON_API_VERSION' ) or 'TTT' ) .. '/packages' )
LmodMessage( 'PYTHONPATH = ' .. ( os.getenv( 'PYTHONPATH' ) or '') )

Solution with a hierarchy

The better way in Lmod to implement the above scenario would be in a module hierarchy.

Just to show the power of Lmod introspection functions combined with a proper hierarchy we present a solution using only one version of the code for MyPython and one version of the code for MyPythonPackages.

It is best to start from a clean directory. In that directory, create:

  1. The files level1/MyPython/2.7.18.lua and level1/MyPython/3.6.10.lua, both with the same contents:

    LmodMessage( 'In ' ..  myModuleFullName() .. ' in mode '  .. mode() )
    local api_version = myModuleVersion():match( '(%d+%.%d+)%..*' )
    -- Set the variable PYTHON_API_VERSION but not for internal use in the modules.
    setenv( 'PYTHON_API_VERSION', api_version )
    local module_root = myFileName():match( '(.*)/level1/' .. myModuleFullName() )
    prepend_path( 'MODULEPATH', pathJoin( module_root, 'level2/PythonAPI', api_version ) )
    LmodMessage( 'MODULEPATH is now\n  ' ..
        os.getenv( 'MODULEPATH' ):gsub(  ':', '\n  ' ) )

  2. The files level2/PythonAPI/2.7/MyPythonPackage/1.0.lua and level2/PythonAPI/3.6/MyPythonPackage/1.0.lua, both with the contents:

    LmodMessage( 'In ' ..  myFileName() .. ' in mode '  .. mode() )
    local python_api_version = myFileName():match( '.*/level2/PythonAPI/([^/]+)/.*' )
    LmodMessage( 'Detected Python API version from hierarchy: ' .. python_api_version )
    LmodMessage( 'Detected Python API version from environment: ' ..
        ( os.getenv( 'PYTHON_API_VERSION' ) or '' ) )
    prepend_path( 'PYTHONPATH', 'someroot/python' .. python_api_version .. '/packages' )
    LmodMessage( 'PYTHONPATH = ' .. (os.getenv( 'PYTHONPATH' ) or '') )

Now add the level1 subdirectory to MODULEPATH, e.g., if you're in the directory containing the level1 and level2 subdirectories:

module use $PWD/level1
and then try the following commands:
module avail
module load MyPython/2.7.18
module avail
module load MyPythonPackage/1.0
module load MyPython/3.6.10
and pay attention to the output.

Initially module avail will show none of the MyPythonPackage modules. These are installed modules but not available modules. module load MyPython/2.7.18 will set the environment variable PYTHON_API_VERSION to 2.7 and also add a directory to the front of the MODULEPATH with the directory name ending on level2/PythonAPI/2.7. Now module avail will show the MyPythonPackage/1.0 module.

The MyPythonPackage shows two ways to get the version of the Python API to use for determining the right directory to add to PYTHONPATH. The fragile way is to enquire the value of the environment variable PYTHON_API_VERSION set by loading MyPython/2.7.18. The more robust way is to use the Lmod introspection function myFileName() which returns the full path and file name of the module file that is executing, and extracting the version from the path with a pattern matching function. In this particular situation both computed values are the same so both would have worked to correctly add somedir/python2.7/packages to the front of PYTHONPATH.

The next command, module load MyPython/3.6.10 triggers a chain of events.

First, Lmod notices that there is already a module loaded with the same name, so it will unload MyPython/2.7.18. This will unset the environment variable PYTHON_API_VERSION (the inverse operation of setenv) and will remove the .../level2/PythonAPI/2.7 subdirectory from the MODULEPATH (the inverse action of prepend_path).

Now due to the change of the MODULEPATH the MyPythonPackage/1.0 module which was loaded from .../level2/PythonAPI/2.7 is no longer available so Lmod will continue with unloading that module. The interesting bit now is that PYTHON_API_VERSION is unset. So had we computed the name of the directory to add to PYTHONPATH using the value of that environment variable, the module would have failed to compute the correct directory name to remove so prepend_path would have left the PYTHONPATH environment variable untouched. However, by computing that value from the directory of the modulefile, we get the right value and can correctly remove somedir/python2.7/packages from PYTHONPATH. Lmod will also remember that the module was only unloaded due to a change in the MODULEPATH and not because a user explicitly unloaded the module. I.e., it considers the module as deactivated but not as unloaded.

Lmod proceeds with loading the MyPython/3.6.10 module. This will now set PYTHON_API_VERSION to 3.6 and add a directory with name ending on level2/PythonAPI/3.6 to MODULEPATH.

Things are not done yet though. As the MODULEPATH has changed, Lmod looks at its list of deactivated modules and notices that a different version of MyPythonPackage/1.0 is now available. Hence it will now automatically load that module from the .../level2/PythonAPI/3.6 subdirectory so that that module now correctly detects that somedir/python3.6/package should be added to PYTHONPATH.

Hence at the end of the cycle we have again a correctly configured environment with no trace of the 2.7 version that was loaded initially and with no action required from the user to ensure that MyPythonPackage is unloaded and reloaded to ensure the correct configuration.

This idea is used on LUMI to implement the various versions of the software stack with for each software stack also optimised binaries for each of the node types.

Further reading

[next: The Cray Programming Environment]

Last update: June 3, 2022