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The directory structure

System directory

Most of this hierarchy is created with the script.

The Cray PE modules are left in their own hierarchy.

In the LUMI software stack installation directory, one can find the following subdirectories:

  • modules: Key here was to follow Lmod guidelines on hierarchical structures for the software stack itself, though once at the level of the software we currently do not use a hierarchy.

    • SoftwareStack: A module file that enables the default Cray environment, and one for each of our LUMI software stacks, of the form LUMI/version.lua.

    • SystemPartition/LUMI/ The next level in the hierarchy. It contains modules by LUMI SoftwareStack to enable the different partitions. Structure:

      • The modules are called partition/C.lua etc.

        We could not use LUMIpartition as this lead to problems with the Lmod hierachyA function which produced wrong results for LUMIpartition/L.lua but not for LUMIpartition/C.lua even though both modules had identical code.

      • Besides the four regular partitions, there is also a meta-partition common that is used to house software that is common to all regular partitions. The corresponding module is hidden from regular users.

    • Infrastructure/LUMI/ Infrastructure modules. This structure is needed for those modules of which we need versions of each of the regular partition and for the common partition. This does include the modules that are used for EasyBuild settings.

    • easybuild/LUMI/ Directory for the EasyBuild-generated modules for the LUMI/ software stack for the LUMI-part partition (part actually being a single letter, except for the software that is common to all partitions, where part is common)

    • easybuild/CrayEnv: Directory for the EasyBuild-generated modules for the CrayEnv software stack.

    • easybuild/system: Directory for the EasyBuild-generated modules outside any software stack

    • spack/LUMI/<archstring>: Similar as the above, but for Spack-installed software.

    • manual/LUMI/ Similar as the above, but for manually installed software.

    • CrayOverwrite: A directory that is currently used to implement modules that are missing on our test system in Grenoble and to work around some of the problems in the Cray cpe/ modules.

      Note that these modules seem to give other problems so though we still put them on the system they are currently disabled.

    • StyleModifiers: Links to the corresponding module in the repository. It contains the modules that can be used to change the presentation of the modules in module avail.

  • SW : This is for the actual binaries, lib directories etc. Names are deliberately kept short to avoid problems with too long shebang lines. As shebang lines do not undergoe variable expansion, we cannot use the EBROOT variables and so on in those lines to save space.


      • C

        • EB

        • SP

        • MNL

      • G

      • D

      • L

      • common

    • CrayEnv

    • system

  • mgmt: Files that are not stored in our GitHub, but are generated on the fly and are only useful to those users who want to build upon our software stack or for those who install software in our stacks.

    • ebrepo_files


        • LUMI-C

        • LUMI-G

        • LUMI-D

        • LUMI-L

        • LUMI-common

      • CrayEnv

      • system

    • LMOD : Additional files for LMOD

      • VisibilityHookData : Auto-generated files used by the LMOD SitePackage.lua file to hide Cray modules that are irrelevant for a particular software stack.
  • sources: Directory structure to store sources of installed programs so that they can be reinstalled even if sources would no longer be downloadable

    • easybuild: Sources downloaded by EasyBuild. The internal structure of this directory is determined by EasyBuild.

    • Further subdirectories are not fixed yet, but the suggestion is to also provide a manual subdirectory for the sources of those packages that are installed manually and a spack subdirectory for spack-installed software when we proceed with the Spack integration.

  • SystemRepo: GitHub repository with all managed files. The name is not fixed, any name can be used and will be picked up if the scripts from the scripts subdirectory inside the repository are used to initialise a new software stack or to determine the values for some of the environment variables for LMOD.

    For the structure inside the repository, see the "overview of files in the repository and where they are being used.

  • LUMI-EasyBuild-contrib (optional and not created by the script): A clone of the LUMI-EasyBuild-contrib repository only used for search in EasyBuild.

User EasyBuild setup

This is a very simplified version of the system directory structure with levels in the directory structure omitted when they don't make sense as this structure is for EasyBuild installations only.

  • modules/LUMI/ Directory for the EasyBuild-generated modules for the LUMI/ software stack for the LUMI-part partition (part actually being a single letter, except for the software that is common to all partitions, where part is common)

  • SW/ : This is for the actual binaries, lib directories etc. Names are deliberately kept short to avoid problems with too long shebang lines. As shebang lines do not undergoe variable expansion, we cannot use the EBROOT variables and so on in those lines to save space.

    As for the modules directory, part is C, G, D, Lor common.

  • ebrepo_files/ for the EasyBuild repository of installed EasyConfigs in the user directory.

    As for the modules directory, part is C, G, D, Lor common.

  • sources: Subdirectory where EasyBuild stores sources of isntalled packages. The internal structure is fully determined by EasyBuild.

  • UserRepo: The user EasyBuild repo. Contrary to the repository in the system directories, the name UserRepo is mandatory here.

    Subdirectories are

    • easybuild/config to add to the system config files (the easybuild-user.cfg and files, see the Setup of a LUMI software stack and EasyBuild page)

    • easybuild/easyblkocks for additional custom EasyBlocks. We currently assume an organisation in two levels (first letter and then the python file).

    • easybuild/easyconfigs for the EasyConfigs.