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LUMI prototype SitePackage.lua

SitePackage.lua is used to implement various customistations to Lmod.

The file defines both LMOD hooks and a number of new functions for the sandbox to ease the implementation of modulefiles for LUMI.

Make sure that the environment variable LMOD_PACKAGE_PATH points to the directory that contains this file to activate this file.


Target modules per partition

The target modules per partition are set via the init_module_list table. This also includes other modules that are set at initialisation.

Default programming environment

The default programming environment is set via the init_PrgEnv variable.

List of LTS software stacks

In the initial implementation every software stack that was not a development stack was marked as "LTS" but it turns out it will be very difficult initially to live up to the promise of 2 years of support. We simply need to change the programming environment too often and HPE Cray also does not keep supporting them.

The LUMI-stacks with long-term support are set in LTS_LUMI_stacks


SiteName hook

This hook is used to define the prefix for some of the environment variables that Lmod will generate internally. Rather then just setting it to LUMI we decided to set it to LUMI_LMOD to lower the chance of conflicts with environment variables that may be defined elsewhere.

avail hook

This hook is used to replace directories with labels in the output of module avail.

To work for the prototypes, one needs to set:

export LMOD_AVAIL_STYLE=<label>:PEhierarchy:system
which will make the labeled view the default but will still allow to see the directory view using
module -s system avail

The ModuleLabel modules can also be used to switch between the three settings:

  • label: User-friendly labels for the directories, some directories collapsed into a single category, and all Cray PE modules collapsed into a single category.

  • PEhierarchyy: User-friendly labels for the directories, some directories collapsed into a single category, but with the original Cray PE module hierarchy.

  • system: The view showing the full directory path for each module directory.


This hook is used to adapt the following messages: * output of module avail: Add more information about how to search for software and to contact LUMI User Support.

Visibility hook

The visibility hook is currently used to hide the Cray modules of other CPE versions in a particular version of the CPE software stack. It is also used to hide the EasyBuild modules as users sometimes load these without loading the EasyBuild-user module.

As the hook function is called many times during a single call to module avail some effort was done to make it efficient at the cost of readability.

  • The data about the Cray PE modules that should not be hidden is contained in a LUA script in mgmt/LMOD/VisibilityHookData. This script is read via require so that it is cached and really processed only once. Furthermore, to make locating the script easy, the LUMI stack module stores the path and name in two environment variables that are ready-to-use without further substitutions.

    The file is auto-generated during the initialisation of a software stack.

    The name and location of the file is set through two environment variables set in the LUMI modules.

  • The code to hide EasyBuild is currently rather rudimentary. It doesn't try to do so only for EasyBuild modules in the central software stack, but would hide an EasyBuild module that has been installed by a user also. This is partly the result of design flaws making it harder to distinguish user and central modules.

  • Note that the feature is turned of for power users.

Custom LMOD functions


detect_LUMI_partitionis a function that can be used to request the current LUMI partition. This is used by the generic modules/LUMIstack modules files but put in SitePackage.lua to have a single point where this is implemented.

The alternative would be to use a trick that is also used in some CPE module files to read in and execute code from an external file.

LUMI_OVERWRITE_PARTITION is defined and if so, the value of that variable is used. It is assumed to be C, G, D or L depending on the node type (CPU compute, GPU compute, data and visualisation or login), or can be common to install software in the hidden common partition.

Currently the following rules are implemented for LUMI:

  • Node name starts with uan: It must be a login node, so in partition/L

  • Nude number 16-23: LUMI-D with GPU

  • Node number 101-108: LUMI-D without GPY, assing to partition/L

  • Node number 1000-2535: Regular LUMI-C compute nodes, assign partition/C

  • Other nodes are for now assigned to partition/L.

The idea is to ensure that a module update would reload the loaded software stack for the partition on which the module update command is run.


get_CPE_component is a function that can be used in modulefiles to request the version of a CPE component. The data is read from the CPE definition files in the CrayPE subdirectory of the repository.

The function is currently used in the modules/LUMIpartition generic implementation of the partition modules for the LUMI stacks to determine the version of the Cray targeting modules to add that directory to the MODULEPATH.


get_CPE_versions is a function that can be used in module files to request a table with the version for each package in a CPE release. The data is read from the CPE definition files in the CrayPE subdirectory of the repository.

The function is used in the prototype in the cpe modules for the Grenoble system as a proof-of-concept for a generic cpe module to reduce the number of places where the version info of the Cray packages in a CPE release is kept.


get_EasyBuild_version is a function that simply returns the version of EasyBuild for a given software stack (and actually a given CPE version in the current implementation, so a .dev stack is assumed to have the same version of EasyBuild as the regular stack). Currently we abuse the CPE definition files in CrayPE to set the version of EasyBuild, but by making this a separate function this can be changed in the future.


get_versionedfile is a function that can be used to find the suitable versioned file for a given version of the LUMI software stack, i.e., the file which according to the version number is the most recent one not newer than the software stack.


get_hostname gets the hostname from the output of the hostname command. It is meant to be used by detect_LUMI_partition but is also exported so that other module files can use it if needed.


get_user_prefix_EasyBuild computes the root of the user EasyBuild installation from the environment variable EBU_USER_PREFIX and the default name in the home directory.

It is used in the EasyBuild-config module, the LUMIpartition module (to include the user module directory in the MODULEPATH`) and in theavail_hook`` LMOD hook.


get_init_module_list is a function that returns the list of modules to load at initialisation. This includes target modules, other modules, and optionally the default programming environment.

The function takes two arguments:

  1. The partition (L, C, G, D)

  2. A boolean: When true the default programming environment is added to the list of modules that is generated as a result of the function.


get_motd returns the message-fo-the-day as stored in etc/motd in the repository root. The function takes no input arguments.


get_fortune works as the old UNIX fortune command. It returns a random tip read from etc/lumi_fortune.txt in the repository root.


is_interactive returns true if it is called in an interactive shell, otherwise false. The function takes no input arguments.

It is used to ensure that the message-of-the-day is not printed in cases where Linux would not print it.


is_LTS_LUMI_stack takes one input argument: the version of the LUMI stack. It returns true if that version is a LTS stack and returns false otherwise.


get_container_repository_root takes no input arguments. It returns the location of the container recipe which is taken from the LUMI_CONTAINER_REPOSITORY_ROOT when defined or the default /appl/local/containers otherwise.


get_EB_container_repository takes no input arguments. It assembles the name of the directory of the container repository that EasyBuild should use from the result of get_container_repository_root. Its main function is to have the name of the subdirectory in only one place of the code to have more flexibility to change it when needed.


get_SIF_file() takes three arguments:

  1. Name of the SIF file

  2. Name of the package (EasyBuild easyconfig)

  3. Installation directory (can come from %(installdir)s in an EasyConfig)

This routine checks first if the .sif file is present in the installation directory. If not, it computes the location from the name of the .sif file, the EasyBuild package name (in case we want to implement a structure like p/PyTorch), and whatever it gets from the get_container_repository function.


The convert_to_EBvar outine is used to create an EasyBuild-style variable name from the package name and an optional prefix and postfix. It takes three arguments:

  1. package: Name of the package (EasyBuild-style)

  2. prefix: Optional prefix for the generated variable name (can be nil)

  3. postfix: Optional postfix for the generated variable name (cam be nil)

Output: The name of the variable generated from the package, by turning all characters uppercase and replacing a hyphen with MIN, with they prefix in front and the postfix at the end of the string.

This is not yet a complete equivalent of the EasyBuild variable-from-packages generator, but it is a start for now.


The create_container_vars routine sets a number of environment variables in the modules that we use to make some containers available.

It takes three input arguments, with the last two optional:

  1. sif_file: Name of the SIF file

  2. package_name: Name of the package (EasyBuild easyconfig)

  3. installdir: Installation directory (can come from %(installdir)s in an EasyConfig)

Return value: None. It simply calls a Lmod functions to set some environment variables.