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Understanding GPU activity & checking jobs

Presenter: Samuel AƱtao (AMD)

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  1. Is nvtop available on LUM?

    • Not preinstalled but you can build it yourself using Easybuild, see nvtop in the LUMI Software Library. Also check our docs about how to setup Easybuild or watch the presentation on LUMI Software Stacks from the recent Amsterdam training (or check the notes linked on that page)

      We restrict software in the central stack to things that are widely used and easy to maintain and explain as we need to be able to move fast after a system update and managing a central stack has serial bottlenecks to keep everything organised. The next system update is going to be a huge one and you will see afterwards what we mean as we expect a lot of repairs will be needed to the central stack...

      After all, corrections in a central stack are not easy. You can simply delete a container and start over again as a user. You can delete your user software installation and start over again and it will only hurt your project. But you cannot simply delete stuff in a central stack and start over as users are using that stack at the moment and all those jobs would fail until there is a compatible stack in place... (to use an argument from the container presentation after this one)