Hands-on: Run a simple single-GPU PyTorch AI training job¶
Exercises on the course GitHub.
Is it alright/normal to always get the following message/warning in the start of our output file?
The following modules were not unloaded: (Use "module --force purge" to unload all): 1) ModuleLabel/label 2) lumi-tools/24.05 3) init-lumi/0.2 The following sticky modules could not be reloaded: 1) lumi-tools
Yes, that is completely normal. If you want to know more about how the module system works, we recommend our regular introductory courses. E.g., the lecture on modules of the recent Amsterdam training, currently our most recent training. It is not possible to compress all relevant material of that course in this 2-day course unfortunately.
Basically it is the result of some modules on LUMI being sticky, and all this is explained in this section of the notes of the modules talk of the Amsterdam intro course.
What is the rationele behind asking for 7 CPUs if you do the training on 1 GPU (Maybe it was mentioned during the presentation, but I lost connection at some point)?
- The nodes are configured to leave some CPUs free for GPU driver activity leaving 7 per GPU. It is useful to routinely ask for these so that if you are getting all the cpus associated with each GPU.
Thanks, so in principle you could just ask for just 1 cpu, but it would kind of waste the other 6?
- All GPU codes also launch from CPUs and in some cases that CPU part of the code is also multithreaded. Can't speak for your case, but earlier today a user wanted more than 7 cores per GPU... E.g., managing the loading of data is largely done by the CPU.
In the .py file, why do we specify remove_columns=["text", "label"] - should not only "label" be removed? (it is in the train_dataset.map and eval_dataset.map functions)
- This is somewhat specific to the HuggingFace Trainer with this specific model, which expects the training data to be token ids, that is, integers, under key 'input_ids'. These are created during running the tokenizer in the script, but it means we can discard the actual
- This is somewhat specific to the HuggingFace Trainer with this specific model, which expects the training data to be token ids, that is, integers, under key 'input_ids'. These are created during running the tokenizer in the script, but it means we can discard the actual
The script has finished training correctly, but did not print the generated reviews. Same problem with the reference solution.
- With the suggested configuration / resource allocation, the script probably ran out of time to finish training and generating reviews. Check from the output log if it says in the end
. This is expected for this exercise. We will speed up the training using multiple GPUs in Session 08 tomorrow.
- With the suggested configuration / resource allocation, the script probably ran out of time to finish training and generating reviews. Check from the output log if it says in the end