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Hands-on: Run a simple PyTorch example notebook

Exercises on the course GitHub.


  1. Not directly related to the exercise, but is it possible to view the GPU / memory utilization in real time when running jobs ? Perhaps something similar to C3se implementation like this

    • We will discuss some methods later today.
  2. I already have a project on LUMI that I wanted to carry the exercises out on, but I run into some problems. I changed the "HF_HOME" variable to my own project ("/scratch/project_465000956/hf-cache"), but I get an error of OSError: [Errno 122] Disk quota exceeded. What am I doing wrong?

    • Check your disk quota with the lumi-workspaces command. You likely have a too large volume or too many files in your scratch or home folder.

    • UPDATE: (Lukas) There was an issue in the notebook that could cause this. This is now fixed, so you can update via git pull.