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LUMI Software Stacks

Presenter: Kurt Lust (LUST)

Materials available on the web:

Archived materials on LUMI:

  • Slides: /appl/local/training/4day-20240423/files/LUMI-4day-20240423-2_07_software_stacks.pdf

  • Recording: /appl/local/training/4day-20240423/recordings/2_07_LUMI_Software_Stacks.mp4

Additional materials


  1. If you have a licensed software, such as VASP, how do I use that licensed software in lumi?

    • LUMI uses a bring your own license model. It differs per software package how this would work. For VASP we have documented the installation procedure in the LUMI Software Library VASP page.
  2. Question on EasyBuilder. Any reason to support Ansible (better logging, yaml support, etc..) Seems there is an Ansible module for EasyBuilder: GitHub link and YouTube presentation Ansible with EasyBuild from an EasyBuild user meeting.

    • The repo you point to is the work of one of my colleague and is not meant to be used by users, only by system administrators. The goal was basically to have a way to (re)-deploy an EasyBuild managed software stack on multiple architectures. This project is unmaintained.
  3. Why EasyBuild and not spack as a package manager? I mean what is it better between them?

    • EuroHPC politics was a consideration as other sites in Europe were already using EasyBuild. There was a lot of experience in Switzerland.

    • EasyBuild is rigid and can be well tested. Spack is more versatile and now quite powerful if you want to create environments for multiple packages. Although Spack is very attractive, there is some concern on what is going to fund future developments.

  4. I am trying to create a conda environment in a container, however t seems that it keeps disconnecting my interaction VS code and login shell. Are containers only limited to a few python packages?

    • LUMI supports specific tools to build containers for conda environments so I expect this will be covered later in this talk. I am not aware of any limits.

    • It sounds like you have connection problems, or maybe have a configuration issue in your interactive session. If you are disconnected this is not caused by the process of extending/building containers.

  5. Can you take existing containers (Pytorch container for example) and install additional python packages on that container?

    • I'm told by Alfio that the proot functionality gives you a nice way to do this.

    • And for the containers that we provide, it can also be done in a virtual environment. For one of the containers we already have an automated way to make it more file system friendly, but see the documentation of Pytorch in the LUMI Software Library where this question is answered, or after next week, check the materials of the Amsterdam course (day 2 afternoon).

    • Basically, you can do the following:

      # Start a shell in your singularity container
      singularity exec -B ./workdir /path-to-singularity-image/myimage.sif bash
      # Now we are running inside the container
      # activate container conda
      # create virtual environment to extent conda (read-only one)
      python -m venv --system-site-packages /workdir/venvsource 
      python -m pip install my-extra-package
      # Now we are running outside the container
      # We can now invoke singularity as this to leverage the combination of conda and virtual env.
      singularity exec -B ./workdir /path-to-singularity-image/myimage.sif \
          bash -c '$WITH_CONDA ; PYTHONPATH=/workdir/vnv/lib/pythonx.y/site-packages python3 ./myapp'
  6. Will does PyTorch examples he just mentioned be available here? In this workshop?