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Exercise session 12: Cray MPICH

The files for the exercises can be found in Exercises/HPE/day2/ProgrammingModels. Test the Pi example with MPI or MPI/OpenMP on 4 nodes and 4 tasks. Show where the ranks/threads are running by using the appropriate MPICH environment variable. Use environment variables to change this order (rank-reordering).

Alternatively, continue with the previous exercises if these are more relevant for your work.


Archived materials on LUMI:

  • Exercise assignments in /appl/local/training/2p3day-20250303/files/LUMI-2p3day-20250303-Exercises_HPE.pdf

  • Exercises as bizp2-compressed tar file in /appl/local/training/2p3day-20250303/files/LUMI-2p3day-20250303-Exercises_HPE.tar.bz2

  • Exercises as uncompressed tar file in /appl/local/training/2p3day-20250303/files/LUMI-2p3day-20250303-Exercises_HPE.tar

  • Video recording of the walk-through of the solution to the exercises at /appl/local/training/2p3day-20250303/recordings/E404-Cray_MPI_on_Slingshot.mp4

