CCE Offloading Models and Porting Applications to GPUs¶
Presenter: Alfio Lazzaro (HPE)
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In case I have a complex Struct in C++ how can I map that with OpenMP on GPU?
How can I map Data?struct Data{ subStruct Vc; double **array_of_array; double max_mach; double ... double ... }
- (Alfio) In OpenMP you can use Mapper Identifiers and mapper Modifiers. See this example
Managed can help in this case (without deep copy)?
- Yes, indeed (note that managed is what C++ parellel frameworks do, e.g. SYCL)
If he can show some example it would be helpful.
This is an example that might need unified memory to work. And it will likely only be truly efficient on something like an MI300A.
Sorry for the repetition, can you clarify better the differences between managed and unified memory
- (Alfio) Unified memory is related to OpenMP (aka Unified Shared Memory, USM), which uses managed memory in HIP (see HipMallocManaged in "HIP Runtime API Reference: Managed Memory")