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LUMI Intensive: Comprehensive Intro and Advanced Workshop, March 3-7, 2025

Course organisation

  • Location: KTH, Lindstedtsvägen 24, 114 28 Stockholm, Sweden, room 522 "Fantum".

    The building is just a 5 minute walk from a metro station with excellent connections to the central station (red metro line). See also the SL web site for more information on public transportation in Stockholm.

  • Schedule (some speakers will change)

  • HedgeDoc for questions

  • During the course, there are several Slurm reservations available:

    • Day 2, for the Slurm exercises:
      • CPU nodes: LUMI_intro_cpu on the small partition
      • GPU nodes: LUMI_intro_gpu on the standard-g partition
    • Day 3-5:
      • CPU nodes: LUMI_advanced_cpu on the standard partition
      • GPU nodes: LUMI_advanced_gpu on the standard-g partition

    They can be used in conjunction with the training project project_465001726.

    Note that the reservations and course project should only be used for making the exercises during the course and not for running your own jobs. The resources allocated to the course are very limited.


  • Hotel options: The various hotels near the central station would be a good choice for travellers. The Odenplan area could be an alternative as there is a frequent bus service to the KTH campus. Elite Hotel Arcadia is right on the edge of the KTH campus and hence also a possible choice.

  • Travel from the airport: There are 4 ways to get to central stockholm from the airport:

    • Taxi - Expensive, go to the labeled taxi ranks in the airport. There is a fixed price to the city, which should be displayed on the taxi and will be different for different companies
    • Arlanda Express - Moderately expensive, very fast direct train to stockholm central station
    • Commuter train - From sky city in Arlanda you can get the nomral trains. You need to pay 147 SEK (toll to use the tunnel under Arlanda) at the ticket barriers plus a normal SL ticket
    • Airport bus - cheapest option, but takes longest. Central bus station is right next to central station.
  • Using public transportation in Stockholm

    Probably simplest if you just get the SL (Stockholm Localtrafik) app on a smartphone, will give you a QR code that you can use at ticket barriers. Tickets can be bought using a credit card in the app. Physical cards are also available, but cost 50 SEK for the card, plus extra for the tickets you put on it.
    Credit cards can also be used with contactless pay as you go to buy a single.

    Single tickets are fairly expensive. If you plan to use public transportation not only to come and go to the venue, but also at night to travel in Stockholm, a travelcard, which you can get in the app, may be a better option.

    Be careful when using the route planner in the app to travel to the course venue. If you search for KTH, several options will be offered to you, some of those in entirely different parts of the city. Search for "Tekniska högskolan", the metro station, or "Lindstedtsvägen (Stockholm)". But do NOT take "KTH - Royal Intitute of Technology (Södertälje)" as this will take you to a different place, even outside Stockholm

Course materials

Course materials include the Q&A of each session, slides when available and notes when available. These materials will become available as the course progresses.

Due to copyright issues some of the materials are only available to current LUMI users and have to be downloaded from LUMI.

Note: Some links in the table below are dead and will remain so until after the end of the course.

Presentation slides notes recording
Day 1
Welcome and Introduction S / V
Introduction to the course notes / N /
Theme: Exploring LUMI from the login nodes
LUMI Architecture S (N) V
HPE Cray Programming Environment S N V
Getting Access to LUMI S N V
Exercises 1 / / /
Modules on LUMI S N V
Exercises 2 / / /
LUMI Software Stacks S N V
Exercises 3 / / /
LUMI Support and Documentation S / V
Wrap-Up Day 1 S / V
Day 2
Introduction Day 2 S / V
Theme: Running jobs efficiently
Slurm on LUMI S (N) V
Process and Thread Distribution and Binding S (N) V
Exercises 4 / / /
Theme: Data on LUMI
Using Lustre S (N) V
Object Storage S N V
Exercises 5 / / /
Theme: Containers on LUMI
Containers on LUMI-C and LUMI-G S N V
Demo 1 (optional) / N V
Demo 2 (optional) / N V
Wrap-Up Day 2 S / V
Day 3
Introduction / / web
HPE Cray EX Architecture lumi / lumi
Compilers and Parallel Programming Models lumi / lumi
Exercises #6 / / /
Cray Scientific Libraries lumi / lumi
Exercises #7 / / /
CCE Offloading Models lumi / lumi
Introduction to the AMD ROCm Ecosystem web / web
Exercises #8 / / /
Debugging at Scale lumi / lumi
Exercises #9 / / /
Day 4
Introduction to Perftools lumi / lumi
Exercises #10 / / /
Performance Optimization: Improving single-core Efficiency lumi / lumi
Advanced Performance Analysis lumi / lumi
Exercises #11 / / /
MPI Topics on the HPE Cray EX Supercomputer lumi / lumi
Exercises #12 / / /
AMD Debugger: ROCgdb web / web
Exercises #13 / / /
Introduction to ROC-Profiler (rocprof) web / web
Exercises #14 / / /
Day 5
GPU Application Porting Strategies lumi / lumi
Introduction to Python on Cray EX lumi / lumi
Optimizing Large Scale I/O lumi / lumi
Exercises #15 / / /
Introduction to OmniTrace web / web
Exercises #16 / / /
Introduction to Omniperf web / web
Exercises #17 / / /
Tools in Action - An Example with Pytorch web / web
Additional documentation / web /

Making the exercises after the course


The "Object Storage" exercises in Exercise session 5 do require data in the training project but there is an alternative set of exercises missing only one element from the during-the-course version that can be made in your own project. For the exercises from Exercise session 4 you can no longer use the reservation.

  • Create a directory in the scratch of your project, or if you want to keep the exercises around for a while, in a subdirectory of your project directory or in your home directory (though we don't recommend the latter). Then go into that directory.

    E.g., in the scratch directory of your project:

    mkdir -p /scratch/project_46YXXXXXX/course-20250303-$USER/Exercises/Intro
    cd /scratch/project_46YXXXXXX/course-20250303-$USER/Exercises/Intro

    where you have to replace project_46YXXXXXX using the number of your own project.

  • Now install the exercise files:

    tar -xf /appl/local/training/2p3day-20250303/files/exercises-LUST-20250303.tar.bz2
  • You're all set to go!


The exercise material remains available in the course archive on LUMI:

  • The PDF notes in /appl/local/training/2p3day-20250303/files/LUMI-2p3day-20250303-Exercises_HPE.pdf

  • The other files for the exercises in either a bzip2-compressed tar file /appl/local/training/2p3day-20250303/files/LUMI-2p3day-20250303-Exercises_HPE.tar.bz2 or an uncompressed tar file /appl/local/training/2p3day-20250303/files/LUMI-2p3day-20250303-Exercises_HPE.tar.

To reconstruct the exercise material in your own home, project or scratch directory, all you need to do is to go into the directory where you want to work on the exercises, e.g.,

cd /scratch/project_46YXXXXXX/course-20250303-$USER/

and then run:

tar -xf /appl/local/training/2p3day-20250303/files/LUMI-2p3day-20250303-Exercises_HPE.tar.bz2

This will create the Exercises/HPE subdirectory from the training project.

However, instead of running the or scripts that only work for the course as they set the course project as the active project for Slurm and also set a reservation, use the and scripts, but first edit them to use one of your projects.


There are online notes about the AMD exercises. A PDF print-out with less navigation features is also available and is particularly useful should the online notes become unavailable. However, some lines are incomplete. A web backup is also available, but corrections to the original made after the course are not included.

The other files for the exercises are available in either a bzip2-compressed tar file /appl/local/training/2p3day-20250303/files/LUMI-2p3day-20250303-Exercises_AMD.tar.bz2 or an uncompressed tar file /appl/local/training/2p3day-20250303/files/LUMI-2p3day-20250303-Exercises_AMD.tar and can also be downloaded. ( bzip2-compressed tar download or uncompressed tar download)

To reconstruct the exercise material in your own home, project or scratch directory, all you need to do is to go into the directory where you want to work on the exercises, e.g.,

cd /scratch/project_46YXXXXXX/course-20250303-$USER/

and then run:

tar -xf /appl/local/training/2p3day-20250303/files/LUMI-2p3day-20250303-Exercises_AMD.tar.bz2

This will create the Exercises/AMD subdirectory from the training project. You can do so in the same directory where you installed the HPE exercises.


The software and exercises were tested thoroughly at the time of the course. LUMI however is in continuous evolution and changes to the system may break exercises and software

The links to all documentation mentioned during the talks is on a separate page.