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[WPS] [package list]

WPS/4.3.1-cpeGNU-22.06 (WPS-4.3.1-cpeGNU-22.06.eb)

This software is archived in the LUMI-EasyBuild-contrib GitHub repository as easybuild/easyconfigs/__archive__/w/WPS/WPS-4.3.1-cpeGNU-22.06.eb. The corresponding module would be WPS/4.3.1-cpeGNU-22.06.

# Created by Orian Louant for the LUMI consortium
# Updated by Kurt Lust for the LIUMI consortium

easyblock = 'CmdCp'

name          = 'WPS'
version       = '4.3.1'

local_Perl_version   = '5.36.0'
local_JasPer_version = '2.0.33'   # Inconmpatible with 3.0.4 used in the 22.06 stack.
local_libpng_version = '1.6.37'
local_zlib_version   = '1.2.12'
local_WRF_version    = '4.3.3'

local_configuration  = [
    ('NETCDF',    '${NETCDF_DIR}'),
    ('WRF_DIR',   '$EBROOTWRF'),
    ('JASPERINC', '$EBROOTJASPER/include'),

homepage = ''

whatis = [
    'Description: WPS is the is the Preprocessing System (WPS) for WRF'

description = """
WRF Preprocessing System (WPS) for WRF. The Weather Research and Forecasting
(WRF) Model is a next-generation mesoscale numerical weather prediction system
designed to serve both operational forecasting and atmospheric research needs.

The plotfmt.exe and plotgrid.exe tools are not included in this module as they
depend on NCAR Graphics which is no longer maintained and hasn't seen an update
since 2019.

toolchain = {'name': 'cpeGNU', 'version': '22.06'}

source_urls = ['']
sources = ['v%(version)s.tar.gz']

checksums = ['db6da44a2ca68cc289e98ab388a53c27283eb4ed8e92edee268466543fdedb0e']

builddependencies = [
    ('buildtools', '%(toolchain_version)s', '', True),
    ('Perl',       local_Perl_version)

dependencies = [
    ('cray-hdf5',   EXTERNAL_MODULE),
    ('cray-netcdf', EXTERNAL_MODULE),
    ('WRF',         local_WRF_version, '-chem'),
    ('zlib',        local_zlib_version),
    ('JasPer',      local_JasPer_version),
    ('libpng',      local_libpng_version),

unpack_options    = '--strip-components=1'
buildininstalldir = True

local_configure_cmds = """./configure <<'EOF'
sed -i s/gcc/cc/ configure.wps && \
sed -i s/mpicc/cc/ configure.wps && \
sed -i s/gfortran/ftn/ configure.wps && \
sed -i s/mpif90/ftn/ configure.wps"""

local_preconfigure_cmds = ' && '.join(['export ' + x[0] + '=' + x[1] for x in local_configuration])
local_build_cmds        = './compile'

cmds_map = [
     ' && '.join([

files_to_copy = None

sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': ['geogrid.exe', 'metgrid.exe', 'ungrib.exe', 
              'util/avg_tsfc.exe', 'util/g1print.exe', 'util/g2print.exe', 'util/mod_levs.exe',
              'util/height_ukmo.exe',  'util/int2nc.exe'],
    'dirs':  []

modextrapaths = {
    'PATH'            : ['.', 'util'],
    'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' : '.',

[WPS] [package list]