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License information

We could not find any license information on the WRF Preprocessing System (WPS).

However, the WRF Users' Page does contain the "WRF Public Domain Notice" which is a "light" version of the typical license document.

Citation of some WRF papers is also encouraged as can be seen on the "How to Cite the WRF-ARW-Model" page.

User-installable modules (and EasyConfigs)

Install with the EasyBuild-user module:

eb <easyconfig> -r
To access module help after installation and get reminded for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, use module spider WPS/<version>.


Technical documentation


The build procedure is an in-place build in the installation directory as there is no proper install procedure.

### Version 4.3.1 for 21.12

  • The plotfmt.exe and plotgrid.exe tools are not included at the moment as they require additional dependencies (NCAR Graphics).

    NCAR Graphics then became part of NCL (NCAR Command Lanmguage) which tiself in in maintenance mode since 2019 as NCAR is replacing its graphics tools with Python-based tools.

Version 4.3.1 for 22.06 and 22.08

  • 22.06 uses a newer version of JasPer, but unfortunately WPS is incompatible with it causing the build of ungrib.exe to fail.

    So an EasyConfig for an older version of JasPer was also added to the contributed repository.

  • Improved the sanity checks. Adding sanity check commands turns out to be nontrivial or impossible as it is not possible to simply see if an executable at least loads and starts correctly using something as --help or --version.

    The list of tools in the sanity check is based on the file but the last line adds two tools that were found in the installation directory. Also, plotfmt and plotgrids are not currently included as they require additional dependencies.

Archived EasyConfigs

The EasyConfigs below are additonal easyconfigs that are not directly available on the system for installation. Users are advised to use the newer ones and these archived ones are unsupported. They are still provided as a source of information should you need this, e.g., to understand the configuration that was used for earlier work on the system.