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Submitting installations as Slurm jobs

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EasyBuild can submit jobs to different backends including Slurm to install software, to distribute the often time-consuming installation of a set of software applications and the dependencies they require to a cluster. Each individual package is installed in a separate job and job dependencies are used to manage the dependencies between package so that no build is started before the dependencies are in place.

This is done via the --job command line option.

It is important to be aware of some details before you start using this, which we'll cover here.

This section is not supported on LUMI, use at your own risk

EasyBuild on LUMI is currently not fully configured to support job submission via Slurm. Several changes would be needed to the configuration of EasyBuild, including the location of the temporary files and build directory. Those have to be made by hand.

Due to the setup of the central software stack, this feature is currently useless to install the central stack. For user installations, there are also limitations as the environment on the compute nodes is different from the login nodes so, e.g., different locations for temporary files are being used. These would only be refreshed if the EasyBuild configuration modules are reloaded on the compute nodes which cannot be done currently in the way Slurm job submission is set up in EasyBuild.

Use material in this section with care; it has not been completely tested.


The EasyBuild configuration that is active at the time that eb --job is used will be passed down into the submitted job automatically, via command line options to the eb command that is run in the job script.

This includes not only command line options used next to --job, but also configuration settings that are specified via an EasyBuild configuration file or through $EASYBUILD_* environment variables.

This implies that any EasyBuild configuration files or $EASYBUILD_* environment variables that are in place in the job environment are most likely irrelevant, since configuration settings they specify they will most likely be overruled by the corresponding command line options. It does also imply however that the EasyBuild configuration that is in place when eb --job is used should also work on the compute nodes to which the job is submitted as EasyBuild will generate the command line options used in the job script based on that configuration.

Using eb --job

Job backend

The default job backend in EasyBuild v4.x is GC3Pie. To let EasyBuild submit jobs to Slurm instead, you should set the job-backend configuration setting to Slurm, for example by setting the corresponding environment variable:


On LUMI this is taken care of in the EasyBuild configuration modules such as EasyBuild-user.

Job resources

To submit an installation as a job, simply use eb --job:

eb example.eb --job

By default, EasyBuild will submit single-core jobs requesting for 24 hours of walltime. You can tweak the requested resources via the job-cores and job-max-walltime configuration options. For example:

# submit job to install example, using 5 cores and 2 hours of max. walltime
eb example.eb --job --job-cores 5 --job-max-walltime 2

Note that not all job-* configuration settings apply to all job backends, see the EasyBuild documentation for more details.

Controlling Slurm submission options

When using Slurm as a job backend, EasyBuild will automatically generate job scripts which use the eb command to perform a single installation. These scripts will be submitted using the sbatch command.

EasyBuild currently doesn't provide away to customize the Slurm submission options, for example to submit to a particular partition, or to use a particular account, build you can set the corresponding SBATCH_* environment variables prior to running eb --job.

For example, to specify a particular account that should be used for the jobs submitted by EasyBuild (equivalent with using the -A or --account command line option for sbatch):


Or to submit to a particular Slurm partition (equivalent with the -p or --partition option for sbatch):

export SBATCH_PARTITION='small'

For more information about supported SBATCH_* environment variables, see the Slurm documentation.

Combining --job and --robot

If one or more dependencies are still missing for the software you want to install, you can combine --job and --robot to get EasyBuild to submit a separate job for each of the installations. These jobs will not use --robot, they will each only perform a single installation.

Dependencies between jobs will be "registered" at submission time, so Slurm will put jobs on hold until the jobs that install the required (build) dependencies have completed successfully, and cancel jobs if the job to install a dependency failed for some reason.

Attention points

There are a couple of important things to keep an eye on when submitting installations as jobs...

Differences on cluster workernodes

Sometimes the resources available on the login nodes and cluster workernodes are slightly different, and you may need to take this into account in your EasyBuild configuration.

For example, plenty of disk space may be available in the /tmp temporary filesystem on a login node, while the workernodes require you to use a different location for temporary files and directories. As a result, you may need to slightly change your EasyBuild configuration when submitting installations as jobs, to avoid that they fail almost instantly due to a lack of disk space.

Keep in mind that the active EasyBuild configuration is passed down into the submitted jobs, so any configuration that is present on the workernodes may not have any effect.

For example, on LUMI it is possible to use $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR on the login nodes which has the advantage that any leftovers of failed builds will be cleaned up when the user ends their last login session on that node, but it is not possible to do so on the compute nodes.

# EasByuild is configured to use /tmp/$USER on the login node
uan01 $ eb --show-config | grep buildpath
buildpath      (E) = /run/user/XXXXXXXX/easybuild/build

# use /dev/shm/$USER for build directories when submitting installations as jobs
login01 $ eb --job --buildpath /dev/shm/$USER/easybuild example.eb --robot

Temporary log files and build directories

The problems for the temporary log files are twofold. First, they may end up in a place that is not available on the compute nodes. E.g., for the same reasons as for the build path, the LUMI EasyBuild configuration will place the temporary files in a subdirectory of $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR on the loginnodes but a subdirectory of /dev/shm/$USER on the compute nodes. The second problem however is that if an installation fails, those log files are not even accessible anymore which may leave you wondering about the actual cause of the failing installation...

To remedy this, there are a couple of EasyBuild configuration options you can use:

  • You can use --tmp-logdir to specify a different location where EasyBuild should store temporary log files, for example:

    $ eb --job example.eb --tmp-logdir $HOME/eb_tmplogs
    This will move at least the log file to a suitable place.

  • If you prefer having the entire log file stored in the Slurm job output files, you can use --logtostdout when submitting the jobs. This will result in extensive logging to your terminal window when submitting the jobs, but it will also make EasyBuild log to stdout when the installation is running in the job, and hence the log messages will be captured in the job output files.

The build directory of course also suffers from the problem of being no longer accessible if the installation fails, but there it is not so easy to find a solution. Building on a shared file system is not only much slower, but in particular on parallel file systems like GPFS/SpectrumScale, Lustre or BeeGFS building sometimes fails in strange ways. One thing you can consider if you cannot do the build on a login node (e.g., because the code is not suitable for cross-compiling or the configure system does tests that would fail on the login node), is to rety the installation in an interactive job, so you can inspect the build directory after the installation fails.

Lock files

EasyBuild creates locks to prevent that the same installation is started multiple times on different system to the same installation directory.

If an installation fails or gets interrupted, EasyBuild cleans up those locks automatically.

However, if a Slurm job that is using EasyBuild to install software gets cancelled (because it ran out of walltime, tried to consume too much memory, through an scancel command, etc.), EasyBuild will not get the chance to clean up the lock file.

If this occurs you will need to either clean up the lock file (which is located in the software/.locks subdirectory of installpath) manually, or re-submit the job with eb --job --ignore-locks.


As an example, we will let EasyBuild submit jobs to install AUGUSTUS with the foss/2020b toolchain.

This example does not work on LUMI

Note that this is an example using the FOSS common toolchain. For this reason it does not work on LUMI.


Before using --job, let's make sure that EasyBuild is properly configured:

# Load the EasyBuild-user module (central installations will not work at all
# using job submission)
module load LUMI/21.12
module load partition/C
module load EasyBuild-user

# use /tmp for build directories and temporary directories as we have those
# on login and compute nodes.
export EASYBUILD_TMPDIR=/tmp/$USER/tmp

# use Slurm as job backend

We will also need to inform Slurm that jobs should be submitted into a particular account, and in a particular partition:

export SBATCH_PARTITION='small'

This will be picked up by the sbatch commands that EasyBuild will run to submit the software installation jobs.

Submitting jobs to install AUGUSTUS

Now we can let EasyBuild submit jobs for AUGUSTUS.

Let's first check what is still missing:

$ eb AUGUSTUS-3.4.0-foss-2020b.eb --missing
11 out of 61 required modules missing:

* HTSlib/1.11-GCC-10.2.0 (HTSlib-1.11-GCC-10.2.0.eb)
* lpsolve/ (lpsolve-
* Boost/1.74.0-GCC-10.2.0 (Boost-1.74.0-GCC-10.2.0.eb)
* GSL/2.6-GCC-10.2.0 (GSL-2.6-GCC-10.2.0.eb)
* SAMtools/1.11-GCC-10.2.0 (SAMtools-1.11-GCC-10.2.0.eb)
* BCFtools/1.11-GCC-10.2.0 (BCFtools-1.11-GCC-10.2.0.eb)
* METIS/5.1.0-GCCcore-10.2.0 (METIS-5.1.0-GCCcore-10.2.0.eb)
* BamTools/2.5.1-GCC-10.2.0 (BamTools-2.5.1-GCC-10.2.0.eb)
* MPFR/4.1.0-GCCcore-10.2.0 (MPFR-4.1.0-GCCcore-10.2.0.eb)
* SuiteSparse/5.8.1-foss-2020b-METIS-5.1.0 (SuiteSparse-5.8.1-foss-2020b-METIS-5.1.0.eb)
* AUGUSTUS/3.4.0-foss-2020b (AUGUSTUS-3.4.0-foss-2020b.eb)

Several dependencies are not installed yet, so we will need to use --robot to ensure that EasyBuild also submits jobs to install these first.

To speed up the installations a bit, we will request 8 cores for each submitted job (via --job-cores). That should be sufficient to let each installation finish in (well) under 1 hour, so we only request 1 hour of walltime per job (via --job-max-walltime).

In order to have some meaningful job output files, we also enable trace mode (via --trace).

$ eb AUGUSTUS-3.4.0-foss-2020b.eb --job --job-cores 8 --job-max-walltime 1 --robot --trace
== resolving dependencies ...
== List of submitted jobs (11): Boost-1.74.0-GCC-10.2.0 (Boost/1.74.0-GCC-10.2.0): 1000011; GSL-2.6-GCC-10.2.0 (GSL/2.6-GCC-10.2.0): 1000004; SAMtools-1.11-GCC-10.2.0 (SAMtools/1.11-GCC-10.2.0): 1000005; HTSlib-1.11-GCC-10.2.0 (HTSlib/1.11-GCC-10.2.0): 1000006; BCFtools-1.11-GCC-10.2.0 (BCFtools/1.11-GCC-10.2.0): 1000001; lpsolve- (lpsolve/ 1000007; BamTools-2.5.1-GCC-10.2.0 (BamTools/2.5.1-GCC-10.2.0): 1000008; METIS-5.1.0-GCCcore-10.2.0 (METIS/5.1.0-GCCcore-10.2.0): 1000009; MPFR-4.1.0-GCCcore-10.2.0 (MPFR/4.1.0-GCCcore-10.2.0): 1000010; SuiteSparse-5.8.1-foss-2020b-METIS-5.1.0 (SuiteSparse/5.8.1-foss-2020b-METIS-5.1.0): 1000002; AUGUSTUS-3.4.0-foss-2020b (AUGUSTUS/3.4.0-foss-2020b): 1000003
== Submitted parallel build jobs, exiting now

Inspecting the submitted jobs

Once EasyBuild has submitted the jobs, we can inspect them via Slurm's squeue command:

$ squeue -u $USER -la
1000001     small BCFtools  user123  PENDING   0:00   2:00:00      1 (Dependency)
1000002     small SuiteSpa  user123  PENDING   0:00   2:00:00      1 (Dependency)
1000003     small AUGUSTUS  user123  PENDING   0:00   2:00:00      1 (Dependency)
1000004     small GSL-2.6-  user123  RUNNING   0:21   2:00:00      1 node003
1000005     small SAMtools  user123  RUNNING   0:21   2:00:00      1 node007
1000006     small HTSlib-1  user123  RUNNING   0:21   2:00:00      1 node007
1000007     small lpsolve-  user123  RUNNING   0:21   2:00:00      1 node011
1000008     small BamTools  user123  RUNNING   0:21   2:00:00      1 node011
1000009     small METIS-5.  user123  RUNNING   0:21   2:00:00      1 node013
1000010     small MPFR-4.1  user123  RUNNING   0:21   2:00:00      1 node029
1000011     small Boost-1.  user123  RUNNING   0:24   2:00:00      1 node029

Note that 3 jobs can not be started yet, because those installations require on one or more missing dependencies. As soon as the jobs for those dependencies (successfully) complete, these jobs will be able to start.

Final result

After about 20 minutes, AUGUSTUS and all missing dependencies should be installed:

$ ls -lrt $HOME/EasyBuild/modules/.../*.lua | tail -11
-rw-rw----. 1 example  example  1634 Mar 29 10:13 /users/example/easybuild/modules/all/HTSlib/1.11-GCC-10.2.0.lua
-rw-rw----. 1 example  example  1792 Mar 29 10:13 /users/example/easybuild/modules/all/SAMtools/1.11-GCC-10.2.0.lua
-rw-rw----. 1 example  example  1147 Mar 29 10:13 /users/example/easybuild/modules/all/BamTools/2.5.1-GCC-10.2.0.lua
-rw-rw----. 1 example  example   957 Mar 29 10:13 /users/example/easybuild/modules/all/lpsolve/
-rw-rw----. 1 example  example  1549 Mar 29 10:13 /users/example/easybuild/modules/all/METIS/5.1.0-GCCcore-10.2.0.lua
-rw-rw----. 1 example  example  1525 Mar 29 10:14 /users/example/easybuild/modules/all/GSL/2.6-GCC-10.2.0.lua
-rw-rw----. 1 example  example  1221 Mar 29 10:15 /users/example/easybuild/modules/all/MPFR/4.1.0-GCCcore-10.2.0.lua
-rw-rw----. 1 example  example  1678 Mar 29 10:15 /users/example/easybuild/modules/all/BCFtools/1.11-GCC-10.2.0.lua
-rw-rw----. 1 example  example  1292 Mar 29 10:21 /users/example/easybuild/modules/all/Boost/1.74.0-GCC-10.2.0.lua
-rw-rw----. 1 example  example  1365 Mar 29 10:28 /users/example/easybuild/modules/all/SuiteSparse/5.8.1-foss-2020b-METIS-5.1.0.lua
-rw-rw----. 1 example  example  2233 Mar 29 10:30 /users/example/easybuild/modules/all/AUGUSTUS/3.4.0-foss-2020b.lua

$ module avail AUGUSTUS

-- EasyBuild managed user software for software stack ... --

[next: Module naming schemes]

Last update: April 8, 2022