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Some procedures

Installing a new version of the Cray PE on the system

Part 1: Making available in CrayEnv

These instructions are enough to make the new CPE available in the CrayEnv stack but do not yet include instructions for EasyBuild

  • Install the CPE components using the instructions of HPE

  • Create the components file in the CrayPE subdirectory of the repository. This is currently a simple .csv-file but may be replaced by a different one if HPE would provide that information in machine-readable format in a future version of the CPE.

    Much of that information can be extracted from the HPE-Cray provided file /opt/cray/pe/cpe/, though we do currently keep some additional packages in that file that don't have their defaults set in that file. One of them which is actually used in the LUMIpartition module file is the version of the craype-targets packages (essentially the CPE targeting modules).

  • This step is only needed if you don't do part 2 as the installation script used in part 2 of this procedure will also do this.

    Add a cpe/ link for the just installed programming environment to the modules/CrayOverwrite/core subdirectory of the modules tree (NOT in the modules directory of the repository). This file does need the .csv file generated in the previous step to function properly.

    Note that this directory also contains a link named .modulerc to the .versionfile of `/opt/cray/pe/lmod/modulefiles/core/cpe''. It is essential that the default version of the cpe module is the same in the original module directory and in CrayOVerwrite as otherwise the original one may get loaded in some circumstances. By using the symbolic link and the new name with higher priority we assure that the modules from CrayOVerwrite are used. One still needs to ensure that the overwrite modules also are more to the front of the MODULEPATH or things still go wrong.

  • This step is only needed if you don't do part 2 as the installation script used in part 2 of this procedure will also do this.

    If /opt/cray/pe/cpe/ is missing on the system, an alternative needs to be generated and stored in modules/CrayOverwrite/data-cpe/ as it is used by the generic cpe module installed in the previous step.

    This can be done by running ./make_CPE_modulerc in the scripts subdirectory of SystemRepo.

  • Hide the new cpe module installed in the Cray PE subdirectory by adding a line to LMOD/modulerc.lua in the LUMI-SoftwareStack repository.

  • If there are new Cray targeting modules that are irrelevant for LUMI you may want to hide them in the respective code block in LMOD/LUMIstack_modulerc.lua in the LUMI-SoftwareStack repository.

Part 2: Adding support as a LUMI/ software stack

From here on the setup is largely automated by the script in the scripts subdirectory of the repository. A few things need to be in place though before running this script:

  • The component definition of the Cray PE software stack in the .csv file in the CrayPE subdirectory.

  • An EasyConfig file for the right version of EasyBuild in the easybuild/easyconfigs/e/EasyBuild subdirectory of the repository.

    Note that it is always possible to run with EASYBUILD_IGNORE_CHECKSUMS=1 set if the checksums in the EasyConfig file are not yet OK.

  • Add a software stack-specific configuration file for EasyBuild if needed in the easybuild/config subdirectory of the repository.

    We currently don't include the .dev extension, i.e., if there is a development and an LTS software stack for the same version of the CPE, they share the EasyBuild configuration file. This makes sense because the development stack is meant to prepare for a production stack.

Furthermore you may want to make sure that the proper versions of the following files are available in the repository should you want to make changes compared to versions installed before:

  • The generic EasyBuild-config module should you want to make changes to, e.g., the environment variables et by that module.

  • The generic LUMIstack and LUMIpartition module.

  • The generic cpe module cpe-generic.

The software stack initialisation script will take the most recent one (based on the version number) that is not newer than the release of the CPE for the software stack.

The script takes three arguments, and the order is important:

  1. The version of the software stack: the Cray PE version, with the extension .dev for a development stack (e.g., or 21.06).

  2. The version of EasyBuild to install in the software stack

  3. A work directory for temporary files, used to install a bootstrapping copy of EasyBuild. Rather than trying to use an EasyBuild installation from an older software stack if present to bootstrap the new one, we simply chose to do a bootstrap every time the script is run as this is a procedure that simply always works, though it is more time consuming.

    The advantage however is that one can just clone the production repository anywhere, run an initialisation script to initialise the structure around the repository, then initialise a software stack and start working.

The script then does the following steps:

  • Generate our own cpe/ module in modules/CrayOverwrite/core by creating a symbolic link to the right version of the generic modules in SystemRepo.

  • Check if the Cray PE comes with its own modulerc.lua file with the default components (if so, that file can be found in /opt/cray/pe/cpe/ If not an alternative file is generated from the data in the compoments .csv file and stored in modules/CrayOverwrite/data-cpe/

    The file is used by the generic cpe/ module in modules/CrayOVerwrite/core.

  • Create the software stack module files by symlinking to the generic implementations in SystemRepo.

  • Create the partition modules (second level in the hierarchy) by symlinking to the generic implementations in SystemRepo.

  • Create the LUMIstack_yy.mm_modulerc.lua file in mgmt/LMOD/ModuleRC. Currently this file only contain references to Cray PE modules and as such correspond to the modulerc.lua file in /opt/cray/pe/cpe/ but his may change in a future version. Whereas the aforementioned modulerc.lua files are meant to be activated by the modules and hence to be used by any software stack that uses the Cray PE, the LUMIstack_yy.mm_modulerc.lua are really meant exclusively for the LUMI software stack.

    This is done by running the script.

  • Creates the CPE_modules_*.lua file in mgmt/LMOD/VisibilityHookData for module avail visibility hook in SitePackage.lua. This is done by running the script.

  • Creates the full directory structure for the software stack for the modules, the binary installations and the EasyBuild repo.

  • Creates the EasyBuild external modules definition file from the data in the corresponding CPEpakcages_<CPE version>.csv file (if the file does not yet exist). This file is stored in the repo as it may be useful for other people who check out the repository to know what is going on.

  • Creates the EasyBuild-production, EasyBuild-infrastructure and EasyBuild-user modules for each partition by softlinking to the matching generic file in the SystemRepo.

  • Downloads the selected version of EasyBuild to the EasyBuild sources directory if the files are not yet present.

  • Installs a bootstrapping version of EasyBuild in the work directory. As that version will only be used to install EasyBuild from our own EasyConfig file, there is no need to also install the EasyConfig files.

  • Loads the software stack module for the common partition and the EasyBuild-production module to install EasyBuild in the software stack.

  • Create EasyConfig files in the repository for the cpeCray, cpeGNU and cpeAMD toolchains (if those files do not yet exist) and use the just installed EasyBuild to install them in the Infrastructure module subdirectory for all 4 regular and the common partition.

    The toolchain definition EasyConfig files are generated by the script.

Things to do afterwards:

  • If you want to change the default version of the LUMI software stack module, you can do this by editing .modulerc.lua in modules/SoftwareStack/LUMI.

And now one should be ready to install other software...

  • Ensure the software stack module is loaded and the partition module for the location where you want to install the software is loaded (so the hidden module partition/common to install software in the location common to all regular partitions)

  • Load EasyBuild-production for an install in the production directories or EasyBuild-user for an install in the user or project directories (and you'll need to set some environment variables beforehand to point to that location).

Making a master installation of the software stack

A master version is an installation of the full system that can run independently from another installation. This is made easy so that it is possible to install a master version under a personal account or on a test system for testing and development independent from the central installation on the system.

  1. Create an empty directory which will be the root of the software installation.

  2. Clone the LUMI-SoftwareStack repository in that directory. You can change the name of the repository directory to anything as the whole installation is independent of that name provided that LMOD_PACKAGE_PATH refers to the LMOD installation in that repository. In the documentation, we call the directory SystemRepo (as opposed to UserRepo for a user installation that depends on a master installation).

  3. Run the script from SystemRepo/scripts to initialise the directory structure. The script takes no arguments but it is important to run the version in the SytemRepo in the software installation that needs to be initialised.

  4. Running the script from SystemRepo/scripts prints the (bash) shell commands that need to be executed to initialise the shell to start using this software installation. A very good way is to use it with eval:

    eval $(<directory>/SystemRepo/scripts/

Now use the procedure "Installing a new version of the Cray PE on the system" to start a new version of the LUMI software stack, skipping the creation of those files that may already be in the repository because someone else has done them already.

Bumping the toolchain to a newer version without changing the other dependencies

For now, we use the script developed at CSCS and kept in the tools subdirectory. It is also available when any of our EasyBuild configuration modules is loaded.

Bumping the toolchain to a newer version and changing the other dependencies

Two scripts situated in the tools subdirectory and available in the path when any of the EasyBuild configuration modules is loaded can help with this:

  • is a script developed at CSCS to upgrade the toolchain in the EasyConfig file. It will also update the name of the EasyConfig file to reflect the new toolchain version.
  • upgrade-locals.txt uses the set of local_*_version variable defintions in one of the files to update those variables in one or more given EasyConfig file.