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[STAR] [package list]

STAR/2.7.11b-cpeGNU-24.03 (STAR-2.7.11b-cpeGNU-24.03.eb)

Install with the EasyBuild-user module:

eb STAR-2.7.11b-cpeGNU-24.03.eb -r
To access module help after installation and get reminded for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, use module spider STAR/2.7.11b-cpeGNU-24.03.


# Contribution from the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre
# Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust and King's College London
# Based on STAR-2.7.7a-GCC-10.2.0.eb 
# uploaded by J. Sassmannshausen
# modified by Thomas Eylenbosch

easyblock = 'MakeCp'

local_STAR_version =         '2.7.11b'       #

local_zlib_version =         '1.3.1'         #

local_HTSlib_version =       '1.19.1'        #

name =    'STAR'
version = '2.7.11b'

homepage = ''

whatis = [
    'Description: STAR aligns RNA-seq reads to a reference genome using uncompressed suffix arrays.',

description = """
Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference (STAR) is a fast RNA-seq read 
mapper, with support for splice-junction and fusion read detection.

STAR aligns reads by finding the Maximal Mappable Prefix (MMP) hits between 
reads (or read pairs) and the genome, using a Suffix Array index. Different 
parts of a read can be mapped to different genomic positions, corresponding to 
splicing or RNA-fusions. The genome index includes known splice-junctions from 
annotated gene models, allowing for sensitive detection of spliced reads. STAR 
performs local alignment, automatically soft clipping ends of reads with high 

toolchain = {'name': 'cpeGNU', 'version': '24.03'}
toolchainopts = {'openmp': True, 'cstd': 'c++11', 'opt': True} # Mimic the settings that are coded in the Makefile anyway.

sources = {
    'download_filename': '%(version)s.tar.gz',
    'filename':          SOURCE_TAR_GZ,
    'source_urls':       ['']


patches = ['STAR-2.7.11b_use-external-htslib.patch']
checksums = [
    {'STAR-2.7.11b.tar.gz':                    '3f65305e4112bd154c7e22b333dcdaafc681f4a895048fa30fa7ae56cac408e7'},
    {'STAR-2.7.11b_use-external-htslib.patch': '4ec4c36d57277adb9b1ea87f2974ebfa0c3b0e3ad1faacd184c5cfe897eb484d'},

builddependencies = [
    ('buildtools', '%(toolchain_version)s', '', SYSTEM), # xxd and other make

dependencies = [
    ('HTSlib', local_HTSlib_version),
    ('zlib',   local_zlib_version),

start_dir = 'source'

# by default this is set to -mavx2 which makes it fail on non x86 systems
prebuildopts = 'CXXFLAGS_SIMD= '

buildopts = ' STAR && make STARlong'

files_to_copy = [
    (['source/%(name)s', 'source/%(name)slong'], 'bin'),
    'doc', 'extras', 
    (['', 'LICENSE', '', ''], 'share/licenses/%(name)s'),

sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': ['bin/%(name)s', 'bin/%(name)slong'],
    'dirs':  [],

sanity_check_commands = [
    "STAR --help",
    "STARlong --help",

moduleclass = 'bio'

[STAR] [package list]