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License information

The PyTorch license can be found in the LICENSE file in the PyTorch GitHub.

Note however that in order to use PyTorch you will also be using several other packages that have different licenses.

User documentation (user installation)

We used to provide an EasyBuild recipe to install PyTorch on top of Cray Python. However, as Python packages tend to put a heavy strain on the file system, installing Python packages in a container is the preferred way. It also takes away the strain of trying to get PyTorch talk to a proper version of the AWS OFI RCCL plugin which is needed for proper communication on the Slingshot 11 interconnect of LUMI.

We now provide prebuilt singularity containers with EasyBuild-generated module around them that eases work with those containers. The use is documented in the next section, "User documentation (singularity container)" while the user-installable EasyBuild recipes for each container can be found in the "Singularity containers with modules for binding and extras" section.

User documentation (singularity container)

BETA VERSION, problems may occur and may not be solved quickly.

The containers that are provided by the LUMI User Support Team can be used in two possible ways:

Containers with PyTorch provided in local software stacks (e.g., the CSC software stack) may be build differently with different wrapper scripts so instructions on this page may not apply to those.

Module and wrapper scripts

The PyTorch container is developed by AMD specifically for LUMI and contains the necessary parts to run PyTorch on LUMI, including the plugin needed for RCCL when doing distributed AI, and a suitable version of ROCm for the version of PyTorch. The apex, torchvision, torchdata, torchtext and torchaudio packages are also included.

The EasyBuild installation with the EasyConfigs mentioned below will do three or four things:

  1. It will copy the container to your own EasyBuild software installation space. We realise containers can be big, but it ensures that you have complete control over when a container is removed.

    We will remove a container from the system when it is not sufficiently functional anymore, but the container may still work for you. E.g., after an upgrade of the network drivers on LUMI, the RCCL plugin for the LUMI Slingshot interconnect may be broken, but if you run on only one node PyTorch may still work for you.

    If you prefer to use the centrally provided container, you can remove your copy after loading of the module with rm $SIF followed by reloading the module. This is at your own risk however.

  2. It will create a module file. When loading the module, a number of environment variables will be set to help you use the module and to make it easy to swap the module with a different version in your job scripts.

    • SIF and SIFPYTORCH both contain the name and full path of the singularity container file.

    • SINGULARITY_BIND will mount all necessary directories from the system, including everything that is needed to access the project, scratch and flash file systems.

    • RUNSCRIPTS and RUNSCRIPTSPYTORCH contain the full path of the directory containing some sample run scripts that can be used to run software in the container, or as inspiration for your own variants.

    Container modules installed after March 9, 2024 also define SINGULARITYENV_PREPEND_PATH in a way that ensures that the /runscripts subdirectory in the container will be in the search path in the container.

    The containers with support for a virtual environment (from 20240315 on) define a few other SINGULARITYENV_* environment variables that inject environment variables in the container that are equivalent to those created by the activate scripts for the Conda environment and the Python virtual environment.

  3. It creates 3 scripts in the $RUNSCRIPTS directory:

    • conda-python-simple: This initialises Python in the container and then calls Python with the arguments of conda-python-simple. It can be used, e.g., to run commands through Python that utilise a single task but all GPUs.

    • conda-python-distributed: Model script that initialises Python in the container and also creates the environment to run a distributed PyTorch session. At the end, it will call Python with the arguments of the conda-python-distributed command.

    • get-master: A helper command for conda-python-distributed.

    These scripts are available in the container in the /runscripts subdirectory but can also be reached with their full path name, and can be inspected outside the container in the $RUNSCRIPTS subdirectory.

    Those scripts don't cover all use cases for PyTorch on LUMI, but can be used as a source of inspiration for your own scripts.

  4. For the containers with support for virtual environments (from 20240315 on), it also creates a number of commands intended to be used outside the container:

    • start-shell: To start a bash shell in the container. Arguments can be used to, e.g., tell it to start a command. Without arguments, the conda and Python virtual environments will be initialised, but this is not the case as soon as arguments are used. It takes the command line arguments that bash can also take.

    • make-squashfs: Make the user-software.squashfs file that would then be mounted in the container after reloading the module. This will enhance performance if the extra installation in user-software contains a lot of files.

    • unmake-squashfs: Unpack the user-software.squashfs file into the user-software subdirectory of $CONTAINERROOT to enable installing additional packages.

The container uses a miniconda environment in which Python and its packages are installed. That environment needs to be activated in the container when running, which can be done with the command that is available in the container as the environment variable WITH_CONDA (which for this container it is source /opt/miniconda3/bin/activate pytorch).

From the 20240315 version onwards, EasyBuild will already initialise the Python virtual environment pytorch. Inside the container, the virtual environment is available in /user-software/venv while outside the container the files can be found in $CONTAINERROOT/user-software/venv (if this directory has not been removed after creating a SquashFS file from it for better file system performance). You can also use the /user-software subdirectory in the container to install other software through other methods. In these containers it is also very easy to check which Python packages are installed with

singularity exec $SIF pip list

or if the start-shell script is available (which is the case for most of these containers),

start-shell -c 'pip list'

Examples with the wrapper scripts

Note: In the examples below you may need to replace the standard-g queue with a different slurm partition allocatable per node if your user category has no access to standard-g.

List the Python packages in the container

Containers up to and including the 20240209 ones

For the containers up to the 20240209 ones, this example also illustrated how the WITH_CONDA environment variable should be used. The example can be run in an interactive session and works even on the login nodes.

In these containers, the Python packages can be listed using the following steps: First execute, e.g.,

module load LUMI PyTorch/2.2.0-rocm-5.6.1-python-3.10-singularity-20240209
singularity shell $SIF

which takes you in the container, and then in the container, at the Singularity> prompt:

pip list

The same can be done without opening an interactive session in the container with

module load LUMI PyTorch/2.2.0-rocm-5.6.1-python-3.10-singularity-20240209
singularity exec $SIF bash -c '$WITH_CONDA ; pip list'

Notice the use of single quotes as with double quotes, $WITH_CONDA would be expanded by the shell before executing the singularity command, and at that time WITH_CONDA is not yet defined. To use the container it also doesn't matter which version of the LUMI module is loaded, and in fact, loading CrayEnv would work as well.

Containers from 20240315 on

For the containers from version 20240315 on, the $WITH_CONDA is no longer needed. In an interactive session, you still need to load the module and go into the container:

module load LUMI PyTorch/2.3.1-rocm-6.0.3-python-3.12-singularity-20240923
singularity shell $SIF

but once in the container, at the Singularity> prompt, all that is needed is

pip list

Without an interactive session in the container, all that is now needed is

module load LUMI PyTorch/2.3.1-rocm-6.0.3-python-3.12-singularity-20240923
singularity exec $SIF pip list

as the pip command is already in the search path.

Executing Python code in the container (single task)

Containers up to and including the 20240209 ones

The wrapper script conda-python-single which can be found in the /runscripts directory in the container, takes care of initialising the Conda environment and then passes its arguments to the python command. E.g., the example below will import the torch package in Python and then show the number of GPUs available to it:

salloc -N1 -pstandard-g -t 10:00
module load LUMI PyTorch/2.2.0-rocm-5.6.1-python-3.10-singularity-20240209
srun -N1 -n1 --gpus 8 singularity exec $SIF conda-python-simple \
    -c 'import torch; print("I have this many devices:", torch.cuda.device_count())'

This command will start Python and run PyTorch on a single CPU core with access to all 8 GPUs.

Container modules installed before March 9, 2024

In these versions of the container module, conda-python-simple is not yet in the search path for executables, and you need to modify the job script to use /runscripts/conda-python-simple instead.

Containers from 20240315 on

As the Conda environment and Python virtual environment are properly initialised by the module, the conda-python-simple script is not even needed anymore (though still provided for compatibility with job scripts developed before those containers became available).

The following commands now work just as well:

salloc -N1 -pstandard-g -t 10:00
module load LUMI PyTorch/2.3.1-rocm-6.0.3-python-3.12-singularity-20240923
srun -N1 -n1 --gpus 8 singularity exec $SIF python \
    -c 'import torch; print("I have this many devices:", torch.cuda.device_count())'

Distributed learning example

The communication between LUMI's GPUs during training with PyTorch is done via RCCL, which is a library of collective communication routines for AMD GPUs. RCCL works out of the box on LUMI, however, a special plugin is required so it can take advantage of the Slingshot 11 interconnect. That's the aws-ofi-rccl plugin, which is a library that can be used as a back-end for RCCL to interact with the interconnect via libfabric. The plugin is already built in the containers that we provide here.

A proper distributed learning run does require setting some environment variables. You can find out more by checking the scripts in $EBROOTPYTORCH/runscripts (after installing and loading the module), and in particular the conda-python-distributed script and the get-master script used by the former. Together these scripts make job scripts a lot easier.

An example job script using the mnist example (itself based on an example by Google) is:

  1. The mnist example needs some data files. We can get them in the job script but also simply install them now, avoiding repeated downloads when using the script multiple times (in the example with wrappers it was in the job script to have a one file example). First create a directory for your work on this example and go into that directory. In that directory we'll create a subdirectory mnist with some files. The first run of the jobscript will download even more files. Assuming you are working on the login nodes where the wget program is already available,

    mkdir mnist ; pushd mnist
    sed -i -e 's|download=True|download=False|'
    mkdir -p model ; cd model
    cd ..
    mkdir -p data/MNIST/raw
    pushd data/MNIST/raw
    gunzip -k *.gz
    for number in $(seq 0 31); do ln -s data data$number ; done

    will fetch the two files we need to start.

  2. We can now create the jobscript mnist.slurm:

    #!/bin/bash -e
    #SBATCH --nodes=4
    #SBATCH --gpus-per-node=8
    #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=8
    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=7
    #SBATCH --output="output_%x_%j.txt"
    #SBATCH --partition=standard-g
    #SBATCH --mem=480G
    #SBATCH --time=00:10:00
    #SBATCH --account=project_<your_project_id>
    module load LUMI  # Which version doesn't matter, it is only to get the container.
    module load PyTorch/2.3.1-rocm-6.0.3-python-3.12-singularity-20240923
    # Optional: Inject the environment variables for NCCL debugging into the container.   
    # This will produce a lot of debug output!     
    export NCCL_DEBUG=INFO
    cd mnist
    srun --cpu-bind=mask_cpu:$MYMASKS \
      singularity exec $SIFPYTORCH \
        conda-python-distributed -u --gpu --modelpath model
    Container modules installed before March 9, 2024

    In these versions of the container module, conda-python-distributed is not yet in the search path for executables, and you need to modify the job script to use /runscripts/conda-python-distributed instead.

    We use a CPU mask to ensure a proper mapping of CPU chiplets onto GPU chiplets. The GPUs are used in the regular ordering, so we reorder the CPU cores for each task so that the first task on a node gets the cores most closely to GPU 0, etc.

    The jobscript also shows how environment variables to enable debugging of the RCCL communication can be set outside the container. This is really as if they are set in the container.

    If those variables would in some way already be defined in the container (which is not the case), you could still overwrite the value set in the container by prepending the name of the variable with SINGULARITYENV_.

Inside the conda-python-distributed script (if you need to modify things)
#!/bin/bash -e

# Make sure GPUs are up
if [ $SLURM_LOCALID -eq 0 ] ; then
sleep 2

# MIOPEN needs some initialisation for the cache as the default location
# does not work on LUMI as Lustre does not provide the necessary features.
export MIOPEN_USER_DB_PATH="/tmp/$(whoami)-miopen-cache-$SLURM_NODEID"

if [ $SLURM_LOCALID -eq 0 ] ; then
    mkdir -p $MIOPEN_USER_DB_PATH
sleep 2

# Set interfaces to be used by RCCL.
# This is needed as otherwise RCCL tries to use a network interface it has
# no access to on LUMI.
export NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=hsn0,hsn1,hsn2,hsn3

# Set ROCR_VISIBLE_DEVICES so that each task uses the proper GPU

# Report affinity to check
echo "Rank $SLURM_PROCID --> $(taskset -p $$); GPU $ROCR_VISIBLE_DEVICES"

# The usual PyTorch initialisations (also needed on NVIDIA)
# Note that since we fix the port ID it is not possible to run, e.g., two
# instances via this script using half a node each.
export MASTER_ADDR=$(/runscripts/get-master "$SLURM_NODELIST")
export MASTER_PORT=29500

# Run application
python "$@"

The script sets a number of environment variables. Some are fairly standard when using PyTorch on an HPC cluster while others are specific for the LUMI interconnect and architecture or the AMD ROCm environment.

The MIOPEN_ environment variables are needed to make MIOpen create its caches on /tmp as doing this on Lustre fails because of file locking issues:

export MIOPEN_USER_DB_PATH="/tmp/$(whoami)-miopen-cache-$SLURM_NODEID"

if [ $SLURM_LOCALID -eq 0 ] ; then
    mkdir -p $MIOPEN_USER_DB_PATH

It is also essential to tell RCCL, the communication library, which network adapters to use. These environment variables start with NCCL_ because ROCm tries to keep things as similar as possible to NCCL in the NVIDIA ecosystem:

export NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=hsn0,hsn1,hsn2,hsn3

Without this RCCL may try to use a network adapter meant for system management rather than inter-node communications!

We also set ROCR_VISIBLE_DEVICES to ensure that each task uses the proper GPU.

Furthermore some environment variables are needed by PyTorch itself that are also needed on NVIDIA systems.

PyTorch needs to find the master for communication which is done through

export MASTER_ADDR=$(/runscripts/get-master "$SLURM_NODELIST")
export MASTER_PORT=29500

The get-master script that is used here is a Python script to determine the master node for communication and also already provided in the /runscripts subdirectory in the container (or $RUNSCRIPTS outside the container).

As we fix the port number here, the conda-python-distributed script that we provide, has to run on exclusive nodes. Running, e.g., 2 4-GPU jobs on the same node with this command will not work as there will be a conflict for the TCP port for communication on the master as MASTER_PORT is hard-coded in this version of the script.

Installation with EasyBuild

To install the container with EasyBuild, follow the instructions in the EasyBuild section of the LUMI documentation, section "Software", and use the dummy partition container, e.g.:

module load LUMI partition/container EasyBuild-user
eb PyTorch-2.3.1-rocm-6.0.3-python-3.12-singularity-20240923.eb

To use the container after installation, the EasyBuild-user module is not needed nor is the container partition. The module will be available in all versions of the LUMI stack and in the CrayEnv stack (provided the environment variable EBU_USER_PREFIX points to the right location).

After loading the module, the docker definition file used when building the container is available in the $EBROOTPYTORCH/share/docker-defs subdirectory (but not for all versions). As it requires some licensed components from LUMI and some other files that are not included, it currently cannot be used to reconstruct the container and extend its definition.

Extending the containers with virtual environment support

This text is for containers from 20240315 on. Other containers can be extended with virtual environments also but you'll have to do a lot more work by hand that is now done by the module, or adapt the EasyConfig for those based on what is in the more recent EasyConfigs.

Manual procedure

Let's demonstrate how the module can be extended by using pip to install packages in the virtual environment. We'll demonstrate using the PyTorch/2.3.1-rocm-6.0.3-python-3.12-singularity-20240923 module where we assume that you have already installed this module:

module load CrayEnv
module load PyTorch/2.3.1-rocm-6.0.3-python-3.12-singularity-20240923

Let's check a directory outside the container:

ls -l $CONTAINERROOT/user-software/venv/pytorch

which produces something along the lines of

drwxrwsr-x 2 username project_46XYYYYYY 4096 Mar 25 17:15 bin
drwxrwsr-x 2 username project_46XYYYYYY 4096 Mar 25 17:14 include
drwxrwsr-x 3 username project_46XYYYYYY 4096 Mar 25 17:14 lib
lrwxrwxrwx 1 username project_46XYYYYYY    3 Mar 25 17:14 lib64 -> lib
-rw-rw-r-- 1 username project_46XYYYYYY   94 Mar 25 17:15 pyvenv.cfg

The output is typical for a freshly initialised Python virtual environment.

We can now enter the container:

singularity shell $SIF

At the singularity prompt, try

ls -l /user-software/venv/pytorch

and notice that we have the same output as with the previous ls command that we executed outside the container. So the RCONTAINERROOT/user-software subdirectory is available in the container as /user-software.


which python
which python3

which return the lines


also shows that the virtual environment is already activated and that we get the python wrapper script from the virtual environment and not the system python3 (there is a python3 executable in /usr/bin) or the Conda python in /opt/miniconda3/envs/pytorch/bin.

Let us install the torchmetrics package using pip:

pip install torchmetrics

To check if the package is present and can be loaded, try

python -c 'import torchmetrics ; print( torchmetrics.__version__ )'

and notice that it does print the version number of torchmetrics, so the package was successfully loaded.

Now execute

ls /user-software/venv/pytorch/lib/python3.12/site-packages/

and you'll get output similar to

lightning_utilities                     pip-24.0.dist-info
lightning_utilities-0.11.9.dist-info  torchmetrics
pip                                         torchmetrics-1.6.1.dist-info

which confirms that the torchmetrics package is indeed installed in the virtual environment.

Let's leave the container (by executing the exit command) and check again what has happened outside the container:

ls $CONTAINERROOT/user-software/venv/pytorch/lib/python3.12/site-packages/

and we get the same output as with the previous ls command. I.e., the installation file of the package is indeed saved outside the container.

Now there is one remaining problem. Try

lfs find $CONTAINERROOT/user-software | wc -l

where lfs find is a version of the find command with some restrictions, but one that is a lot more friendly to the Lustre metadata servers. The output suggests that there are over 1950 files and directories in the user-software subdirectory. The Lustre filesystem doesn't like working with lots of small files and Python can sometimes open a lot of those files in a short amount of time.

The module also provides a solution for this: The content of $CONTAINERROOT/user-software can be packed in a single SquashFS file $CONTAINERROOT/user-software.squashfs and after reloading the PyTorch module that is being used, that file will be mounted in the container and provide /user-software. This may improve performance of Python in the container and is certainly appreciated by your fellow LUMI users. To this end, the module provides the make-squashfs script. Try


The second command outputs something along the lines of


so we see that there is now indeed a file user-software.squashfs in that subdirectory. We do not automatically delete the user-software subdirectory, but you can delete it safely using

rm -rf $CONTAINERROOT/user-software

as it can be reconstructed (except for the file dates) from the SquashFS file using the script unmake-squashfs which is also provided by the module.

Reload the module to let the changes take effect and go again in the container:

module load PyTorch/2.3.1-rocm-6.0.3-python-3.12-singularity-20240923
singularity shell $SIF

Now try

echo "Test" > /user-software/test.txt

and notice that we can no longer write in /user-software.

Installing further packages with pip would not fail, but they would not be installed where you expect and instead would be installed in your home directory. The pip command would warn with

Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable

Try, e.g.,

pip install lightning==2.2.5

and notice that the package (likely) landed in ~/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages:

ls ~/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages

will among other subdirectories contain the subdirectory lightning and this is not entirely what we want.

Yet it is still possible to install additional packages by first unsquashing the user-software.squashfs file with


(assuming that you had removed the $CONTAINERROOT/user-software subdirectory before), then deleting the SquashFS file:

rm $CONTAINERROOT/user-software.squashfs

and reload the module. Make sure though that you first remove the packages that were accidentally installed in ~/.local.

One big warning is needed here though: If you do a complete re-install of the module with EasyBuild, everything in the installation directory is erased, including your own installation. So just to make sure, you may want to keep a copy of the user-software.squashfs file elsewhere.

Automation of the procedure

Try this procedure preferably from a directory that doesn't contain too many files or subdirectories as that may slow down EasyBuild considerably.

In some cases it is possible to adapt the EasyConfig file to also install the additional Python packages that are not yet included in the container. This is demonstrated in the PyTorch-2.3.1-rocm-6.0.3-python-3.12-singularity-exampleVenv-20240923.eb example EasyConfig file which is available on LUMI. First load EasyBuild to install containers, e.g.,

module load LUMI partition/container EasyBuild-user

and then we can use EasyBuild to copy the recipe to our current directory:

eb --copy-ec PyTorch-2.3.1-rocm-6.0.3-python-3.12-singularity-exampleVenv-20240923.eb .

You can now inspect the .eb file with your favourite editor. This file basically defines a lot of Python variables that EasyBuild uses, but is also a small program so we can even define and use extra variables that EasyBuild does not know. The magic happens in two blocks.


local_pip_requirements = """


(with an empty line at the end) defines the content that we will put in a requirements.txt file to tell pip which packages we want to install.

The second part of the magic happens in some lines in the postinstallcmds block, a list of commands that EasyBuild will execute after the default installation procedure (which only copies the container .sif file to its location). Four lines in particular perform the magic:

    f'cat >%(installdir)s/user-software/venv/requirements.txt <<EOF {local_pip_requirements}EOF',
    f'singularity exec --bind {local_singularity_bind} --bind %(installdir)s/user-software:/user-software %(installdir)s/{local_sif} bash -c \'source /runscripts/init-conda-venv ; cd /user-software/venv ; pip install -r requirements.txt\'',
    '/bin/rm -rf %(installdir)s/user-software',

The first line creates the requirements.txt file from the local_pip_requirements variable that we have created. The way to do this is a bit awkward by creating a shell command from it, but it works in most cases. The second line then calls pip install in the singularity container. At this point there is no module yet so we need to do all bindings by hand and use variables that are known to EasyBuild. The third line then creates the user-software.squashfs file and the last line deletes the user-software subdirectory. These four lines are generic as the package list is defined via the local_pip_requirements environment variable.

Alternative: Direct access (without the EasyBuild-generated PyTorch module)

Getting the container image

The PyTorch containers are available in the following subdirectories of /appl/local/containers:

  • /appl/local/containers/sif-images: Symbolic link to the latest version of the container with the given mix of components/packages mentioned in the filename. Other packages in the container may vary over time and change without notice.

  • /appl/local/containers/tested-containers: Tested containers provided as a Singulartiy .sif file and a docker-generated tarball. Containers in this directory are removed quickly when a new version becomes available.

  • /appl/local/containers/easybuild-sif-images: Singularity .sif images used with the EasyConfigs that we provide. They tend to be available for a longer time than in the other two subdirectories.

If you depend on a particular version of a container, we recommend that you copy the container to your own file space (e.g., in /project,) as there is no guarantee the specific version will remain available centrally on the system for as long as you want.

When using the containers without the modules, you will have to take care of the bindings as some system files are needed for, e.g., RCCL. The recommended mininmal bindings are:

-B /var/spool/slurmd,/opt/cray/,/usr/lib64/

and the bindings you need to access the files you want to use from /scratch, /flash and/or /project:

-B /pfs,/scratch,/projappl,/project,/flash,/appl

Note that the list recommended bindings may change after a system update.

If you want to quickly check what Python packages are available in the containers in those directories, you don't need all the bind points and a quick

singularity exec <path-to-sif-file> bash -c '$WITH_CONDA ; pip list'

will do. Note the single quotes though as we don't want the $WITH_CONDA to be expanded outside the container (and of course replace <path-to-sif-file> with the actual path to and name of the SIF file you want to check.)

Alternatively, you can also build your own container image on top of the ROCm containers that we provide with cotainr.

If you use PyTorch containers from other sources, take into account that

  • They need to explicitly use ROCm-enabled versions of the packages. NVIDIA packages will not work.

  • The RCCL implementation provided in the container will likely not work well with the communication network and the AWS RCCL plugin for OFI plugin will still need to be installed in a way that the libfabric library on LUMI is used.

  • Similarly the mpi4py package (if included) may not be compatible with the interconnect on LUMI, also resulting in poor performance or failure. For AI packages, things will often still be OK as MPI is often only used during the initialisation after which communication is done through RCCL. You may want to make sure that an MPI implementation that is ABI-compatible with Cray MPICH is used so that you can then try to overwrite it with Cray MPICH.

The LUMI User Support Team tries to support the containers that it provides as good as possible, but we are not the PyTorch support team and have limited resources. In no way is it the task of the LUST to support any possible container from any possible source. See also our page "Software Install Policy in the main LUMI documentation.

Example: Distributed learning without the wrappers

For easy comparison, we use the same mnist example already used in the "Distributed learning example" with the wrapper scripts. The text is written in such a way though that it can be read without first reading that section.

  1. First one needs to create the script that will be used to determine the master node for communication:

    import argparse
    def get_parser():
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Extract master node name from Slurm node list",
        parser.add_argument("nodelist", help="Slurm nodelist")
        return parser
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        parser = get_parser()
        args = parser.parse_args()
        first_nodelist = args.nodelist.split(',')[0]
        if '[' in first_nodelist:
            a = first_nodelist.split('[')
            first_node = a[0] + a[1].split('-')[0]
            first_node = first_nodelist
  2. Next we need another script that will run in the container to set up a number of environment variables that are needed to run PyTorch successfully on LUMI and at the end, call Python to run our example. Let's store the following script as

    #!/bin/bash -e
    # Make sure GPUs are up
    if [ $SLURM_LOCALID -eq 0 ] ; then
    sleep 2
    # !Remove this if using an image extended with cotainr or a container from elsewhere.!
    # Start conda environment inside the container
    # MIOPEN needs some initialisation for the cache as the default location
    # does not work on LUMI as Lustre does not provide the necessary features.
    export MIOPEN_USER_DB_PATH="/tmp/$(whoami)-miopen-cache-$SLURM_NODEID"
    if [ $SLURM_LOCALID -eq 0 ] ; then
        rm -rf $MIOPEN_USER_DB_PATH
        mkdir -p $MIOPEN_USER_DB_PATH
    sleep 2
    # Optional! Set NCCL debug output to check correct use of aws-ofi-rccl (these are very verbose)
    export NCCL_DEBUG=INFO
    # Set interfaces to be used by RCCL.
    # This is needed as otherwise RCCL tries to use a network interface it has
    # no access to on LUMI.
    export NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=hsn0,hsn1,hsn2,hsn3
    export NCCL_NET_GDR_LEVEL=3
    # Set ROCR_VISIBLE_DEVICES so that each task uses the proper GPU
    # Report affinity to check
    echo "Rank $SLURM_PROCID --> $(taskset -p $$); GPU $ROCR_VISIBLE_DEVICES"
    # The usual PyTorch initialisations (also needed on NVIDIA)
    # Note that since we fix the port ID it is not possible to run, e.g., two
    # instances via this script using half a node each.
    export MASTER_ADDR=$(python /workdir/ "$SLURM_NODELIST")
    export MASTER_PORT=29500
    # Run app
    cd /workdir/mnist
    python -u --gpu --modelpath model
    What's going on in this script? (click to expand)

    The script sets a number of environment variables. Some are fairly standard when using PyTorch on an HPC cluster while others are specific for the LUMI interconnect and architecture or the AMD ROCm environment.

    At the start we just print some information about the GPU. We do this only ones on each node on the process which is why we test on $SLURM_LOCALID, which is a numbering starting from 0 on each node of the job:

    if [ $SLURM_LOCALID -eq 0 ] ; then
    sleep 2

    The container uses a Conda environment internally. So to make the right version of Python and its packages availabe, we need to activate the environment. The precise command to activate the environment is stored in $WITH_CONDA and we can just call it by specifying the variable as a bash command.

    The MIOPEN_ environment variables are needed to make MIOpen create its caches on /tmp as doing this on Lustre fails because of file locking issues:

    export MIOPEN_USER_DB_PATH="/tmp/$(whoami)-miopen-cache-$SLURM_NODEID"
    if [ $SLURM_LOCALID -eq 0 ] ; then
        rm -rf $MIOPEN_USER_DB_PATH
        mkdir -p $MIOPEN_USER_DB_PATH

    It is also essential to tell RCCL, the communication library, which network adapters to use. These environment variables start with NCCL_ because ROCm tries to keep things as similar as possible to NCCL in the NVIDIA ecosystem:

    export NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=hsn0,hsn1,hsn2,hsn3
    export NCCL_NET_GDR_LEVEL=3

    Without this RCCL may try to use a network adapter meant for system management rather than inter-node communications!

    We also set ROCR_VISIBLE_DEVICES to ensure that each task uses the proper GPU. This is again based on the local task ID of each Slurm task.

    Furthermore some environment variables are needed by PyTorch itself that are also needed on NVIDIA systems.

    PyTorch needs to find the master for communication which is done through the script that we created before:

    export MASTER_ADDR=$(python "$SLURM_NODELIST")
    export MASTER_PORT=29500

    As we fix the port number here, the conda-python-distributed script that we provide, has to run on exclusive nodes. Running, e.g., 2 4-GPU jobs on the same node with this command will not work as there will be a conflict for the TCP port for communication on the master as MASTER_PORT is hard-coded in this version of the script.

    Make sure the script is executable:

    chmod ug+x
  3. The mnist example also needs some data files. We can get them in the job script (as we did before) but also simply install them now, avoiding repeated downloads when using the script multiple times (in the example with wrappers it was in the job script to have a one file example). Assuming you do this on the login nodes where the wget program is already available,

    mkdir mnist ; pushd mnist
    sed -i -e 's|download=True|download=False|'
    mkdir -p model ; cd model
    cd ..
    mkdir -p data/MNIST/raw
    pushd data/MNIST/raw
    gunzip -k *.gz
    for number in $(seq 0 31); do ln -s data data$number ; done
  4. Finaly we can create our jobscript, e.g. mnist.slurm, which we will launch from the directory that also contains the mnist subdirectory and and scripts and the container image.

    #!/bin/bash -e
    #SBATCH --nodes=4
    #SBATCH --gpus-per-node=8
    #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=8
    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=7
    #SBATCH --output="output_%x_%j.txt"
    #SBATCH --partition=standard-g
    #SBATCH --mem=480G
    #SBATCH --time=00:10:00
    #SBATCH --account=project_<your_project_id>
    srun --cpu-bind=mask_cpu:$MYMASKS \
    singularity exec \
        -B /var/spool/slurmd \
        -B /opt/cray \
        -B /usr/lib64/ \
        -B $PWD:/workdir \
        $CONTAINER /workdir/

    (if you get mpi4py-related error messages in some of the older containers you may have to add -B /usr/lib64/ also.)

Singularity containers with modules for binding and extras

Install with the EasyBuild-user module in partition/container:

module load LUMI partition/container EasyBuild-user
eb <easyconfig>
The module will be available in all versions of the LUMI stack and in the CrayEnv stack.

To access module help after installation use module spider PyTorch/<version>.


Technical documentation (user EasyBuild installation)


Version 1.12.1 (archived)

  • The EasyConfig is a LUST development and based on wheels rather than compiling ourselves due to the difficulties of compiling PyTorch correctly. We do however use a version of the RCCL library installed through EasyBuild, with the aws-ofi-rccl plugin which is needed to get good performance on LUMI.

  • A different version of NumPy was needed as in the Cray Python module that is used. It is also installed from a wheel hence is not using the Cray Scientific Libraries for BLAS support.

Technical documentation (singularity container)

How to check what's in the container?

  • The Python, PyTorch and ROCm versions are included in the version of the module.

  • To find the version of Python packages,

    singularity exec $SIF bash -c '$WITH_CONDA ; pip list'

    after loading the module. This can even be done on the login nodes. It will return information about all Python packages.

  • Deepspeed:

    • Leaves a script 'deepspeed' in /opt/miniconda3/envs/pytorch/bin

    • Leaves packages in /opt/miniconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deepspeed

    • Finding the version:

      singularity exec $SIF bash -c '$WITH_CONDA ; pip list | grep deepspeed'

      or the clumsy way without pip:

      singularity exec $SIF bash -c \
        'grep "version=" /opt/miniconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deepspeed/'

      (Test can be done after loading the module on a login node.)

  • flash-attention and its fork, the ROCm port

    • Leaves a flash_attn and corresponding flash_attn-<version>.dit-info subdirectory in /opt/miniconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.10/site-packages.

    • To find the version:

      singularity exec $SIF bash -c '$WITH_CONDA ; pip list | grep flash-attn'

      or the clumsy way without `pip:

      singularity exec $SIF bash -c \
        'grep "__version__" /opt/miniconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flash_attn/'

      (Test can be done after loading the module on a login node.)

    To run a benchmark:

    srun -N 1 -n 1 \
      --cpu-bind=mask_cpu:0xfe000000000000,0xfe00000000000000,0xfe0000,0xfe000000,0xfe,0xfe00,0xfe00000000,0xfe0000000000 \
      --gpus 8 \
      singularity exec $SIF /runscripts/conda-python-simple \
      -u /opt/wheels/flash_attn-benchmarks/
  • xformers:

    • Leaves a xformers and corresponding xformers-<version>.disti-info subdirectory
      in /opt/miniconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.10/site-packages.

    • To find the version:

      singularity exec $SIF bash -c '$WITH_CONDA ; pip list | grep xformers'

      or the clumsy way without pip:

      singularity exec $SIF bash -c \
        'grep "__version__" /opt/miniconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xformers/'

      (Test can be done after loading the module on a login node.)

    • Checking the features of xformers:

      singularity exec $SIF bash -c '$WITH_CONDA ; python -m'

Archived EasyConfigs

The EasyConfigs below are additonal easyconfigs that are not directly available on the system for installation. Users are advised to use the newer ones and these archived ones are unsupported. They are still provided as a source of information should you need this, e.g., to understand the configuration that was used for earlier work on the system.