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License information

ParMETIS is copyrighted by the Regents of the University of Minnesota. It can be freely used for educational and research purposes by non-profit institutions and US government agencies only. Other organizations are allowed to use ParMETIS only for evaluation purposes, and any further uses will require prior approval. The software may not be sold or redistributed without prior approval. One may make copies of the software for their use provided that the copies, are not sold or distributed, are used under the same terms and conditions.

As unestablished research software, this code is provided on an "as is'' basis without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The downloading, or executing any part of this software constitutes an implicit agreement to these terms. These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without prior notice.

Source: the ParMETIS download page

Note that according to the LUMI Conditions of Use it is the User's responsibility to respect the software license terms. When loading the ParMETIS modules on LUMI, a warning about the licensing conditions is shown to inform User's of the license.

Pre-installed modules (and EasyConfigs)

To access module help and find out for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, use module spider ParMETIS/<version>.


Technical documentation

METIS is mature code, there doesn't really seem to be any development anymore. The 4.0.3 release is from 2013.


Version 4.0.3 from CPE 21.08 on

  • Our EasyConfig is derived from the EasyBuilders one.

    It uses the default EasyBuild ParMETIS EasyBlock.

  • Note that the way the EasyBlock builds ParMETIS seems to differ somewhat from the way the Cray TPSL script does the job. The latter does seen to use METIS during the build.

Archived EasyConfigs

The EasyConfigs below are additonal easyconfigs that are not directly available on the system for installation. Users are advised to use the newer ones and these archived ones are unsupported. They are still provided as a source of information should you need this, e.g., to understand the configuration that was used for earlier work on the system.