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License information

The OSU micro-benchmarks are made available under a BSD license.

After loading the module, a copy of this license is also available in the COPYRIGHT file in $EBROOTOSUMINMICROMINBENCHMARKS/share/licenses/OSU-Micro-Benchmarks.

User documentation

These benchmarks are mostly provided for users who want to experiment with Open MPI, to test those Open MPI builds and to compare performance with Cray MPICH.

Currently only the C MPI benchmarks are provided.

Each module also contains a number of example scripts to run the benchmarks. After loading the module, those example scripts can be found in the subdirectory $OSU_EXAMPLES. Note that in some cases additional software needs to be installed to run those scripts. Please check the module help of the respective OSU-Micro-Benchmarks module as that information is different for all modules. When all software is installed, you should be able to launch the example scripts just using sbatch -A project_46YXXXXXX $OSU_EXAMPLES/<scriptname> (at least on the CPU partition of LUMI), but of course you may want to copy and modify them.

User-installable modules (and EasyConfigs)

Install with the EasyBuild-user module:

eb <easyconfig> -r
To access module help after installation and get reminded for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, use module spider OSU-Micro-Benchmarks/<version>.


Technical documentation


Version 7.3 for Cray MPICH

  • The starting point were the EasyBuilders EasyConfigs for the gompi toolchains.

  • Some example scripts are included. They are build from templates also stored in the LUMI-EasyBuild-contrib repository that are processed with sed in the EasyConfig to load the appropriate modules in the right versions.

  • There is also more documentation in the module. That documentation is partly specific to each module as we also have some variants for Open MPI.

Version 7.3 for Open MPI

  • These modules are part of a regular EasyBuild toolchain even though that does not make much sense as we even need to unload some modules to avoid conflicts. Setting up specific toolchains in EasyBuild using just a pre-installed compiler or pre-installed compiler + Cray wrapper is a lot of work though so this solution is preferred for now.