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License information

Nextflow is currently licensed under the Apache License version 2.0, a copy of which can also be found in the COPYING file in the Nextflow GitHub repository.

More copyright notices for software used by Nextflow can be found in the NOTICE file in the Nextflow GitHub repository.

Note that Nexflow should be cited in your papers if you use Nexflow in your research, with more information available in the "Citations" section of the README file in the Nextflow GitHub.

User documentation

Nextflow needs Java, but Java is already installed in the system image on LUMI. Other versions of Java can be installed via the LUMI Software Library, but keep in mind that some Java packages may still select the system one over the one installed as a module.

Nextflow tends to write in its own installation directories and is therefore not very well suited for installation via the traditional software managers. However, installation instructions that should work on LUMI are easily found in the Nextflow documentation, "Installation section".