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License information

NCO is distributed under a BSD 3-Clause License, a copy of which can also be found in the COPYING file in the source repository. Further copyright information can be found in the COPYRIGHT file in that same repository.

Suggested citations for users of NCO can be found in the CITATION file in the source repository.

From version 5.1.5 on, these files can also be found after installation and loading of the module in the directory $EBROOTNCO/share/licenses/NCO.

User-installable modules (and EasyConfigs)

Install with the EasyBuild-user module:

eb <easyconfig> -r
To access module help after installation and get reminded for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, use module spider NCO/<version>.


Technical documentation


Version 5.01 for CPE 21.08

  • The EasyConfig is a mix of the CSCS and EasyBuilder ones, the latter having more dependencies and hence supporting more options.

  • For now we disable udunits2 as configure is complaining that udunits2 misses some XML data files.

  • The EasyBuilders recipe claims ESMF is needed but it is nowhere linked into the code so that dependency is omitted.

5.0.6 for CPE 21.12

  • Needed to compile with cray-libsci unloaded as that causes crashes.

  • The cpeAOCC version had problems initially due to the faulty aocc/3.1.0 module, requiring a further fix to cpeAOCC/21.12 to make the cray-hdf5 module available.

  • Note that at inspection of the log file you will see that the configure command complains that the XML data file is not found. This is because the test is wrong, not because the installation is wrong, as the test only looks in some fixed locations on the system that assume that UDUNITS-2 is installed in the system directories.

Version 5.1.0 for CPE 22.06 and 22.08

  • This is a trivial port of the 5.0.6 one.

Version 5.1.5 for CPE 22.12 and 23.03

  • This is a trivial port of the 5.1.5 one.

  • Added license and citation information files to the installation.

Version 5.1.8 from CPE 23.09 on

  • Trivial version bump of the EasyConfig for version 5.1.5

Archived EasyConfigs

The EasyConfigs below are additonal easyconfigs that are not directly available on the system for installation. Users are advised to use the newer ones and these archived ones are unsupported. They are still provided as a source of information should you need this, e.g., to understand the configuration that was used for earlier work on the system.