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[magma] [package list]

magma/2.7.2-cpeAMD-23.09-rocm5.2 (magma-2.7.2-cpeAMD-23.09-rocm5.2.eb)

Install with the EasyBuild-user module:

eb magma-2.7.2-cpeAMD-23.09-rocm5.2.eb -r
To access module help after installation and get reminded for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, use module spider magma/2.7.2-cpeAMD-23.09-rocm5.2.


# Created for LUMI by Orian Louant
easyblock = "CMakeMake"

local_rocm_version = '5.2.3'

name = 'magma'
version = '2.7.2'
versionsuffix = '-rocm5.2'

homepage = ''

whatis = ['Description: MAGMA, Matrix Algebra on GPU and Multi-core Architectures']

description = """
Matrix Algebra on GPU and Multi-core Architectures (MAGMA) is a collection of
next-generation linear algebra libraries for heterogeneous computing. The MAGMA
package supports interfaces for current linear algebra packages and standards
(e.g., LAPACK and BLAS) to enable computational scientists to easily port any
linear algebra–reliant software components to heterogeneous computing systems.
MAGMA enables applications to fully exploit the power of current hybrid systems
of many-core CPUs and multi-GPUs/coprocessors to deliver the fastest possible
time to accurate solutions within given energy constraints.

MAGMA features LAPACK-compliant routines for multi-core CPUs enhanced with
NVIDIA or AMD GPUs. MAGMA includes more than 400 routines that cover one-sided
dense matrix factorizations and solvers, two-sided factorizations, and
eigen/singular-value problem solvers, as well as a subset of highly optimized
BLAS for GPUs.

docurls = [
    'Magma documentation available here'

local_pkgconfig_file = """

Name: magma
Description: Matrix Algebra on GPU and Multicore Architectures
Version: 2.7.2
Cflags: -I${includedir}
Libs: -L${libdir} -lmagma_sparse -lmagma

toolchain = {'name': 'cpeAMD', 'version': '23.09'}
toolchainopts = {'pic': True, 'openmp': True}

source_urls = ['']
sources = [SOURCE_TAR_GZ]
patches = ['magma-2.7.2_separate-cxx-and-hip-compilation.patch']
checksums = [
    '729bc1a70e518a7422fe7a3a54537a4741035a77be3349f66eac5c362576d560', # magma-2.7.2.tar.gz
    '45f1fbfdd4a81a5d739967ee8586fda3004a6ddafc415a99ad48eea67e0cddb2', # magma-2.7.2_separate-cxx-and-hip-compilation.patch

builddependencies = [
    ('buildtools', '%(toolchain_version)s', '', True),

dependencies = [
    (f'rocm/{local_rocm_version}', EXTERNAL_MODULE),

local_configopts_base = ' '.join([

configopts = [
    local_configopts_base + ' -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF',

preconfigopts = 'module load craype-network-none craype-accel-host && '
prebuildopts = 'module load craype-network-none craype-accel-host && '

postinstallcmds = [
    'cd %(installdir)s/lib/pkgconfig/; rm -f magma.pc',
    'cd %(installdir)s/lib/pkgconfig/; cat >magma.pc <<EOF\n' + local_pkgconfig_file.replace('$', '\$') + '\nEOF\n'
    'cd %(installdir)s/lib/pkgconfig/; chmod a+r magma.pc'

sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': ['lib/', 'lib/libmagma.a'],
    'dirs': ['include'],

moduleclass = 'math'

[magma] [package list]