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lumio/2.0.0 (lumio-2.0.0.eb)

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#DOC This version is the first version that creates the same endpoints for rclone 
#DOC as the tools in Open OnDemand or the web-based credential management service, i.e.,
#DOC lumi-46YXXXXXX-private and lumi-46YXXXXXX-public.
easyblock = 'MakeCp'

local_lumi_conf_version = '1.0.0'

name =    'lumio'
version = '2.0.0'

homepage = ''

whatis = [ 
    'Description: Basic tooling for LUMI-O. Provides the lumio-conf authentication script + rclone,s3cmd and restic' 

description = """
This module provides the command "lumio-conf" to authenticate to LUMI-O.

It also provides the tools rclone, s3cmd and restic for moving data to/from LUMI-O
by loading a suitable lumio-ext-tools module. 

usage = """
Authenticate to LUMI-O

The script will prompt you for project information and authentication keys which can be 
found from If the keys expire (max duration for keys is 168h),
rerun the command.

By default it will create configuration files for rclone and s3cmd. However, with the
--configure-only argument you can give a comma-separated list of tools to configure for.
Choices are rclone, s3cmd, aws and boto3. Or you can use "all" to generate configs for
all these tools.

For rclone, two remotes are configured and stored in the regular rclone configuration
file: lumi-46YXXXXXX-public and lumi-46YXXXXXX-private. Data pushed to 
lumi-46YXXXXXX-private gets a private ACL, data pushed through lumi-46YXXXXXX-public
a public one and that data is accessible through the URL
https://<Project number><bucket_name>/<object>.

For s3cmd, the configuration file is stored in the non-default file 
~/.s3cfg-lumi-46YXXXXXX which you can select with the "-c" command line flag of
s3cmd, and the default configuration file ~/.s3cfg is also overwritten with the same

To use restic, set the repository to s3: and assign then access and secret
key to the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY respectively 

    restic -r s3:<bucket> init is also the s3 API endpoint for e.g raw API calls (not recommended)

toolchain = SYSTEM

dependencies =   [

sources = [ 
    { # Sources for the LICENSE file
        'download_filename': f'v{local_lumi_conf_version}.tar.gz',
        'filename':          f'lumio-conf-{local_lumi_conf_version}-sources.tar.gz',
        'source_urls':       [''],
    { #
        'download_filename': 'lumio-conf',
        'filename':          f'lumio-conf-{local_lumi_conf_version}',
        'source_urls':       [f'{local_lumi_conf_version}/'],
        'extract_cmd':       f'cp %s LUMI-O-tools-{local_lumi_conf_version}/lumio-conf',    

skipsteps = ['build']

files_to_copy = [
    (['lumio-conf'], 'bin'),
    (['LICENSE'],    'share/licenses/lumio'),

postinstallcmds = [
    'chmod ugo+x %(installdir)s/bin/lumio-conf',

sanity_check_paths= {
    'files': ['bin/lumio-conf'],
    'dirs':  []

sanity_check_commands = [
    'lumio-conf --help',


[lumio] [package list]