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[lumio] [package list]

lumio/1.0.0 (lumio-1.0.0.eb)

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easyblock = 'MakeCp'

name =    'lumio'
version = '1.0.0'

homepage = ''

whatis = [ 
    'Description: Basic tooling for LUMI-O. Provides the lumio-conf authentication script + rclone,s3cmd and restic' 

description = """
This module provides the command "lumio-conf" to authenticate to LUMI-O.

It also provides the tools rclone, s3cmd and restic for moving data to/from LUMI-O
by loading a suitable lumio-ext-tools module. 

usage = """
Authenticate to LUMI-O

The script will prompt you for project information and authentication keys which can be 
found from If the keys expire (Max duration for keys is 168h )
or you need to switch the project, rerun the command.

Two different rclone remotes are configured: lumi-o and lumi-pub 
Data pushed to lumi-pub is publicly available using the URL: 
https://<Project number><bucket_name>/<object>

To use restic, set the repository to s3: and assign then access and secret
key to the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY respectively 

    restic -r s3:<bucket> init is also the s3 API endpoint for e.g raw API calls (not recommended)

local_lumi_conf_version = '0.1.2'

toolchain = SYSTEM

dependencies =   [

source_urls =  ['']
sources =      [f'v{local_lumi_conf_version}.tar.gz']

skipsteps = ['build']

files_to_copy = [
    (['lumio-conf'], 'bin'),
    (['LICENSE'], 'share/licenses/lumio'),

sanity_check_paths= {
    'files': ['bin/lumio-conf'],
    'dirs':  []

sanity_check_commands = [
    'lumio-conf --help',


[lumio] [package list]