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License information

When the lumi-tools module is loaded, a copy of the license for lumi-allocations can also be found in the file $EBROOTLUMIMINTOOLS/share/licenses/lumi-allocations/LICENSE.

User documentation

The lumi-tools module (which is preloaded when you log in) provides a number of commands for monitoring of your account and projects on LUMI:

  • lumi-workspaces is the all-in command and the only one that a user really needs.

  • lumi-quota and lumi-allocations restrict the output to just the file system quota and billing unit information respectively.

  • lumi-check-quota implements the same tests that are performed when you log in to print warnings about depletion of quota or billing units.

  • The lumi-ldap-userinfo and lumi-ldap-projectinfo commands are mostly meant for support people and advanced users with a technical understanding of Linux user account and group management.


The lumi-workspaces command combines the lumi-quota and lumi-allocations commands shown below, but is currently only capable to show the output for all your workspaces/projects (user workspace on /userand the various project-related workspaces on /project, /scratch and /flash).

Note that currently no output is displayed about storage use on the object file system as that information is not yet available in a format that a tool can always access without temporary access keys.

The check of the allocations in lumi-workspaces and lumi-allocations is currently done based on pre-stored data. That data is refreshed periodically, but the data can be out-of-date, especially if the scripts that build up the cache fail. Currently the tool is not able to show when the data was collected, so the results may be wrong without warning.


The lumi-quota command can be used to check your file quota on the system.

The command comes in three different forms: * lumi-quota : Shows quota for all your workspaces (user and project) * lumi-quota -v : Detailed quota information * lumi-quota -p prj : Show quota of project prj

This tool only produces output about the Lustre file systems, so directories in /user, /project (or the old name /projappl), /scratch and /flash.


The lumi-allocations command can be used to check the status of your allocations on LUMI.

  • To check all your remaining allocations, simply run lumi-allocations.
  • Use lumi-allocations --help for more informations. This command will be extended with more features in the future that will be shown through this flag.

lumi-check-quota (version 23.02 and higher)

The lumi-check-quota command is equivalent to the script run at login that prints a warning when you are running out of quota or out of billing units.

Note that this is fully based on cached data gathered from time to time in the background. The command will in no way show 100% correct instantaneous numbers, so it is not useable during a quick clean-up to check if you are already again below your quota.

lumi-ldap-projectinfo (version 23.04 and higher)

lumi-ldap-projectinfo shows information about projects as it is kept in the LDAP system. The amount of information that is shown depends on your privileges on the system as not all information is available to regular users and as regular users can only see data from their own projects. The information includes information about the allocation and quota. That is not live information but computed periodically. The tool also shows the members of the project.

This tool shows more information than lumi-allocations, lumi-quota or lumi-workspaces. However, lumi-quota and lumi-workspaces show quota information almost in real time. It is complementary to the lumi-ldap-userinfo tool that shows user information from the LDAP.

lumi-ldap-userinfo (version 23.04 and higher)

lumi-allocations shows information about projects as it is kept in the LDAP system. The amount of information that is shown depends on your privileges on the system as regular users can only see data from themselves. The information includes information about the quota. That is not live information but computed periodically. The tool also shows a list of projects found on the system (in the group database) for the given user(s).

This tool shows more information than lumi-quota or lumi-workspaces. However, lumi-quota and lumi-workspaces show quota information almost in real time. It is complementary to the lumi-ldap-projectinfo tool that shows project information from the LDAP.

Pre-installed modules (and EasyConfigs)

To access module help and find out for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, use module spider lumi-tools/<version>.


Technical documentation

The lumi-tools module provides several in-house developed scripts, depending on the version:

  • lumi-quota to check your quota on the Lustre file systems
  • lumi-allocations to check your allocations
  • lumi-workspaces combines the output of both to show an overview for all projects of the user calling the script.
  • lumni-check-quota is an equivalent of the checks run at user login to print warnings when a user is running out of quota or billing units.



Version 23.01

  • In-house developed EasyConfig, type Bundle

    • lumi-quota and lumi-workspaces are currently contained in the EasyConfig itself and copied to a file in the postinstallcommands of the EasyConfig.

    • lumi-allocations is installed from its GitHub repository using the Tarball generic EasyBlock, as a component of the Bundle.

Version 23.02

  • lumi-allocations now fully supports its -p argument and the hidden LUST options.

  • Added a version of the lumi-check-quota script.

Version 23.03

  • Improved version of lumi-quota and hence lumi-workspaces now also showing for the home directory and each project dir on which file system the directories are located.

  • Manual pages added for all the tools.

  • Completely revised EasyConfig: The shell scripts have been removed from the EasyConfig and moved to their own repository which makes it a lot easier to test.

Version 23.04

  • EasyConfig based on the 23.03 one. This version adds the lumi-ldap-projectinfo and lumi-ldap-userinfo tools.

Version 23.11

  • No new commands to check so a trivial port of 23.04.

Archived EasyConfigs

The EasyConfigs below are additonal easyconfigs that are not directly available on the system for installation. Users are advised to use the newer ones and these archived ones are unsupported. They are still provided as a source of information should you need this, e.g., to understand the configuration that was used for earlier work on the system.