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[lumi-allocations] [package list]

lumi-allocations/20230103 (lumi-allocations-20230103.eb)

Install with the EasyBuild-user module:

eb lumi-allocations-20230103.eb -r
To access module help after installation and get reminded for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, use module spider lumi-allocations/20230103.


# Contributed by Kurt Lust for the LUMI project

easyblock = 'Tarball'

name =         'lumi-allocations'
version =      '20230103'
local_commit = 'cd688a9'

homepage = ''

whatis = [
    'Description: Provides the lumi-allocations command to check your remaining allocations on LUMI.'

description = """
This module provides the lumi-allocations command to check your remaining allocation on LUMI.

usage = """
To check all your remaining allocations, simply run


Note that

    lumi-allocations -h

will show you more options but not all work with a regular user account and
all options may produce a very unfriendly error message if you make a mistake,
e.g., a project number that is not yours or simply wrong.

toolchain = SYSTEM

sources = [{
    'filename': '%(name)s-%(version)s.tar.gz',
    'git_config': {
        'url':          '',
        'repo_name':    '%(name)s',
        'commit':       local_commit,
        'keep_git_dir': False,

install_type = 'merge'

sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': ['bin/lumi-allocations'],
    'dirs':  [],

sanity_check_commands = [
    'lumi-allocations -h'

moduleclass = 'tools'

[lumi-allocations] [package list]