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License information

The lumi-allocation package is licensed under the European Union Public License 1.2 a copy of which can be found in the LICENSE file in the lumi-allocations GitHub repository.

After installation and loading of the module the license file LICENSE can also be found in the directory $EBROOTLUMIMINALLOCATIONS.

User documentation

This is a tool to check the use of your allocations on LUMI. It is currently far from bullet-proof, so if you make an error in the command line arguments you may see nasty error messages from Python. Use at your own risk, we know it is not made bullet-proof, so don't bombard us with tickets about Python error messages. The tool is currently provided as-is, without any warranty.

The basic command to check all your allocations

$ lumi-allocations

should work, but other options shown by

$ lumi-allocations -h

may throw nasty Python error messages at you if the option is not meant for you or if you make a typo in, e.g., the project number or specify a project that is not yours.

The data shown is not accurate up to the second as the information is gathered periodically on the system and stored in a cache that lumi-allocations then uses, as it is not possible to access all necessary data with regular user permissions on the system. There is a chance that the automatic updating routine fails and that the data shown is very inaccurate.

When the tool becomes more robust, it will become part of the lumi-tools module in the pre-installed software stack.

To install, use

$ module load LUMI/22.08 partition/common
$ module load EasyBuild-user
$ eb lumi-allocations-20230103.eb

after which the module lumi-allocations/20230103 will be available with the usual caveat about Lmod caches that may not update automatically immediately.

User-installable modules (and EasyConfigs)

Install with the EasyBuild-user module:

eb <easyconfig> -r
To access module help after installation and get reminded for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, use module spider lumi-allocations/<version>.


Technical documentation

The lumi-allocations command is an in-house development of LUST.


Version 20230103

  • This is simply a first try based on a beta commit and also used to start the development of the lumi-tools module that will ultimately replace lumi-allocations.