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[h5py] [package list]

h5py/3.7.0-cpeGNU-22.08-parallel (h5py-3.7.0-cpeGNU-22.08-parallel.eb)

Install with the EasyBuild-user module:

eb h5py-3.7.0-cpeGNU-22.08-parallel.eb -r
To access module help after installation and get reminded for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, use module spider h5py/3.7.0-cpeGNU-22.08-parallel.


easyblock = 'PythonPackage'

name = 'h5py'
version = '3.7.0'
versionsuffix = '-parallel'

local_wheel_version = '0.37.1'

homepage = ''

whatis = [
    'Description: the h5py package is a Pythonic interface to the HDF5 binary' 
    'data format.'

description = """
 The h5py package provides both a high- and low-level interface to the HDF5
 library from Python. The low-level interface is intended to be a complete
 wrapping of the HDF5 API, while the high-level component supports access to HDF5
 files, datasets and groups using established Python and NumPy concepts.

 A strong emphasis on automatic conversion between Python (Numpy) datatypes and
 data structures and their HDF5 equivalents vastly simplifies the process of
 reading and writing data from Python.

docurls = ['']
software_license_urls = ['']

toolchain = {'name': 'cpeGNU', 'version': '22.08'}
toolchainopts = {'usempi': True}

sources = [SOURCE_TAR_GZ]
checksums = ['3fcf37884383c5da64846ab510190720027dca0768def34dd8dcb659dbe5cbf3']

builddependencies = [
    ('wheel', local_wheel_version, '-cray-python%(pyshortver)s')

dependencies = [
    ('cray-python',        EXTERNAL_MODULE),
    ('cray-hdf5-parallel', EXTERNAL_MODULE),

use_pip = True
prebuildopts = preinstallopts = 'HDF5_MPI="ON" H5PY_SETUP_REQUIRES=0 '

# sanity checks (import h5py) fails on login nodes (MPI not available)
options = {'modulename': 'os'}

sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': [],
    'dirs': ['lib/python%(pyshortver)s/site-packages/%(name)s']

moduleclass = 'data'

[h5py] [package list]