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[giflib] [package list]

giflib/5.2.1-cpeAOCC-23.12 (giflib-5.2.1-cpeAOCC-23.12.eb)

To access module help and find out for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, use module spider giflib/5.2.1-cpeAOCC-23.12.


easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'

local_giflib_version =       '5.2.1'         #

name =    'giflib'
version = local_giflib_version

homepage = ''

whatis = [
    "Description: giflib is a library for reading and writing gif images compatible with libungif",

description = """
giflib is a library for reading and writing gif images. It is API and ABI
compatible with libungif which was in wide use while the LZW compression
algorithm was patented.

software_license_urls = [

toolchain = {'name': 'cpeAOCC', 'version': '23.12'}
toolchainopts = {'pic': True}

source_urls = [('', 'download')]
sources =     [SOURCE_TAR_GZ]
checksums =   ['31da5562f44c5f15d63340a09a4fd62b48c45620cd302f77a6d9acf0077879bd']

builddependencies = [ # Create a reproducible build environment.
    ('buildtools', '%(toolchain_version)s', '', True),

# No configure
skipsteps = ['configure']

# Doesn't need MPI, ROCm or BLAS, and module unload never fails so this is safe.
prebuildopts = 'module unload cray-libsci cray-mpich rocm xpmem && '
preinstallopts = prebuildopts

# Override CXX and CFLAGS variables from Makefile
buildopts = 'CC="$CC" CFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS"'

# Override PREFIX variable from Makefile
installopts = "PREFIX=%(installdir)s"

postinstallcmds = [
    'mkdir -p %(installdir)s/share/licenses/%(name)s',
    'cp COPYING NEWS README %(installdir)s/share/licenses/%(name)s',   

sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': ['bin/gif%s' %x for x in ['2rgb', 'build', 'clrmp', 'fix', 'text', 'tool']] + 
             ['lib/libgif.%s' % x for x in ['a', SHLIB_EXT]],
    'dirs':  []

# There are several commands but that have no easy options for a sanity check.

moduleclass = 'lib'

[giflib] [package list]