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buildtools-python/22.12-systemPython (buildtools-python-22.12-systemPython.eb)

To access module help and find out for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, use module spider buildtools-python/22.12-systemPython.


# This easyconfig requires at least EasyBuild 3.9.4 due to a bug in the Bundle
# EasyBlock in earlier versions. Or use the patched of
# via --include-easyblocks
# NOTE: This module is developed at UAntwerp
# NOTE: meson, which is included, requires python3 with setuptools installed in the OS.
# It is the first module we compile when starting a new toolchain.
# This bundle collects a number of GNU tools useful during the building process
# and a few other tools.
# We do include a Flex and Bison even though they do contain libraries
# for which some packages may want to use toolchain-specific versions. These
# packages should then just assure that module is loaded after buildtools.
easyblock = 'Bundle'

local_LUMI_version =         '22.12'

name =          'buildtools-python'
version =       local_LUMI_version
versionsuffix = '-systemPython'

local_system_pyshortver = '3.6'

# Version info:
# Note: Meson 0.61.5 is the last version with Python 3.6 support.
local_Meson_version =            '0.61.5'      # Meson      20220117 - Check on
local_SCons_version =            '4.4.0'       # SCons      20220730 - Check on,

homepage = ''

whatis = [
    "Description: An addition to buildtools with tools that require Python."
    "Contains: Meson, SCons, using the Python provided by the OS"

description = """
This bundle collects a number of standard tools that are often needed when
building software. Many of them are GNU tools.
+ Meson %(meson)s                    -
+ SCons %(SCons)s                     -
These tools are all build against the system libraries and system Python and 
have been used to build several of the %(ver)s packages.
""" % {
    'meson'           : local_Meson_version,
    'SCons'           : local_SCons_version,
    'ver'             : version,

toolchain = SYSTEM

dependencies = [ ]

builddependencies = [
    ('buildtools', version),
    #('syslibs',    version, '-static'),
#    ('flex',  local_flex_version),   # For Doxygen
#    ('Bison', local_Bison_version),  # For Doxygen

osdependencies = [
    ('python3'),                                          # For git, Meson, SCons

default_easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'

components = [
    ('Meson', local_Meson_version, { # Does require Ninja
        'easyblock':     'PythonPackage',
        'sources':       [SOURCELOWER_TAR_GZ],
        'source_urls':   [PYPI_SOURCE],
        'checksums':     ['5e9a0d65c1a51936362b9686d1c5e9e184a6fd245d57e7269750ce50c20f5d9a'],
        'start_dir':     '%(namelower)s-%(version)s',
        'req_py_majver': 3, # Used to let EasyBuild select the right system Python executable.
        'req_py_minver': 5, # Used to let EasyBuild select the right system Python executable.
        'options':       {'modulename': 'mesonbuild'}
    ('SCons', local_SCons_version, {
        'easyblock':        'PythonPackage',
        'sources':          [SOURCE_TAR_GZ],
        'source_urls':      [PYPI_SOURCE],
        'checksums':        ['7703c4e9d2200b4854a31800c1dbd4587e1fa86e75f58795c740bcfa7eca7eaa'],
        'start_dir':        '%(name)s-%(version)s',
        'req_py_majver':     3, # Used to let EasyBuild select the right system Python executable.
        'req_py_minver':     5, # Used to let EasyBuild select the right system Python executable.
        'download_dep_fail': True,
        'use_pip':           False,
        'sanity_pip_check':  False,
        'options':           {'modulename': False}
# Additions to consider:
# - GNU coreutils: Not only for building, but several programs are used during the build process of some codes.

#parallel = 1

postinstallcmds = [
    # For make
    'cd %(installdir)s/bin ; ln -s make gmake', # Some programs check for gmake first and fail if that version is too old.
    # For CMake: Remove a dead link from cmake
    'cd %(installdir)s/bin ; rm -f ccmake3',

sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': # Meson
             # SCons
             ['bin/scons', 'bin/sconsign', 'bin/scons-configure-cache'], # scons-time is missing in SCons 4? Strange as there is a manual page for it.
    'dirs':  [],

sanity_check_commands = [
    # Meson
    'meson --version',
    # SCons
    'scons --help',

modextrapaths = {
    'PYTHONPATH': ['lib/python%s/site-packages' % local_system_pyshortver]

# We set EBROOT and EBVERSION variables that correspond to each of the regular
# EasyBuild packages that are replaced by this bundle.
modextravars = {
    'EBROOTMESON':                 '%(installdir)s',
    'EBVERSIONMESON':              local_Meson_version,
    'EBROOTSCONS':                 '%(installdir)s',
    'EBVERSIONSCONS':              local_SCons_version,

moduleclass = 'devel'
modluafooter = """
extensions( "Meson/%(meson)s, SCons/%(SCons)s"
"""  % {
    'meson'           : local_Meson_version,
    'SCons'           : local_SCons_version,

[buildtools-python] [package list]